Subset of separable space is separable

In summary: What goes wrong?In summary, the problem states that if X is a subset of a separable metric space M, then X is also separable. This means that there exists a countable dense subset E of M, and we need to show that there is also a countable dense subset of X. The suggested hint is given to show that this may be trickier than it appears, as E may not contain any elements of X. To prove this, we need to construct a different countable dense set within X that is not a subset of E.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that if X[itex]\subset[/itex]M and (M,d) is separable, then (X,d) is separable. [This may be a little bit trickier than it looks - E may be a countable dense subset of M with X [itex]\cap[/itex] E = Ø.]

Homework Equations

No equations, but there are relevant definitions. Per our book:
A metric space (M,d) is separable if [itex]\exists[/itex] a countable dense E [itex]\subset[/itex] M.
E[itex]\subset[/itex]M is dense in M if [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]M and [itex]\forall[/itex] [itex]\epsilon[/itex] > 0, [itex]\exists[/itex] e [itex]\in[/itex] E st d(x,e)< [itex]\epsilon[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

My best attempt was doomed from the start, because I don't quite understand the hint. My thought process went as follows:
since X [itex]\subset[/itex] M, [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]X, x[itex]\in[/itex]M. Thus, since M is dense in E, [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]X, [itex]\forall[/itex][itex]\epsilon[/itex]>0, [itex]\exists[/itex]e[itex]\in[/itex]E st d(x,e)<[itex]\epsilon[/itex]. At this point, I was done, because the set of e's satisfying the above, is a subset of E, a countable set. So a subset of a countable set is dense in X, and X is separable. This is incorrect, but I cannot see why.
Any help clearing up the confusion would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
homesick said:

Homework Statement

Show that if X[itex]\subset[/itex]M and (M,d) is separable, then (X,d) is separable. [This may be a little bit trickier than it looks - E may be a countable dense subset of M with X [itex]\cap[/itex] E = Ø.]

Homework Equations

No equations, but there are relevant definitions. Per our book:
A metric space (M,d) is separable if [itex]\exists[/itex] a countable dense E [itex]\subset[/itex] M.
E[itex]\subset[/itex]M is dense in M if [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]M and [itex]\forall[/itex] [itex]\epsilon[/itex] > 0, [itex]\exists[/itex] e [itex]\in[/itex] E st d(x,e)< [itex]\epsilon[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

My best attempt was doomed from the start, because I don't quite understand the hint. My thought process went as follows:
since X [itex]\subset[/itex] M, [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]X, x[itex]\in[/itex]M. Thus, since M is dense in E, [itex]\forall[/itex]x[itex]\in[/itex]X, [itex]\forall[/itex][itex]\epsilon[/itex]>0, [itex]\exists[/itex]e[itex]\in[/itex]E st d(x,e)<[itex]\epsilon[/itex]. At this point, I was done, because the set of e's satisfying the above, is a subset of E, a countable set. So a subset of a countable set is dense in X, and X is separable. This is incorrect, but I cannot see why.
Any help clearing up the confusion would be greatly appreciated.

The problem statement already warned you what could go wrong with an approach like that. Suppose X is M-E. Your countable dense set, call it F, has to be a subset of M-E. But M-E doesn't contain any elements of E, so you can't use them. You have to prove M-E contains a different countable dense set. Try to construct one.
  • #3
Yes, I know the hint clearly stated that this could cause issues. I said that above. I asked *why* this hint is there. The fact that I believe my proof is complete, means that I do not understand the hint. I don't understand at all what you mean by trying to construct a countable dense set that is in M-E. I have no idea what M is, all I know is that it contains 1 countable dense set.
  • #4
homesick said:
Yes, I know the hint clearly stated that this could cause issues. I said that above. I asked *why* this hint is there. The fact that I believe my proof is complete, means that I do not understand the hint. I don't understand at all what you mean by trying to construct a countable dense set that is in M-E. I have no idea what M is, all I know is that it contains 1 countable dense set.

Then the first step is to figure why you think your proof is complete. Take a concrete example. Q (the rational numbers) is a countable dense set of R (the real numbers) so R is separable. Now take the set R-Q (the irrational numbers). You need to show that's separable too and contains a countable dense set. But none of those points can be rational, so they can't be elements of your original countable dense set Q. Try running through the steps of your proof with that example.

Related to Subset of separable space is separable

1. What does it mean for a subset of a separable space to be separable?

For a subset of a separable space to be separable means that the subset itself is also a separable space. This means that the subset contains a countable dense subset, which is a set of points that are close together and can be used to approximate any point in the subset.

2. How is a separable space different from a non-separable space?

A separable space is different from a non-separable space in that it contains a countable dense subset, while a non-separable space does not. This means that a separable space has points that are close together and can be used to approximate any point in the space, while a non-separable space does not have this property.

3. Can any subset of a separable space be separable?

Yes, any subset of a separable space can be separable if it meets the criteria of containing a countable dense subset. However, not all subsets of a separable space are guaranteed to be separable, as it depends on the specific points and structure of the subset.

4. Why is the concept of separability important in mathematics?

The concept of separability is important in mathematics because it helps us understand the structure and properties of a space. A separable space allows us to approximate any point in the space using a countable set of points, which can be useful in various applications such as analysis, topology, and functional analysis.

5. How is the concept of separability used in real-world applications?

The concept of separability can be used in various real-world applications, such as data compression, image and signal processing, and machine learning. By approximating data or signals using a countable set of points, we can reduce the complexity and storage requirements of these applications while still maintaining a high level of accuracy.

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