Study of brane decay that results in a brane/antibrane pair ?

In summary: The second thing to consider is the electrodynamic attraction between the branes. Recall that the electric fields of the strings will cause an force between the charges on the branes. This force can be thought of as a vector and it will cause the branes to move towards each other. If the branes are of different masses then the collision will cause them to merge and form a new brane with the mass of the combined branes.
  • #1
Johnny R
study of brane decay that results in a brane/antibrane "pair"?

I have heard of anti-branes and have a few questions. Has there to anyone's knowledge been any study of brane decay that results in a brane/antibrane "pair"? Is such theoretically possible?
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  • #2
Since no one seems to have any information on the subject, I would like to asked for others input into a subject I have pondered for some time now.

I envisioned long ago a homogenous brane that filled space similar to what these distinguished scholors are hypothesizing:

But unlike the decay being into billions of closed strings, I envision a decay of this space-filling infinate brane into two oppositely charged branes that collide due to electrodynamic attraction. Which yeilds this...

These two branes must have had differing electromagnetic frequencies or else they would have moved through one another. Or some form of geometical difference that would produce friction.

I do not have any firm resolve as to what the annihilation produces, my guess would be given the limitations of c, any annihilation would produce particle like formations. How these particles interact with the local energy of the two brains would also generate unique particles

Please, comments and criticisms of the idea are highly encouraged.
  • #3
I didn´t read any technichal paper about the ekirotropic scenary, only readed descriptive posts about it.

Out of that scenary I can say a few things, but I can´t claim to be an expert. First recall what an antibrane is. One one side an antibrane would a brane with oposite orientantion. If we consider the branes as belonging to type II theory that d-branes, if stable, would be charged under the antisymmetric R-R fields of the strings with the same,but oposite in sing, charges. Like the net charge of the brane + antibrane is 0 ths system could anhilate.

I must say that these description of what an antibrane is I guess that must be related to taking the oposite sign in time in the Dirac-born-Infield action which describes the brane (which in las instance describe the bran in terms of the open string which ends on that brane) but I naver have seen the expliti construction nor I have tried myself the explicit calculations.

FAQ: Study of brane decay that results in a brane/antibrane pair ?

1. What is a "brane/antibrane pair"?

A brane/antibrane pair refers to two parallel branes (hypersurfaces) in a higher-dimensional space that are separated by a tiny distance, known as the brane separation. One brane is a normal brane, while the other is an antibrane, which has opposite charge to the normal brane. Together, they form a bound state that can decay through a process known as brane decay.

2. What is the study of brane decay?

The study of brane decay involves understanding the dynamics and consequences of the decay process that occurs between a brane and an antibrane. This process is important in theoretical physics, as it helps us understand the behavior of higher-dimensional spaces and the interactions between different types of branes.

3. How does brane decay result in a brane/antibrane pair?

Brane decay occurs when the energy of a brane/antibrane pair exceeds its binding energy. This results in the pair being pulled apart and the formation of two separate branes, one of which is a normal brane and the other is an antibrane. The brane separation between the two is determined by the amount of excess energy and the brane tension, which is a fundamental property of the brane.

4. What are some potential consequences of brane decay?

The consequences of brane decay can vary depending on the specific scenario, but some potential consequences include the production of particles, the creation of new branes and antibranes, and the deformation of the higher-dimensional space. Studying these consequences can provide insights into the nature of our universe and the fundamental laws of physics.

5. How is the study of brane decay relevant to real-world applications?

While the study of brane decay is primarily theoretical, it has potential implications for understanding the behavior of the universe on a fundamental level. Additionally, some practical applications of brane decay could include the production of exotic particles and the potential for new technologies based on higher-dimensional spaces. However, much more research is needed in this field before any practical applications can be fully explored.

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