Subspace of R3: Showing W is Equivalent to Span(S)

But it's not a good test for finding a subspace, because the subspace test is based on the definition of a subspace, and that definition doesn't mention the zero vector.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that W ={(x,y,z) : x +2y +3z =0} is a subspace of R3. By finding a subset S of W such that span(S) = W.

Homework Equations

Ab = X?

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't have an attempt because I'm completely lost where to start . Can someone point me in the right way please.
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  • #2
Start with the definition of a subspace. Obviously every element of W is in R^3, so W is a subset (set!) of R^3. Now, what is the easiest subspace "test"?
  • #3
radou said:
Start with the definition of a subspace. Obviously every element of W is in R^3, so W is a subset (set!) of R^3. Now, what is the easiest subspace "test"?

So prove that is its

Closed Under Addition
Closed Under Scalar Multiplication?

How to I find S?
  • #4
The equation defines a plane, so you need to find two linearly independent vectors in that plane.
  • #5
Is this system correct?

(x, y, z) = y(-2,1,0) +z(-3,0,1)

So S would be <(-2,1,0),(-3,0,1)>
  • #6
Yes, that appears to be correct. But I don't like the <,> notation. Does your book or teacher write the span that way?
  • #7
judahs_lion said:
Is this system correct?

(x, y, z) = y(-2,1,0) +z(-3,0,1)

So S would be <(-2,1,0),(-3,0,1)>

Those vectors work. I would write it as S = {<-2, 1, 0>, <-3, 0, 1>}. This set of vectors spans W. Now what you need to do is to show that W is a subspace of R3.

Something you said earlier in this thread deserves comment:
judahs_lion said:
So prove that is its

Closed Under Addition
Closed Under Scalar Multiplication?

The first one you listed is not a test for showing that a set is a subspace of some vector space. The vectors in a basis have to linearly independent, and have to span some subspace.

What is the test you missed?
  • #8
Mark44 said:
Those vectors work. I would write it as S = {<-2, 1, 0>, <-3, 0, 1>}. This set of vectors spans W. Now what you need to do is to show that W is a subspace of R3.

Something you said earlier in this thread deserves comment:

The first one you listed is not a test for showing that a set is a subspace of some vector space. The vectors in a basis have to linearly independent, and have to span some subspace.

What is the test you missed?

Contains the zero vector?
  • #9
How do I test for the zero vector?
  • #10
Does W contain the zero vector? It's a very easy test.
  • #11
Mark44 said:
Does W contain the zero vector? It's a very easy test.

I was think of testing S for zero vector.

So for (x, y, x) =(0,0,0)

0 + 2(0) +3(0) = 0 Checks out.

Proper test? So for being so needy, math is a weak point of mine.
  • #12
Sure, that's another way to do it.

Your set W represents a plane in three-dimensional space. This plane contains the origin, which you can tell by noticing that (0, 0, 0) is a solution of the equation x + 2y + 3z = 0.

Set S contains two vectors that lie in the plane. It doesn't contain the zero vector. You want to test set W to see whether it (W) contains the zero vector.

Since there are two vectors, and neither is a multiple of the other, they are linearly independent. Since the plane is two dimensional, and you have two linearly independent vectors, the two vectors span the plane, which means that every vector in the plane is a linear combination of the vectors you found. Instead of noticing that (0, 0, 0) is a point on this plane, you instead found that 0*<-2, 1, 0> + 0*<-3, 0, 1> = <0, 0, 0>, which says that the zero vector is in W (or equivalently, that (0,0,0) is on the plane).
  • #13
Thank you
  • #14
the matrix of { 1+x^2, x +x^3} = [1,0;0,1;1,0;0,1] ?
  • #15
judahs_lion said:
the matrix of { 1+x^2, x +x^3} = [1,0;0,1;1,0;0,1] ?
What's the actual question?
  • #16
If a set is closed under linear combinations, it automatically contains the zero vector. So checking if it contains 0 is only useful in some cases when you're trying to prove that a set isn't a subspace.

FAQ: Subspace of R3: Showing W is Equivalent to Span(S)

What is a subspace of R3?

A subspace of R3 is a subset of the three-dimensional coordinate space that satisfies three conditions: it contains the zero vector, it is closed under vector addition, and it is closed under scalar multiplication.

What does it mean for W to be equivalent to Span(S)?

If W is equivalent to Span(S), it means that the subspace W can be generated by the vectors in the set S. In other words, every vector in W can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in S.

How can I show that W is equivalent to Span(S)?

To show that W is equivalent to Span(S), you can demonstrate that every vector in W can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in S. This can be done by finding the coefficients for each vector in S that will produce the vector in W when multiplied and added together.

Why is it important to show that W is equivalent to Span(S)?

Showing that W is equivalent to Span(S) is important because it allows us to understand the relationship between the two subspaces. It also helps us to determine if a set of vectors spans a given subspace and if the vectors are linearly independent.

What implications does W being equivalent to Span(S) have on the dimension of W?

If W is equivalent to Span(S), then the dimension of W is equal to the number of vectors in S. This is because the vectors in S span the subspace W, meaning they are the minimum number of vectors needed to generate all of the vectors in W.

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