Subsets in the Affine Plane and ideals of K[A^n]

In summary: There is no other way to define it, so there is nothing to worry about.In summary, the conversation discusses the correspondence between D&F's definition of $\mathcal{I}$ and the ideals of $k[\mathbb{A}^n]$. It is mentioned that $\mathcal{I}(A)$ is an ideal and is the unique largest ideal of functions that are identically zero on $A$, and this defines a correspondence between subsets of $k[\mathbb{A}^n]$ and ideals of $k[\mathbb{A}^n]$. There is a discussion about finding a set of functions that are identically zero on an arbitrary set of points $A$ in $\mathbb{
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am trying to gain an understanding of the basics of elementary algebraic geometry and am reading Dummit and Foote Chapter 15: Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry ...

At present I am focused on Section 15.1 Noetherian Rings and Affine Algebraic Sets ... ...

I need someone to confirm some thoughts on the correspondence between D&F's definition of \(\displaystyle \mathcal{I}\) and the ideals of \(\displaystyle k[ \mathbb{A}^n ]\) ...

On page 660 (in Section 15.1) of D&F we find the following text:View attachment 4737In the above text we find the following text:

" ... ... It is immediate that \(\displaystyle \mathcal{I} (A)\) is an ideal, and is the unique largest ideal of functions that are identically zero on \(\displaystyle A\). This defines a correspondence

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{I} \ : \ \{ \text{ subsets in } k[ \mathbb{A}^n ] \} \ \rightarrow \ \{ \text{ ideals of } k[ \mathbb{A}^n ] \}\). ... ... "I am thinking about the above correspondence and how we can take any arbitrary set of points \(\displaystyle A\) in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{A}^n \)and find a set of functions that are identically zero on \(\displaystyle A\) ... ... I thought this may be impossible for many sets, maybe infinitely many sets \(\displaystyle A\) ... but then realized that in these cases the set of functions would be the zero function and the corresponding ideal would be \(\displaystyle \{ z \}\) where \(\displaystyle z\) is the zero function ...

Can someone please confirm that my thinking/reflections above are on the right track ... I am also worrying a bit about why \(\displaystyle \mathcal{I} (A)\) is the unique and largest such ideal ... ...

Hope someone can help with these issues ... simple though they may be ...

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  • #2
I am thinking about the above correspondence and how we can take any arbitrary set of points A in A^n and find a set of functions that are identically zero on A ... ... I thought this may be impossible for many sets, maybe infinitely many sets A

I have no idea what you mean by that. Why should this be impossible? You go through the polynomials in $k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ which vanish in all of $A$ identically, and throw out the ones that doesn't. The remaining polynomials is your set.

but then realized that in these cases the set of functions would be the zero function and the corresponding ideal would be {z} where z is the zero function ...

Sorry, that's not valid. If you have a subset $A$ of $\Bbb A^n$, then $\mathcal{I}(A)$ is the set of _all_ polynomials in $k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ which vanish identically on $A$. The zero function is an element of $\mathcal{I}$, but there maybe more functions in there.

I am also worrying a bit about why I(A) is the unique and largest such ideal ... ...

This follows by definition. $\mathcal{I}(A)$ is _by definition_ the unique and largest ideal of functions vanishing on $A$.

Related to Subsets in the Affine Plane and ideals of K[A^n]

1. What is a subset in the affine plane?

A subset in the affine plane is a collection of points that lie within a particular region of the plane. This region can be defined by certain conditions or equations that the points must satisfy. In other words, a subset is a smaller group of points within the larger set of all points in the affine plane.

2. How are subsets represented in the affine plane?

In the affine plane, subsets are typically represented using algebraic equations. These equations can be in the form of linear equations, polynomials, or other mathematical expressions that define the conditions for the points to be included in the subset. Additionally, subsets can be visualized using graphs or geometric shapes.

3. What are ideals of K[A^n]?

Ideals of K[A^n] refer to the set of polynomials in n variables that can be multiplied by any polynomial in K[A^n] without changing the ideal. In simpler terms, they are the set of polynomials that do not change the ideal when multiplied by any other polynomial in the set K[A^n]. These ideals play a crucial role in understanding the structure and properties of subsets in the affine plane.

4. How are subsets and ideals related in the affine plane?

Subsets and ideals in the affine plane are closely related. In fact, every subset in the affine plane can be represented by an ideal of K[A^n]. This means that every subset can be described by a set of polynomials that satisfy certain conditions and can be multiplied together without changing the ideal. Understanding this relationship is crucial in studying the properties and characteristics of subsets in the affine plane.

5. How do subsets and ideals in the affine plane impact mathematics and other fields?

Subsets in the affine plane and ideals of K[A^n] have a significant impact on mathematics and other fields such as computer science and engineering. They are used to solve complex problems in areas such as optimization, coding theory, and cryptography. Additionally, they have applications in fields such as computer graphics, pattern recognition, and image processing. Understanding subsets and ideals is essential for advancing our knowledge and technology in these areas.

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