SU(2) symmetry of the ammonia molecule?

In summary, the ammonia molecule exhibits SU(2) symmetry due to its tetrahedral structure and the presence of four identical hydrogen atoms. This symmetry allows for the interchanging of the hydrogen atoms without changing the overall state of the molecule, making it a useful tool in understanding molecular properties and reactions.
  • #1
I'm an undergraduate taking the basic quantum classes and on my own, I'm trying to wrap my mind around how symmetry and group theory applies in Q.M. and theoretical physics in general; it's coming along slowly but surely!

Can someone please explain why the ammonia molecule is said to exhibit SU(2) symmetry? I can't imagine how the two symmetric states of ammonia have anything to do with the group of 2x2 complex unitary matrices of det=1.

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  • #2
Where did you hear that?
  • #3
Can someone please explain why the ammonia molecule is said to exhibit SU(2) symmetry? I can't imagine how the two symmetric states of ammonia have anything to do with the group of 2x2 complex unitary matrices of det=1.
The ammonia molecule has two states, the first one |1> in which the N is above the three H's, the other one |2> where the N is below them. Both states have the same energy E (two-fold degeneracy).

Moreover, any orthogonal linear combinations of |1> and |2> will also have the same energy E. The linear combinations can have complex coefficients, but must preserve the norm of the state. In other words, the most general state with energy E is given by U|ψ> where U is a 2x2 matrix and <ψ|UU|ψ> = 1. That is, U is unitary. But the U(2) symmetry is actually SU(2) since one of the transformations just adds a phase factor, which doesn't count!
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  • #4
Ah, so why is that considered a "symmetry?" I always thought a symmetry was of the form: "_____ is left invariant upon action by ____" What is being left invariant? Just the amplitudes?
  • #5
I ask again - where did you see that?

You're asking us to explain something that we can't see. This is not going to go well. Bill has a very good answer, but I could just as easily argue that the symmetry group is Z2. We need context.
  • #6
When I think of the symmetry of ammonia, I think [itex] C_{3v} [/itex].

Clarification would certainly help.
  • #8
Jorriss said:
When I think of the symmetry of ammonia, I think [itex] C_{3v} [/itex].

Clarification would certainly help.

That's only the approximate point group symmetry of the ammonia molecule which would hold if it were rigid. However, as there is an inversion mode where the N can swing through the plane formed by the H atoms one has to consider the full molecular symmetry group which is a subgroup of the complete nuclear permutation and inversion group (CNPI). In the context of the OP this is not too relevant. It is all about the approximate degeneracy of the symmetric and antisymmetric eigenstates of the inversion mode. If these where really degenerate, there would be an additional SU(2) symmetry, as Bill_K already explained. It is a very old discussion why superpositions of configurations are seldomly observed, especially of enantiomeric states: look out for "Hund's paradox".
  • #9
The ammonia molecule has two states, the first one |1> in which the N is above the three H's, the other one |2> where the N is below them. Both states have the same energy E (two-fold degeneracy).
this is probably treated in feynman lectures quantum mechanics,where he has chosen the above ones as two base states.
  • #10
This inversion mode of the ammonia molecule has been studied intensively as it forms the basis of the ammonia maser. One interesting point is that the inversion mode only relates two different states for certain values of the sum of the spins of the three hydrogen atoms (S=1/2). This spin state can be obtained in two different ways, either coupling atom 1 and two into a singlet or coupling 1 and 3 into a singlet (other possibilities can be expressed as a linear combination of the two). The inversion will interconvert these two states

Related to SU(2) symmetry of the ammonia molecule?

1. What is SU(2) symmetry?

SU(2) symmetry refers to the symmetry group of special unitary transformations in a two-dimensional complex vector space. It is a fundamental symmetry in quantum mechanics and is often used to describe the behavior of elementary particles.

2. What does SU(2) symmetry have to do with the ammonia molecule?

The ammonia molecule has a tetrahedral molecular geometry, which can be described using SU(2) symmetry. This symmetry allows for a more accurate description of the molecule's properties, such as its energy levels and transition probabilities.

3. How is SU(2) symmetry related to the vibrational modes of the ammonia molecule?

The vibrational modes of the ammonia molecule can be represented as a combination of two symmetrical and two antisymmetrical modes, which correspond to the two-dimensional representation of SU(2) symmetry. This allows for a more efficient description of the molecule's vibrational behavior.

4. Can SU(2) symmetry be broken in the ammonia molecule?

Yes, SU(2) symmetry can be broken in the ammonia molecule under certain conditions, such as changes in temperature or pressure. This can lead to changes in the molecule's properties, such as its energy levels and transition probabilities.

5. How does understanding SU(2) symmetry help in studying the properties of the ammonia molecule?

Understanding SU(2) symmetry allows for a more accurate and efficient description of the properties of the ammonia molecule. This can help in predicting and understanding its behavior in different conditions, and can also aid in the development of new technologies and applications that involve ammonia.

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