Subspaces of ℝ^3 and their bases

In summary, to determine if a set is a subspace of ℝ3, it must contain the zero vector, be closed under scalar multiplication and matrix addition, and have a basis of linearly independent vectors. The set of all vectors (x,y) is not a subspace of ℝ3 because it does not have 3 variables. The set of vectors of the form (sin2t, sintcost, 3sin2t) is a subspace of ℝ3, but does not form a basis because the third vector is a linear combination of the first two. The correct basis for this subspace is sin2t and sintcost. To disprove that a given formula represents a subspace of a vector space, one must
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine whether each of the following is a subspace of ℝ3, and if so find a basis for it:

a) The set of all vectors (x, y)
b) The set of all vectors of the form (sin2t, sintcost, 3sin2t)

Can someone please explain to me how you determine whether these are subspaces and what their bases are? I find this topic quite confusing and don't really know if my ideas about it are correct.

Can (x,y) be a subspace of ℝ3? Don't there have to be 3 variables (e.g. x, y and z) for it to be a subspace?

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  • #2
You are correct that (x,y) cannot be a subspace of R^3, just for the reason you named.

Now as for b), remember that for sets of vectors to be a subspace there are generally three things that need to be true about the vectors.

Do you remember what they are?
  • #3
Yea the set has to contain the 0 vector and must be closed under scalar multiplication and matrix addition. So for part b, it's a valid subspace of ℝ3 but doesn't form a basis because the 3rd vector, 3sin2t is a linear combination of vector 1, sin2t?
  • #4
Smazmbazm said:
but doesn't form a basis because the 3rd vector, 3sin2t is a linear combination of vector 1, sin2t?

True, so then what is a basis for the subspace? (hint: there is one more thing to do to find the true basis; it's not obvious, but remember the formula from trig that sin(2A)=2sinAcosA)
  • #5
I'm really not sure what the next step is. I suppose you could rewrite it as (2sint*cost, sint*cost, 3sin2t) but then vector 1 is a linear combination of vector 2, isn't it?

EDIT: Can be written as (2sint*cost, sint*cost, 6sint*cost). vector 1 and 3 are combinations of vector 2?

EDIT2: So wikipedia define a basis as "a set of linearly independent vectors that, in a linear combination, can represent every vector in a given vector space" so then is the basis simply sint*cost?
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  • #6
There are a number of errors here-
"sin(2t)", "sin(t)cos(t)", and "3sin(2t)" are NOT three vectors, they are the three components of a single vector. You are given a formula for finding "vectors": if t= 0, this is (0, 0, 0), if [itex]t= \pi/4[/itex], it is (1, 1/2, 3).

But your basic error is in thinking it is a vector space! 6(1, 1/2, 3)= (6, 3, 18). Is there a "t" that gives that? That is, is there a t such that [itex]sin(2t)= 6[/itex], [itex]sin(t)cos(t)= 3[/itex], and [itex]3sin(2t)= 18[/itex]?
  • #7
Completely correct, sorry to the OP; I skimmed that line and assumed you meant a subspace of real-valued functions spanned by those three functions.

My bad.
  • #8
So it's not a subspace? To disprove that a given formula cannot represent a subspace of a vector space, does one just have to find values that are impossible to get?
  • #9
Smazmbazm said:
So it's not a subspace? To disprove that a given formula cannot represent a subspace of a vector space, does one just have to find values that are impossible to get?

One must show that there is a vector v in the spanning set and a constant c such that cv is not in the spanning set.

Or, alternatively, that one of the other two tenets are not fulfilled (the zero vector is not in the set or there is a sum of vectors not in the set).
  • #10
Great. Got it now. Thanks for your help Vorde and HallsofIvy, much appreciated.

FAQ: Subspaces of ℝ^3 and their bases

1. What is a subspace in ℝ^3?

A subspace in ℝ^3 is a subset of the three-dimensional Euclidean space that satisfies three conditions: it contains the origin, it is closed under vector addition, and it is closed under scalar multiplication. In other words, a subspace is a smaller vector space that is contained within the larger space of ℝ^3.

2. How do you determine if a set of vectors is a basis for a subspace in ℝ^3?

To determine if a set of vectors is a basis for a subspace in ℝ^3, you can use the following two criteria:

  • The set of vectors must span the subspace, meaning that any vector in the subspace can be written as a linear combination of the given vectors.
  • The set of vectors must be linearly independent, meaning that none of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the others.

3. Can a subspace in ℝ^3 have more than one basis?

Yes, a subspace in ℝ^3 can have multiple bases. This is because a basis is not unique and there can be different sets of vectors that satisfy the criteria of spanning the subspace and being linearly independent.

4. Can a subspace in ℝ^3 have an infinite number of bases?

Yes, a subspace in ℝ^3 can have an infinite number of bases. This is because there are infinitely many ways to choose a set of vectors that span the subspace and are linearly independent.

5. How are bases for subspaces in ℝ^3 related to the dimension of the subspace?

The dimension of a subspace in ℝ^3 is equal to the number of vectors in any basis for that subspace. So, for example, if a subspace has a basis of 3 vectors, then the dimension of that subspace is 3. In general, the dimension of a subspace is the minimum number of vectors needed to span that subspace.

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