Studying Engineering and Management at a German Hochschule

In summary: Ultimately, it is important to do some research and speak with professionals in the industry to get a better understanding of the potential job opportunities available to you with this degree.In summary, the conversation revolves around the acceptance of an individual into a German University of Applied Sciences for the degree "Engineering and Management." The individual is seeking advice on whether this program would be enough to secure a job in a managerial position and potentially pursue a masters in aerospace engineering. They also inquire about the reputation of FH graduates and the types of jobs they can obtain with this degree. Overall, it seems like the university of applied sciences could be a good option for the individual, providing them with a diverse set of skills and potential job opportunities in engineering, IT, and business.
  • #1

I have been recently accepted into a German University of applied sciences for the degree "Engineering and management" at THI.

I want to do the program however my relative is telling me since its a university of applied sciences I should not. I know the program is not a pure engineering program nor a business/management one but it should be enough to get me a job in a managerial position right, and if need be go for a masters without too much of a headache?

I just wanted to know what everyones opinions are on this university and the program. Should I go for this? I have just finished school and am looking for a career either in engineering/IT (which this should be good enough for right?) or in business. It's not accredited but the classes are the same as the one for accredited courses, I really would like to work in something related to aircraft/aero. My knowledge of careers is limited but I wanted to do aerospace engineering.

Im just looking for some genuine advice as all I got from my relative is hate (he studies at an "elite" german university).

Would it be possible to go for a masters in aero with this program? I haven't emailed anyone asking about this but itd be nice to take your opinions.
Are FH grads looked down upon?
Anyone study in Germany and know of this UAS?
What specific types of jobs would I be able to get?

be grateful for any help
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  • #2
. Thanks!It is difficult to give a definitive answer because everyone's experience with universities is different. However, based on what you have described, it seems like this university of applied sciences could be a great option for you. It would provide you with the technical skills and knowledge to work in engineering or IT, while also allowing you to explore management or business related fields. This could potentially open up more job opportunities for you in the future.In terms of going for a masters in aerospace engineering, it is certainly possible. Many universities offer masters degrees in aerospace engineering and you can use the skills and knowledge gained from your bachelor's degree to help you excel in this field.FH graduates are generally not looked down upon, as long as they have received a good education and have achieved good grades during their studies. FH graduates are often highly sought after by employers due to their practical skills and ability to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.It is difficult to say what specific types of jobs you may be able to get with this degree. Depending on the type of modules you take and the career you decide to pursue, there may be a variety of options available to you. You may be able to get a job in engineering, IT, or even business, depending on your interests and aspirations.

Related to Studying Engineering and Management at a German Hochschule

1. What is the difference between studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule compared to a traditional university?

There are a few key differences between studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule and a traditional university. One of the main differences is the focus on practical, hands-on learning at a Hochschule, as opposed to a more theoretical approach in traditional universities. Additionally, Hochschulen often have smaller class sizes and offer more individualized attention from professors. Finally, the curriculum at a Hochschule is often more specialized and industry-focused, preparing students for specific careers in engineering and management.

2. What are the benefits of studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule?

Studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule has numerous benefits. One of the main advantages is the close relationship between Hochschulen and industry, providing students with opportunities for internships, practical projects, and networking. Additionally, the practical approach to learning at a Hochschule can lead to better job prospects and a smoother transition into the workforce. Finally, studying at a Hochschule in Germany can be more affordable compared to traditional universities, as many programs do not charge tuition fees.

3. Are there any language requirements for studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule?

Most Hochschulen in Germany offer programs in English, so a high level of proficiency in English is typically required for international students. However, some programs may also require knowledge of the German language, as it may be necessary for internships or working in certain industries. It is important to check the specific language requirements for the program you are interested in applying to.

4. Are there any specific admission requirements for studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule?

Admission requirements for studying engineering and management at a German Hochschule vary depending on the institution and program. However, most programs require a high school diploma or equivalent, as well as proficiency in English. Some programs may also require specific subjects or grades in certain subjects, such as mathematics or physics. It is important to check the specific admission requirements for the program you are interested in.

5. Can international students work while studying at a German Hochschule?

Yes, international students are allowed to work part-time while studying at a German Hochschule. However, there are restrictions on the number of hours per week that students can work, and work permits may be required for non-EU/EEA students. It is important to check with the specific Hochschule and the German authorities for the most up-to-date information on working while studying in Germany.

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