Sub-Category of Short Exact Sequences - Bland pages 85-86

In summary: Your Name]In summary, Bland discusses forming a new category \mathscr{C} using short exact sequences from \text{Mod}_R as objects. This means that the objects of \mathscr{C} are not individual modules, but rather sequences of modules. The class \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E} refers to the set of all short exact sequences in \text{Mod}_R. By letting this class be the objects of \mathscr{C}, we are essentially saying that the objects of \mathscr{C} are short exact sequences, with each element of the sequence being a module from \text{Mod}_R.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules".

I am trying to understand Section 3.2 on exact sequences in \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R\) and need help with the notion of the class \(\displaystyle \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E}\) of short exact sequences in the category \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \).

The subsection of Bland on the topic of short exact sequences in the category \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) reads as follows:View attachment 3622
View attachment 3623In the above text, Bland writes:

The category \(\displaystyle \mathscr{C}\) can be formed by letting the class \(\displaystyle \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E}\) of short exact sequences in \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) be the objects of \(\displaystyle \mathscr{C}\).

I do not follow this section of text, since the objects of \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) are modules not short exact sequences ... so the how can Bland talk about the class \(\displaystyle \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E}\) of short exact sequences in \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) ... ...

Can someone please clarify this situation?


I know think that my problem results from a simple misunderstanding of Bland's sentence:

"The category \(\displaystyle \mathscr{C}\) can be formed by letting the class \(\displaystyle \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E}\) of short exact sequences in \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) be the objects of \(\displaystyle \mathscr{C}\)."Bland is forming a new category of short exact sequences - where the elements of the short exact sequence are modules (and hence from the category \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R \) - BUT the objects are short exact sequences ...

Simple misunderstanding ... solved ...

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  • #2

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your question. It seems like your confusion stems from a misunderstanding of Bland's statement about forming a category based on short exact sequences in \text{Mod}_R. Allow me to clarify this for you.

Firstly, in the category \text{Mod}_R, the objects are modules and the morphisms are module homomorphisms. However, as Bland points out, we can also form a new category, denoted by \mathscr{C}, where the objects are short exact sequences and the morphisms are morphisms of short exact sequences. This means that the objects in this new category are not modules themselves, but rather sequences of modules.

Now, the class \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E} refers to the set of all short exact sequences in \text{Mod}_R. In other words, it is a collection of objects in the category \text{Mod}_R. By letting this class be the objects of the new category \mathscr{C}, we are essentially saying that the objects of \mathscr{C} are short exact sequences, with the understanding that each element of the sequence is a module from the category \text{Mod}_R.

I hope this clarifies things for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


FAQ: Sub-Category of Short Exact Sequences - Bland pages 85-86

1. What is a sub-category of short exact sequences?

A sub-category of short exact sequences is a subset of short exact sequences that have some additional properties or restrictions. These restrictions can be imposed on the objects, arrows, or both in the sequence.

2. How are sub-categories of short exact sequences different from regular short exact sequences?

Sub-categories of short exact sequences are different from regular short exact sequences because they have additional constraints or properties that must be satisfied. Regular short exact sequences do not have these added restrictions.

3. What are some examples of sub-categories of short exact sequences?

Some examples of sub-categories of short exact sequences include the categories of abelian groups, vector spaces, and modules. These sub-categories have additional restrictions on the objects and arrows in the sequence, such as commutativity or linearity.

4. What is the significance of studying sub-categories of short exact sequences?

Studying sub-categories of short exact sequences allows for a deeper understanding of specific mathematical structures and their properties. It also allows for the development of more specialized and targeted theorems and proofs.

5. How are sub-categories of short exact sequences used in mathematics and science?

Sub-categories of short exact sequences are used in mathematics and science to study and analyze various mathematical structures, such as groups, rings, and modules. They are also used to prove theorems and solve problems within these structures.
