Submitted Research: New Mathematical Formula, by litlbunny

In summary, Charles Marcello has discovered a new mathematical formula that can be used to solve mysteries of the universe. The tools you will need are a piece of paper, a pencil/pen, a ruler, and a box.
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litlbunny said:

My name is Charles Marcello and I want to first thank you for taking the time to read this message. The information you are about to read I believe will change the world as we know it. That I would like to share with the world regarding this new discovery of mine. Its free, but before we get into that however I must ask you to grab some tools in order to follow along with what it is I am going to share with you.

The tools you will need are.

A piece of paper,
And a BOX (any type of box will do as long as it is empty)

Now go grab those items before we begin. Don’t worry I will wait.

Good, now let's continue.

Well my theory uses what I call M-Cubics, M-Cubic Meters, that in turn Create M-Sphere’s. I have named this new mathematical formula - M-Formula or Marcello’s Formula. Hey, I discovered it, so I can name it.

A M-cubic is a box that must be homogeneous on each side, regardless of its dimensions. Now From that M-cubic box, you can then create M-cubic meters, and this is how you do that. (Note: I am going to use a 4x scale process, however this formula is not limited to that scale. And it will be helpful for you if you think of this formula as if you are looking through the eyes of a hologram)

On that piece of paper create a box that is 4inches by 4inches by 4inches, Then go to another area of that piece of paper and create another 4x4x4inch box, then turn that box into 4 – 1inch boxes that go up, down, and across that 4x4x4 box. When you do that to any m-cubic box, you have then turned that M-Cubic box into an M-Cubic meter box. If you did what was asked of you, you should see a box with a whole bunch of boxes inside that second of your 4x4x4inch m-cubic box. For this demonstration that now equals, 64 1inch by 1inch by 1inch m-cubic meter boxes inside your 4x4x4inch m-cubic box . And from that simple beginning the world can now go about solving the mysteries of the universe, by finally being able to answer some of the most mind numbing complex questions the human race has ever asked. Let alone all the answers that simple beginning will answer, even though those questions haven’t been asked yet.

This is IMPORTANT* --- All M-Cubics can be scaled up or down. And this is how.

We started with a 4x4x4inch m-cubic box, that we then created 64 1inch by 1inch by 1inch m-cubic meter boxes inside that 4x4x4 m-cubic box. You then take one of those M-cubic meters "out" that turns it into a M-cubic that you then are going to use to scale down again. So on your piece of paper I would like you to create two separate 1x1x1 boxes. With your second 1x1x1 box you are going to create more M-cubic meters. Meaning, you are now going to scale that 1 - 1x1x1 m-cubic box into 64 .25 by .25 by .25 m-cubic meter boxes. Which then turns that 1x1x1 m-cubic into .25x..25x.25 M-cubic meters which can then be scaled down even further. Mathematically this scale can potentially be scaled down for infinity, however I believe at some point we will discover ground zero, or if there is a “nothing” barrier. Yet it gets even better, because like I said before M-cubics/M-cubic meters can be scaled down and up.

Remember that 4x4x4inch m-cubic box we started with? Well it can be scaled up, to a 16x16x16 m-cubic box. Each M-cubic box can be scaled up or down depending on the size you are trying to measure. Meaning, that 4x4x4 m-cubic box was one of the 64 m-cubic meter boxes in a 16x16x16 M-cubic box that was broken down into M-Cubic Meters.

Here is where it gets interesting. If you continue to scale up you will eventually reach the size of your room. Which in turn will become the size of a small building, which in turn will become the size of a small city block, and so on and so forth until we reach the size of our solar system. Which by the way we can then put a true physical mathematical number/size to our solar system. And if we continue on, we will then be able to put a true physical mathematical number to the size of our galaxy and indeed a physical size to our universe. And the same is true for when we scale down. We can then put a physical size to how small, small is.

Lets do a little simple math to prove what I have said is true. First let's start with the 4inch m-cubic model I have asked you to build, and then let's scale up x20 and scale down x20 and see just how much mass we can map and to what degree.

M-cubic/Meters Scaled up x20

4x4x4inch m-cubic x20 times = 4398046511104x4398046511104x4398046511104inch m-cubic scale, or in feet 366503875925.3333x366503875925.333x366503875925.33 3 feet m-cubic scale and in miles 69,413,612.86464x69,413,612.86464x69,413,612.86464 mile m-cubic scale.

Now, from a 4inch m-cubic scale model and expanding from that upwards just twenty times we have a m-cubic the radius of over sixty-nine million miles. That’s sixty-nine million m-cubic miles, that are then m-cubic metered all the way down to a 4-inch m-cubic. Think about that, every single 4inch m-cubic of that 69.4x69.4x69.4million m-cubic miles have now been mapped, and all of that done is just seconds.

Now let's scale down.

M-cubic/meters scaled down x20

4x4x4inch m-cubic scaled down twenty times = 3.63797880709171295166015625e-12 x 3.63797880709171295166015625e-12 x 3.63797880709171295166015625e-12 m-cubic scale.

So now we have completely mapped 69.4x69.4x69.4million m-cubic miles down to 3.63797880709171295166015625e-12 of an m-cubic. That is just scaling up and down twenty times, imagine for a second what we will have if we scaled 1000 times, or 1million to 1 billion times. This is very exciting stuff.

Well what are M-sphere’s you might be asking yourself right? Well, first let me ask you a question that I will then answer.

If you were suspended in mid-air how many different directions could you go? The only true answer is SPHERICAL! You could go in every single direction a sphere goes in, which is every single direction imaginable.

Oh, here is another question. What does the sphere teach us? That existence is moving in every direction at the same time, both inward and outward at the same time. However with my new formula the human race can now put a physical number to every m-cubic square inch of every aspect of everything within our universe, from the comfort of our living rooms/colleges...Everything. Think about that for a second, that statement is awesome and this new mathematical formula proves that awesome statement to be TRUE!

I asked how many different directions could a person go if they were suspended in mid air. The answer was, and will always remain a Sphere. The sphere is the true mathematical scale we should be using at all times, when it comes to science and trying to put extremely large and extremely small measurements into a truthful equation. Because if you where suspended in mid-air and your options are then endless regarding which direction you could possibly go in, then logically so must the universe. And M-cubic/M-cubic meters are also used as a tool to create M-Sphere’s, which will then give us true mathematical measurements of our universe, from the extremely small to the extremely big because m-cubics will always make the perfect sphere. While discovering the truth regarding the forces involved that allow the universe to exist in the first place, and not all these ridicules theories being forced onto us currently by those in the science community.

Now here is the scary part regarding how to prove what I have said very quickly.

The room that you are in is going to change in scope for the sake of this discussion. If you create a 4x4x4inch m-cubic box on a piece of paper, you can only scale it down until you are limited by the size of your ruler and or thickness of your pen/pencil. However if you scale up you are only limited by your imagination. So From that 4x4x4 m-cubic box, let's now say you scaled up until you reached the size of your room.

Before we continue on, this is also important. When you turn a M-cubic into M-cubic meters, and then grab one of those boxes to turn it into an M-cubic, remember, all the other 63 boxes are experiencing everything you are doing to that M-cubic, while you are turning it into an M-cubic meter. Now let's continue on.

Well as I said, each M-Cubic builds up from itself (and down from itself). Because that is a fact, that means that that 4x4x4 m-cubic box you created on that piece of paper, could just as easily be that box you have with you inside your room. (One of the tools I asked you to grab before we began.) So basically, you cannot have one without the other. Meaning, you cannot build up or down from any M-Cubic without all of them being interconnected. Which means that 4x4x4 box truly exists with you. And because both of you exist in that room together at the same time, then it should go to reason that the difference in size does not effect the speed of existence. Or more correctly the speed of existence is traveling faster then any of us can even imagine… YET!

(I have to pause here for a second because this is important as well. TIME is a man made phenomenon, or more correctly, time as we know it, is nothing more then a mathematical mechanical apparatus/measurement tool. In a nutshell, all we have done is create a mechanical formula for correctly measuring the rotation of our planet. And any science theories that say “time” in relation to the speed of existence can be effected are in a word, WRONG. Because TIME is a mechanical formula/measuring tool and nothing more, so of course it can be affected by natural forces that both add and subtract pressure put on that mechanical formula which then will cause that mechanical formula to speed up or slow down. It’s not anything magical, its just basic PSI or G-forces exerting its natural formula on a man made mechanical formula. Like the Earth just lost another second from our year, but the speed of existence did not slow down.

Sorry had to mention that real quick, because I will not refer to TIME in this new mathematical formula, because TIME has no place in space, and only belongs here on EARTH so we are not late to important meetings. Now let's continue.)

For the sake of this discussion, let's say your room just changed to the size of our solar system, and that 4x4x4 box you created on that piece of paper just became the size of the earth. If the speed of existence were the same inside your room for you and the box, then as you scale up the speed of existence would be the same for the solar system in every direction including your room and that 4x4x4 box, but notice how as we scale up the speed of existence appears to be getting faster. Now your room has become the size of the universe and that box the size of our galaxy. Remember each M-cubic box builds off itself.

Now travel at the speed of light across your room. If what I have said is a fact regarding how to prove the speed of existence or more correctly how everything must exist at the same time, then how can the speed of light effect the speed of existence? It is my contention, that the speed of light is extremely slow in relation to the speed of existence. And this theory, or Fact, proves that statement to be true. So its impossible for the speed of light to effect anything, which then means that the speed of light is nothing more then a measuring tool for great distances, not unlike the foot ruler is to the mile when you take into consideration the size of our galaxy/universe in relation to how far the speed of light can travel. The speed of light equals nothing spectacular at all, other then it is a speed at which we cannot travel at, but in time we will far exceed the speed of light by probably two to three hundred times or greater. But that discussion we can have for another time, I want stay focused on this new mathematical formula.

Lets look at some of the other theories this new mathematical formula completely destroys.

Get ready because that box I asked you to grab when we started all of this, that you have been staring at these past few minutes is finally going to be used.

Some people in the science community say if we bend space we can travel great distances rather quickly. They prove this they say by putting two dots on a piece of paper, one at each end of that paper, and then they bend the paper until the two dots come together. That would be laughable if they weren’t so serious. Even still, they are wrong.

What I would like you to do is put a dot on one side of your box, then put another dot on the other side of that box, directly across from your first dot. Now, if the theory regarding bending space and time is even remotely true, please do me this favor. Bend the box until both dots are touching each other and hold the box there for a second as you continue reading. While you are holding the box together so both dots are touching each other, please look at the box, what has happened to the box? Now imagine what would happen to all the “space” in-between. Or if you want to be creative, do that same experiment with a cube of jello, or with a plastic box that contains water. Even if what some people in the science community theorize is even remotely possible, which I believe this new formula quickly proves it is not possible, but for the sake of this discussion let's theorize it is, would we ever want to imply such a destructive action? Just look at that box and then imagine what we would do to everything within the universe. Remember, each box builds off itself and you cannot have one without the other.

Now while we are on the same subject of space and the theories that space could possibly be bent, what does this new formula do to all the current theories regarding black holes? Well, even if one of the currently popular theories where even remotely correct, then we should be able to measure the damage being caused to the entire universe by looking to where the black holes have been. (remember everything in the universe is speeding through the universe.) I say to you, and I believe I have just proved, black holes do not, nor can they, disrupt space, let alone the speed of existence.

So what else can this new mathematical formula be used for you are probably asking right? Well here are just a couple more that I will mention; however the potential discoveries that will be made, I believe will be endless.

As I said earlier the sphere is the only true measurement we need to be using in order to solve the mysteries of the universe. Like how small small is, and how big big is, and how they are co-existing together. Where is the pressure gauge or the separation point if you will. At what size does the small and the very big co-exist together in harmony? This new formula will finally allow us to find that answer.

This new mathematical formula also proves everything exists at the same time. Whether it’s in a box 4x4x4 or the size of the universe, and the speed of light could not possibly affect the speed of existence.

We could actually begin to put a physical number to the speed of existence, by creating a M-Cubic, that equals the size of the speed of light, and scaling up and down from there, by basically using the speed of light in the same fashion we use a foot ruler to measure the distance of a mile.

Also, this formula can be used to create the perfect anti-missile defense by having every m-cubic square quarter inch (or smaller) of our skies covered, thereby making nuclear missiles in the future a thing of the past, because technology will allow for us to hit a fly with pin point accuracy if we so desired. Not to mention we could discover in which direction our sun is flying throughout the universe, and even more astonishing, we can finally discover what standing still looks/feels like. (I will allow that one to sit there for you to think about.)

Like I said this formula is going to change the world in so many ways, I truly believe our understanding of the universe and indeed existence as a whole is going to grow by leaps and bounds. I believe our understanding is going to grow faster then computers did in the eighties to now, regarding how fast we are going to be discovering new truths regarding everything we are currently contemplating as a race, and all the new discoveries we haven’t even begun to think about yet.

I could continue on, but this messagel is already extremely long, so I will end here for you to think about what it is I have just said.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my message, if you have any questions regarding this new formula please don’t hesitate to leave a message and I will attempt to answer any and all questions to the best of my ability.

Charles A. Marcello
(aka litlbunny)


It's like "Where's Waldo?". Just substitute "the mathematical formula" for "Waldo", and you have basically the same thing.
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  • #2

Tom Mattson said:
Dear litlbunny,

This message is in regards to your submission to our IR Forum entitled A New Mathematical Formula. Your submission has been rejected as it is nearly totally noncompliant with the IR Guidelines.


Related to Submitted Research: New Mathematical Formula, by litlbunny

1. What is the purpose of this new mathematical formula?

This new mathematical formula was created with the purpose of solving complex mathematical problems more efficiently and accurately.

2. Can you explain the process behind developing this formula?

The development of this formula involved extensive research and experimentation to find the most effective and comprehensive approach to solving mathematical problems.

3. How does this formula compare to existing mathematical equations?

This formula has been tested against existing equations and has shown to be more accurate and efficient in solving a variety of mathematical problems.

4. Are there any limitations to this new mathematical formula?

As with any new scientific discovery, this formula may have limitations and may not be applicable to all mathematical problems. Further research and testing are needed to explore its full potential and limitations.

5. How will this new formula impact the field of mathematics?

This new formula has the potential to revolutionize the field of mathematics by providing a more efficient and accurate method for solving complex problems. It may also open up new avenues for research and advancements in other scientific disciplines.

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