Stupid question - how does fission bomb get initial neutron?

In summary: This is the type of nuclear device that is used in bombs. It's not very efficient. Most modern nuclear devices are implosion devices, where a ball of fissile material is uniformly explosively compressed and achieves neutron multiplication factors of about 2.
  • #1
OK, I understand the idea of neutron bombardment of fissile material causing the nuclei of this material to split, thereby releasing more than 1 neutron, which then go on to bombard other nuclei, such that if more than 1 neutron per reaction ends up causing further reactions, the rate of reactions grow exponentially. I also understand that this very key chain factor (or whatever it's called) depends on the shape of the material body, as it is more likely that neutrons will escape a small body than a large body, and that for a given shape type (typically a sphere as it is the most efficient), there is a minimum size (or alternatively mass) that yields this chain factor as 1, which when using the mass as the parameter for a spherical shape is called the "critical mass" - and that a bomb is set up such that there are wedges of the sphere that are kept separate, and thus with a net chain factor of less than 1, keeping the bomb from prematurely exploding, and then for the detonation the wedges are carefully shot together creating a single spherical shape that has enough mass together than the chain factor goes above 1, thereby yielding a quick exponentially growing chain reaction. I also know that to assist with keeping neutrons from escaping there is a coat of material outside of the sphere that helps to reflect neutrons that might otherwise escape, thereby making it possible for a lower critical mass than what would need to be without such a coat.

But looking at Pu-239, the natural radioactivity is alpha decay, not neutron decay (something that doesn't even seem to be a natural form of radioactive decay). So I could see a body of Pu-239 shooting off alpha particles, but where does that initial neutron come from? Is it that although the standard radioactivity is via alpha particle release, a small portion will actually be via neutron release? Is it that an alpha particle will sometimes react with a Pu-239 nucleus and release that first neutron? Is that cosmic rays or whatever that are everywhere on Earth are always generating a few neutrons? Is it that a bomb has some special neutron source?
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  • #3
swampwiz said:
OK, I understand the idea of neutron bombardment of fissile material causing the nuclei of this material to split, thereby releasing more than 1 neutron, which then go on to bombard other nuclei, such that if more than 1 neutron per reaction ends up causing further reactions, the rate of reactions grow exponentially. I also understand that this very key chain factor (or whatever it's called) depends on the shape of the material body, as it is more likely that neutrons will escape a small body than a large body, and that for a given shape type (typically a sphere as it is the most efficient), there is a minimum size (or alternatively mass) that yields this chain factor as 1, which when using the mass as the parameter for a spherical shape is called the "critical mass" - and that a bomb is set up such that there are wedges of the sphere that are kept separate, and thus with a net chain factor of less than 1, keeping the bomb from prematurely exploding, and then for the detonation the wedges are carefully shot together creating a single spherical shape that has enough mass together than the chain factor goes above 1, thereby yielding a quick exponentially growing chain reaction. I also know that to assist with keeping neutrons from escaping there is a coat of material outside of the sphere that helps to reflect neutrons that might otherwise escape, thereby making it possible for a lower critical mass than what would need to be without such a coat.

That's a "gun-type" nuclear device. It is not used now, it's quite inefficient. Implosion devices are commonly used now, where a ball of fissile material is uniformly explosively compressed and achieves neutron multiplication factors of about 2.

But looking at Pu-239, the natural radioactivity is alpha decay, not neutron decay (something that doesn't even seem to be a natural form of radioactive decay). So I could see a body of Pu-239 shooting off alpha particles, but where does that initial neutron come from?

"Neutron" decay does exist. It's spontaneous fission. And in many cases, you would have hard time purifying your U or Pu to get rid of isotopes which have too high rate of spontaneous fission to have a usable nuclear device. This is what makes reactor-grade Pu almost unusable for bombs - it has Pu-240, which has high rate of SF, which would make nuclear-device predetonate and fizzle.

"Gun-type" nuclear devices are much more susceptible to predetonation, since assembly time for them is not as fast as for implosion devices.

Thus, there _are_ free neutrons from SF in the bomb all the time, a nuclear device can be made which would explode without special neutron source. However, having neutron source makes it more reliable, and yield more predictable.
  • #4
nikkkom said:
That's a "gun-type" nuclear device. It is not used now, it's quite inefficient.
It is impossible for plutonium. And the reason is the spontaneous fission you mentioned.

Gun-type weapons only work with uranium, and even there the risk of an early neutron is high. Little Boy, the Hiroshima bomb, used it, but with ~10% risk of an early neutron reducing the yield. Today this design is not used any more. Well, maybe North Korea uses it, who knows. It is easier to build.
  • #5
mfb said:
It is impossible for plutonium. And the reason is the spontaneous fission you mentioned.

Gun-type weapons only work with uranium, and even there the risk of an early neutron is high.

With very pure U-235, the neutron flux is so low, "gun-type" device would work even with insertion velocities of some 10 m/s. No actual "gun" (accelerations to hundreds of m/s) necessary for assembly. This makes very pure U-235 especially worrisome material as proliferation concern.
  • #6
You need ~98% purity until U-238 neutrons become less frequent than U-235 neutrons. Is there an application for kilograms of 98% enriched uranium?
  • #7
U-235 has a bare metal sphere critical mass of around 50 kg, and spontaneous fission rate of about 0,16 fissions/kg/s, meaning about 8 fissions/sec
U-233 has a bare metal sphere critical mass of around 15 kg, and spontaneous fission rate of about 0,47 fissions/kg/s, meaning about 7 fissions/sec.
So a U-233 core is as viable for low insertion speed explosion as a U-235 core... much more so, in fact.
If you want to assemble a critical mass 1/3 that of an U-235 core in the same time, because your core has roughly 1/3 the volume, it has about 3-⅓ times the linear size and thus distance for insertion. Assuming same time, the velocity needed for insertion is also 3-⅓ times, and the kinetic energy to be conferred per unit mass is thus 9-⅓ times. Since the mass itself is 1/3 times that of U-235, the total kinetic energy needed is 243-⅓ times that needed for U-235, meaning less than 1/6.
As we see above, the time needed is not quite equal, but you can see the logic.
Who are likely to have produced or be producing large amounts of high purity U-233, suitable for low insertion speed explosion?

Related to Stupid question - how does fission bomb get initial neutron?

1. How does a fission bomb get its initial neutron?

The initial neutron in a fission bomb is created through a process called initiation or triggering. This is typically done by using a small amount of a radioactive material, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, which releases neutrons as it undergoes radioactive decay. These neutrons then collide with the nuclei of other atoms, initiating a chain reaction that leads to the explosion of the bomb.

2. What is the role of the initial neutron in a fission bomb?

The initial neutron in a fission bomb is crucial in initiating the chain reaction that leads to the explosion. Without this neutron, the bomb would not be able to generate the energy and force needed for a nuclear explosion. It essentially acts as a catalyst for the entire process.

3. How is the initial neutron controlled in a fission bomb?

The initial neutron in a fission bomb is controlled through various methods, such as using a neutron reflector or moderator. These materials are used to either slow down or reflect the neutrons, which helps regulate the speed of the chain reaction. Control rods made of materials like cadmium or boron are also used to absorb excess neutrons and prevent the reaction from becoming too intense.

4. Can a fission bomb function without an initial neutron?

No, a fission bomb cannot function without an initial neutron. As mentioned before, the initial neutron is crucial in initiating the chain reaction that leads to the explosion. Without this neutron, the bomb would essentially be rendered useless and unable to generate the energy needed for a nuclear explosion.

5. How does the energy from the initial neutron lead to a nuclear explosion?

When the initial neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom, it causes the atom to split, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation. This energy then triggers a chain reaction, as the split atoms release more neutrons that go on to collide with other atoms, creating a self-sustaining chain reaction. This rapid release of energy is what leads to the powerful explosion of a fission bomb.

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