Study Habits & Strategies: Tips for Upper Level Classes & Graduate School

In summary: My study habits were really reliant on what was going on in my personal life at the time, but I would usually try to squeeze in at least 1-2 hours of studying every day. When it came to studying for exams, I would usually do a lot of cramming the night before and then just try to relax and go with the flow during the exam. I also found that randomly studying during the day helped me remember the material better. I don't really eat breakfast because I'm usually too busy, but I do like to eat lunch and dinner. I usually have an apple and some cheese for lunch, and then either chicken or fish for dinner. I usually study for a couple hours after dinner, then usually go
  • #1
Thought this would be a cool Idea - Everyone post your various study tips and strategies for dealing with upper level classes and graduate school

I love keeping a detailed log of what I plan on doing during the day,I try to keep every hour filled in eve if it is non academic (Weight Lifting, guitar, etc) so that my day always has structure...

9:00-10:00 Calc IV
10:00-11:00 - Calc IV Homework/Review in Library
11:00-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-1:00 -Linear Systems and Signals
1:00-2:00 - Linear Algebra
2:00-6:00 Internship
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:00-8:00 Linear Systems Review
8:00-9:00 Linear Algebra Review

Just a simple rubric like this helps me stay organized, sometimes I don't need as much time and some times I need more

I just thought it would be a cool thread to look at other people academic strategies and habits!
Physics news on
  • #2
My schedule during the last examperiod was:

0900: get up, check the internet, shower
1130: Realize it's only 30 minutes till lunch which is too short to start studying
1200: Lunch
1330: Go to the library
1400: Start studying
1600: Break
1615: Studying
1745: Go home
1800: Dinner
1900: Gym
2100: Realize it's too late to start studying

Result: best grades I've ever had. :')
  • #3
I never had a timetable like this. I would only do one stubject a day, start at 7:30am or 8am, and work until 4-5pm, then go home and play with the missus.

THis worked as long as I gave myself enough time before exams.
  • #4
MrAlt said:
2:00-6:00 Internship

Just out of curiosity, what kind of internship are you doing?
  • #5
Do neither of you eat breakfast?
  • #6
One of my many bad habits is that I don't eat breakfast.
  • #7
Eat breakfast, get to classes and whenever you have a break study. Get back home at the end of the day and study some more. My lunch was generally an apple and maybe a piece of sharp cheddar, so that left me a bit more study time near mid-day.

Study habits were really dependent on personal habits/schedule for me. YMMV, but I did quite well with just a bit of discipline. I made a lot of my pocket money (and some for general expenses) playing music for frat parties on weekends. I also bought, restored, and resold electric guitars and tube amps, but those activities were not so time-dependent and I could use those to "fill in". My study habits/expenses were somewhat like a slalom course - take what you get and roll with it.
  • #8
This summer term: I eat breakfast, go to class, eat lunch, go to class, spend a few hours at the library (usually until 6-7 PM), then head home, eat dinner and spend time with my fiancee. After she goes to bed, I'll study/review a little bit more if necessary, otherwise I'll relax and play a video game or something. This next term, I'm looking to add some regular exercise to my schedule, probably some time in the morning before I head off to class. My fall classes start around 10 AM, so I'll have plenty of time to eat and exercise before they begin.

I try to be efficient with my study time so I can enjoy having fun outdoors on the weekends. The crazy wildfires here are making that difficult right now, however! I'm not too concerned with structuring my days around any particular schedule, as long as I can get everything done and done well. Any time beyond that is fair game to get ahead in my studies, relax, have fun, or sit in a chair and stare.
  • #9
Most of my commutes to school are about 10 mins by bus or so. I have also excluded the time I will spend in multivariable calculus because the classes are full and I'm trying to get in by special permission.

This is a loosely based schedule, overall I have a set goal of hours that I would like to study each week -- so my aim is to adjust accordingly from day to day depending on what comes up.

Wake up at 8:30am
Eat/review/get ready
Intro LA at 10:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Break - Relax / study
Computing for Math & Science 3:20pm - 4:20pm
Computing for Math & Science 5:15 - 6:10 pm
Comp-based Experimentation 6:40pm - 9:30 pm
Study , eat, then sleep at 12:00

Today is my study marathon day. :D
Martial Arts 9:00 - 11:00 pm

Wake up at 8:30
Classical Mechanics I 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Computing Math/Science 3:20 - 4:40pm
Computer - based Experimentation 8:10PM - 9:30PM
Study, eat, then sleep at 12:00

Wake at 8:30
Intro LA 10:20am - 11:40am
Table Tennis 7:45pm-9:30pm
Relax, eat, & sleep

Wake up at 8:30
Student in Transition class
Classical Mechanics I 1:40pm - 3:00 pm

Study then hang out whenever

Martial Arts
4:00 - 6:00 pm
  • #10
Some of you guys have really regular study schedules. I just kind of studied whenever. During the day I went to class and pretty much spent all day on campus. During breaks I mostly hung out with my friends and we talked about math a lot - which probably did add up to a good amount of extra knowledge.

I studied in the evenings - I sometimes start around 8 and go until about 2 am if I get really excited.

Related to Study Habits & Strategies: Tips for Upper Level Classes & Graduate School

1. What are some effective study habits for upper level classes and graduate school?

Effective study habits for upper level classes and graduate school include creating a study schedule, breaking up studying into smaller chunks, using active learning strategies, seeking help from professors or tutors, and staying organized with notes and materials.

2. How can I improve my time management skills for studying in upper level classes and graduate school?

To improve time management skills for studying, it is important to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and eliminate distractions. Additionally, using time management tools such as calendars or study planners can help keep track of assignments and deadlines.

3. What are the benefits of creating a study group for upper level classes and graduate school?

Creating a study group for upper level classes and graduate school can provide numerous benefits such as sharing knowledge and resources, providing motivation and accountability, and offering different perspectives and study strategies. It can also help develop teamwork and communication skills.

4. How can I effectively study for exams in upper level classes and graduate school?

To effectively study for exams, it is important to review lecture notes and materials regularly, create study guides or flashcards, and practice with past exams or sample questions. It can also be helpful to study with a partner or in a group to discuss and reinforce key concepts.

5. What are some strategies for managing stress and avoiding burnout in upper level classes and graduate school?

To manage stress and avoid burnout in upper level classes and graduate school, it is important to prioritize self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. It can also be helpful to take breaks and engage in stress-relieving activities, and to seek support from peers, professors, or a counselor if needed.

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