Studying ADM Formalism for Gravity Theories

In summary, ADM formalism is a mathematical framework used to study gravity theories, specifically those based on general relativity. It allows for a more intuitive understanding of the dynamics of these theories and makes it easier to apply mathematical techniques. It is used in a variety of research areas and has limitations in studying non-stationary spacetimes or complex systems. Current developments involve using ADM formalism to study theories beyond general relativity and combining it with other frameworks to understand the behavior of gravity at the quantum level.
  • #1
Dear All
I am interested in studying the ADM formalism for gravity theories. After finding the momentum and getting rid of the time derivative variables ,One of the steps is to write the hamiltonian as sum of 2 parts of coefficients the lapse and shift functions repectively H= N H_t + N_i H_i.
My question is that what if the Hamiltonian is not linear in N and N_i.?
\Thank you
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  • #2
for your interest in studying the ADM formalism for gravity theories. The Hamiltonian in the ADM formalism is typically written as a sum of two parts, the lapse and shift functions, as you have mentioned. However, it is possible for the Hamiltonian to not be linear in these functions.

In such cases, the ADM formalism may not be applicable and alternative approaches may need to be considered. One potential solution is to use a different set of variables that can capture the nonlinearity of the Hamiltonian.

Another option is to explore different formalisms for gravity theories, such as the Palatini formalism or the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, which may be better suited for non-linear Hamiltonians.

In any case, it is important to carefully consider the implications of a non-linear Hamiltonian and to thoroughly analyze its consequences for the theory being studied. I wish you the best of luck in your research.

FAQ: Studying ADM Formalism for Gravity Theories

1. What is ADM formalism for gravity theories?

ADM formalism is a mathematical framework used to study gravity theories, specifically those based on general relativity. It was developed by physicists Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner (ADM) in the 1960s. It involves breaking down the spacetime into space and time components, and using these components to describe the dynamics of gravity.

2. What are the advantages of using ADM formalism?

ADM formalism allows for a more intuitive understanding of the dynamics of gravity theories. It also makes it easier to apply mathematical techniques such as variational calculus to study these theories. Additionally, it allows for the formulation of boundary conditions and the study of the behavior of gravity at the boundaries of spacetime.

3. How is ADM formalism used in research?

ADM formalism is used in a variety of research areas, including cosmology, black hole physics, and quantum gravity. It provides a powerful tool for studying the dynamics of gravity and making predictions about the behavior of spacetime under different conditions.

4. Are there any limitations to using ADM formalism?

One limitation of ADM formalism is that it is most useful for studying stationary spacetimes, where the geometry does not change over time. It can also be challenging to apply to systems with complex boundaries or multiple matter fields.

5. What are some current developments in studying ADM formalism?

There is ongoing research in using ADM formalism to study theories beyond general relativity, such as modified gravity theories. There is also interest in combining ADM formalism with other mathematical frameworks, such as gauge theory, to better understand the behavior of gravity at the quantum level.

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