SU(5) model, gauge boson decay

In summary, the minimal SU(5) model predicts CP violation in the decay of a heavy SU(5) gauge boson X at the tenth order of perturbation theory. This is explained in a paper by Mukhanov, where it is shown that the diagrams involved are complex and involve fundamental scalars coupled to quarks. The lowest order diagram is 2-loop, but it gives a purely real contribution. The 3-loop and 4-loop diagrams also result in real contributions, but the 5-loop diagrams give a complex phase and contribute to CP violation. The paper is available for further reference.
  • #1
I am reading Mukhanov's 'Physical Foundations of Cosmology'. He claims that in the minimal SU(5) model, CP violation of a heavy SU(5) gauge boson X decay arises at the tenth order of perturbation theory.

Is that correct? The tenth order perturbation theory would lead to a very complicated diagram and why one loop correction doesn't contribute?

Btw, what confuses me is on page 212.

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  • #2
The result is explained in, section 6.3 (there's a scanned version available from KEK at the bottom of that page). It's fairly complicated, but I can try to give a bit of an outline. First of all, any CP violation will come from complex Yukawa couplings, since the gauge couplings are chosen to be real in minimal SU(5). So the diagrams we want are ones containing fundamental scalars coupled to quarks. In particular, we need diagrams that contribute a complex contribution to [itex] S \leftrightarrow \bar{S}[/itex]. These are obtained by sewing the types of diagrams (tree+1-loop, but with the gauge field [itex]X[/itex] replaced by the scalar [itex]S[/itex]) that Mukhanov displays together on the quark lines.

The lowest order diagram is therefore 2-loop order, but as they explain, it involves a purely real combination of Yukawa matrices. The 3-loop diagrams cannot contribute, since the addition of a single internal scalar line to the previous diagrams converts an external [itex]S[/itex] to an [itex]\bar{S}[/itex] (or vice versa). The 4-loop diagrams also give a real combination of Yukawas. Finally, the 5-loop graphs do in fact contribute a complex phase. Note, if you happen to look at the paper, the authors don't bother to draw in the external scalar lines in their diagrams. Putting these in makes the 5-loop diagrams 10th order in perturbation theory.
  • #3
fzero said:
The result is explained in, section 6.3 (there's a scanned version available from KEK at the bottom of that page). It's fairly complicated, but I can try to give a bit of an outline. First of all, any CP violation will come from complex Yukawa couplings, since the gauge couplings are chosen to be real in minimal SU(5). So the diagrams we want are ones containing fundamental scalars coupled to quarks. In particular, we need diagrams that contribute a complex contribution to [itex] S \leftrightarrow \bar{S}[/itex]. These are obtained by sewing the types of diagrams (tree+1-loop, but with the gauge field [itex]X[/itex] replaced by the scalar [itex]S[/itex]) that Mukhanov displays together on the quark lines.

The lowest order diagram is therefore 2-loop order, but as they explain, it involves a purely real combination of Yukawa matrices. The 3-loop diagrams cannot contribute, since the addition of a single internal scalar line to the previous diagrams converts an external [itex]S[/itex] to an [itex]\bar{S}[/itex] (or vice versa). The 4-loop diagrams also give a real combination of Yukawas. Finally, the 5-loop graphs do in fact contribute a complex phase. Note, if you happen to look at the paper, the authors don't bother to draw in the external scalar lines in their diagrams. Putting these in makes the 5-loop diagrams 10th order in perturbation theory.
Thanks. I got it.

FAQ: SU(5) model, gauge boson decay

1. What is the SU(5) model?

The SU(5) model is a type of Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that describes the interactions between elementary particles and their corresponding forces. It is based on the special unitary group SU(5), which is a mathematical symmetry group.

2. What are gauge bosons?

Gauge bosons are elementary particles that mediate the fundamental forces in nature, such as the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces. In the SU(5) model, there are 24 gauge bosons, including the photon, W and Z bosons, and gluons.

3. How does the SU(5) model explain the decay of gauge bosons?

The SU(5) model predicts that gauge bosons can decay into other particles in order to conserve energy and momentum. This decay process is described by the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED) and is essential for understanding the behavior of subatomic particles.

4. What is the significance of gauge boson decay in the SU(5) model?

The decay of gauge bosons is significant because it allows for the exchange of energy and momentum between particles. This exchange is crucial for the stability and interactions of matter and is essential for the behavior of particles in the early universe.

5. How does the SU(5) model relate to other theories, such as the Standard Model?

The SU(5) model is a type of GUT, which attempts to unify the three fundamental forces in the Standard Model (electromagnetic, weak, and strong) into one single force. While the SU(5) model is not a complete theory, it provides a framework for understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions at high energies.

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