Substituting a solid body with mass points

In summary: Your name]In summary, the speaker is seeking help with writing an algorithm to create three mass points that maintain the properties of a solid body with known mass, center of gravity, and inertia matrix. They have made progress but are stuck on how to handle the Jxy and Jxz values. One suggested approach is to use the concept of principal axes and place the mass points along these axes to maintain the principal moments of inertia. Then, the equations for Jxy and Jxz can be solved using the coordinates of the mass points along the principal axes.
  • #1
I ran into the following problem, and stuck for a couple of days now.

I have a solid body, rigid and and has uniform density. Its mass M, the location of the center of gravity x_M, y_M, z_M and its inertia matrix is known:

Jx Jxy Jxz
Jyx Jyy Jyz
Jzx Jzy Jz

I have to write an algorithm, which creates maximum 3 mass points xi, yi, zi, mi in a way, that the following properties of the solid body and the sum of the mass points are exactly the same:

- The mass must be identical ∑i=13mi = M
- The location of the center of gravity must remain
xM =∑i=13mi xi/M
yM =∑i=13mi yi/M
zM =∑i=13mi zi/M
- Jx must be unchanged:
JxM = ∑i=13 (yi2 + zi2) mi
- The angle of the principal axes to x-axis should not change
JxyM = ∑i=13 xiyimi
JxzM = ∑i=13 xizimi

Everything else is arbitrary.

What I did so far: with simple algebra I managed to find a solution for everything, except for Jxy and Jxz. But I see no way to modify the variables to keep the good parameters and reach the missing ones at the same time.

Any suggestions are most welcome, many thanks in advance.
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  • #2

Dear fellow scientist,

Thank you for sharing your problem with us. I understand that you are trying to write an algorithm that creates three mass points in order to maintain certain properties of a solid body with known mass, center of gravity, and inertia matrix. It seems that you have made good progress so far, but are stuck on how to handle the Jxy and Jxz values.

One possible approach to consider is using the concept of principal axes. As you may know, the inertia matrix of a solid body can be diagonalized, meaning it can be transformed into a diagonal matrix with the principal moments of inertia on the diagonal. The principal axes are the axes along which these moments of inertia are maximum, minimum, and intermediate.

So, my suggestion would be to first diagonalize the given inertia matrix and find the principal axes and moments of inertia. Then, you can place the three mass points along these axes in a way that the sum of their masses is equal to the total mass of the body. This will ensure that the principal moments of inertia remain unchanged, including Jx, while satisfying the first two properties you mentioned.

Next, you can use the equations you have already derived for Jxy and Jxz, but instead of using the original coordinates, use the coordinates of the mass points along the principal axes. This should allow you to solve for the mass values of the points that will satisfy the required conditions for Jxy and Jxz.

I hope this suggestion helps you move forward with your algorithm. If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best of luck with your work!

FAQ: Substituting a solid body with mass points

What is "Substituting a solid body with mass points"?

"Substituting a solid body with mass points" is a technique used in physics and engineering to simplify the analysis of a solid body by replacing it with a system of discrete point masses that represent the body's mass distribution.

Why is "Substituting a solid body with mass points" used?

This technique is used to simplify complex systems and make calculations more manageable. It also allows for easier visualization and understanding of the system's behavior.

How is "Substituting a solid body with mass points" done?

To substitute a solid body with mass points, the body's mass is divided into smaller discrete masses that are strategically placed at specific locations within the body. These mass points are then connected by rigid rods or springs to simulate the body's shape and behavior.

What are the advantages of using "Substituting a solid body with mass points"?

There are several advantages to using this technique. It simplifies the analysis and calculations of complex systems, allows for easier visualization and understanding, and can reduce the computational power and time needed for simulations.

Are there any limitations to "Substituting a solid body with mass points"?

While this technique is useful in simplifying complex systems, it may not accurately represent the actual behavior of the solid body. It also assumes that the body is rigid and neglects any deformations or stresses within the body, which may be important in certain situations.

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