SU(2) symmetric/antisymmetric combination using young tableaux

In summary, the conversation discusses how to construct states that are symmetric or anti-symmetric combinations. It also touches on the calculation of non-vanishing independent indices and the use of CG table to determine the value of a state. The speaker expresses confusion and asks for clarification on their calculations.
  • #1
I am pretty confused about how to construct states to make symmetric / anti-symmetric combination so I would like to ask some questions.

For example, for SU(2), states of three spin-half particles can be decomposed as 2 x 2 x 2 = 4 + 2 + 2, 3 irreducible combination with dim 4, 2, 2.

-if I combine three boxes in a row(in young tableaux), making a total symmetric combination,
then [[a, b], c] = (ab + ba) c + c (ab + ba) = abc + bac + bac + cba (right?) (here the large bracket represents symmetric index)
And there should be four in general non-vanishing independent index: 111, 112=211, 221=122, 222(right?)
But as I see, [[1,1],2] != [[1,2],1] for [[1,1],2] = 112 + 112 + 211 + 211 while [[1,2],1] = 121 + 211 + 112 + 121 and [[2,2],1] != [[1,2],2] for similar reason. (it's because c is symmetric only with [a, b], not with the individual a and b). So there seems to be six non-vanishing index.
I wonder what is wrong with my calculation.

-And as I understand, [{a, b}, c] = (ab - ba) c + c(ab - ba) can have two non-vanishing index:
[{1, 2}, 1], [{1, 2}, 2]
And for {[a, b], c} = (ab + ba) c - c (ab + ba), there are two independent non-vanishing index:
{[1,1],2}, {[2,2],1} (or equivalently {[1,2],2})
Is this correct?

-And if I calculate {[1,1],2} of |+>|->|+>, it's 0. But as I calculated directly using CG table, |+>|->|+> is a part of the state whose {[1,1],2} only is 1. So I guess it shouldn't be zero. Is something wrong with this?

Actually there are many other things I get confused but first I would like to know these and then figure out the next.

Thank you very much.
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  • #2
You wrote:
-if I combine three boxes in a row(in young tableaux), making a total symmetric combination,
then [[a, b], c] = (ab + ba) c + c (ab + ba) = abc + bac + bac + bca (right?)

First you should explain your nomenclature. The brackets, are they anti-commutators?
Why should a totally symmetric representation have the form of the multiple anti-commutators in the form given by you? I also don't understand the right hand side of your equation. I get
abc+bac+cab+cba, so the c never stands in the middle position. Hence it cannot be a totally symmetric combination.
  • #3
You are right. They are my mistakes and I corrected them. But I still don't understand. I'll really appreciate if u can give me some hints.
  • #4
Hm, but you still did not explain why you think that a totally symmetric Young tableaux should have to do anything with [[a, b], c].

FAQ: SU(2) symmetric/antisymmetric combination using young tableaux

1. What is SU(2) symmetry?

SU(2) symmetry is a type of symmetry found in physics that describes the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It is based on the special unitary group SU(2) which is a mathematical group used to describe the symmetry of quantum systems.

2. What is a symmetric combination using young tableaux?

A symmetric combination using young tableaux is a mathematical method used to organize and visualize particles that have SU(2) symmetry. It involves arranging particles into rows and columns in a table, with each row representing a certain quantum state and each column representing a certain particle state.

3. What is an antisymmetric combination using young tableaux?

An antisymmetric combination using young tableaux is a mathematical method used to organize and visualize particles that have SU(2) symmetry. It involves arranging particles into rows and columns in a table, with each row representing a certain quantum state and each column representing a certain particle state. However, in this case, the particles must have opposite spin values in each row.

4. How is SU(2) symmetry related to young tableaux?

SU(2) symmetry is related to young tableaux in that it is used as a tool to understand and analyze the symmetry of quantum systems. Young tableaux provide a way to organize and visualize particles with SU(2) symmetry, making it easier to study their properties and interactions.

5. What are some applications of SU(2) symmetric/antisymmetric combination using young tableaux?

The SU(2) symmetric/antisymmetric combination using young tableaux method has various applications in physics, particularly in the study of subatomic particles. It is used to understand the behavior and interactions of particles in quantum systems, and has been applied in fields such as particle physics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics.
