Sufi leader, healer and professional astrologer

In summary, a new member introduces themselves as a Sufi leader, healer, and professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience. They have also founded several camps and pioneered esoteric methods, including the 7 Words Self-Realization Method. Another member asks about their powers and they discuss summoning wild beasts and changing water into ice. The conversation turns to old threads and a joke about a character called Zorak. The original poster thanks everyone for the laughs and shares their struggles with head lice in their family. They express a desire to be whisked away to Unicorn Camp with their baby.
  • #1
Hello Everyone,

I am new here! I would like to share some information about myself and get to know more about you. Personally I am a Sufi leader, healer and professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience of group facilitation. More I am also the founder of Unicorn Camps (1987), and co-founder of the world-renowned PTA International Camp, Oak Dragon Camps, and Campscene Directory. I have pioneered various esoteric methods, which include developing several new approaches to healing work. I have originated the 7 Words Self-Realization Method, an innovative intuitive communication method.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate joining this community and I hope to post here from time to time. If anyone's interested in astrology and other esoteric ideas, I'd like to hear from you:
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Physics news on
  • #2

Hi burgess. I'm afraid this is not the Psychic's Forum, we're a science forum called Physics Forums
  • #3

Evo said:
Hi burgess. I'm afraid this is not the Psychic's Forum, we're a science forum called Physics Forums


  • #4

Burgess7 said:
Hello Everyone,

I am new here! I would like to share some information about myself and get to know more about you. Personally I am a Sufi leader, healer and professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience of group facilitation. More I am also the founder of Unicorn Camps (1987), and co-founder of the world-renowned PTA International Camp, Oak Dragon Camps, and Campscene Directory. I have pioneered various esoteric methods, which include developing several new approaches to healing work. I have originated the 7 Words Self-Realization Method, an innovative intuitive communication method.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate joining this community and I hope to post here from time to time. If anyone's interested in astrology and other esoteric ideas, I'd like to hear from you:

May we ask you what are those 7 words originated by you?

I'm aware of the 7 words made popular by George Carlin.
  • #5

Did 4chan put you up to this?
  • #6

Burgess7 said:
Hello Everyone,

I am new here! I would like to share some information about myself and get to know more about you. Personally I am a Sufi leader, healer and professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience of group facilitation. More I am also the founder of Unicorn Camps (1987), and co-founder of the world-renowned PTA International Camp, Oak Dragon Camps, and Campscene Directory. I have pioneered various esoteric methods, which include developing several new approaches to healing work. I have originated the 7 Words Self-Realization Method, an innovative intuitive communication method.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate joining this community and I hope to post here from time to time. If anyone's interested in astrology and other esoteric ideas, I'd like to hear from you:

Do you also have 99 sacred names, one of them being "The Deceiver"?
  • #7

Evo said:
Hi burgess. I'm afraid this is not the Psychic's Forum, we're a science forum called Physics Forums
I am in pain!111111 Evo... cannot tyep
  • #8

Evo said:
Hi burgess. I'm afraid this is not the Psychic's Forum, we're a science forum called Physics Forums
That is priceless.

Psychic's --> Phycsic's --> Physcic's --> Physicc's --> Physic's --> Physics


PS Ya I know this thread is old, but :smile:!

  • #9

Welcome. I am a Level 5 Sorceress and the 17th incarnation of the Patron Saint of Praying Mantises. I have the power to change water into ice (and vice versa) in small, controlled situations, and I can summon wild beasts with a whistle (mostly crows and stray cats, but I think that still counts).
  • #10

oh no I've started something!
  • #11

Math Is Hard said:
Welcome. I am a Level 5 Sorceress and the 17th incarnation of the Patron Saint of Praying Mantises. I have the power to change water into ice (and vice versa) in small, controlled situations, and I can summon wild beasts with a whistle (mostly crows and stray cats, but I think that still counts).
<spews> This reminded me of Zorak, Evil Mantiss of the Apocalypse.
  • #12

FtlIsAwesome said:
oh no I've started something!

*sigh* When I reach Level 6 I will have the power to recognize old threads.

Evo said:
<spews> This reminded me of Zorak, Evil Mantiss of the Apocalypse.

Zorak! My precious one! Blessed be his name.
  • #13

Math Is Hard said:
Zorak! My precious one! Blessed be his name.
I *heart* you MIH! :biggrin:
  • #14

MIH and EVO -- I so needed the laugh this morning. So glad this thread got revived.

Dealing with hunger pains and our first ever case of head lice brought home by one of the kids

Fortunately it's just P -- through school, Baby E -- through playing with his laundry before we discovered it (she's learning to put on clothes and obsessed with everyone's closet), and me -- through co-sleeping with the baby. Discovered it through seeing nits on the baby's fine hair yesterday, and quickly correlating that with our son's itchy head that my spouse and school thought was just a bad case of dandruff or dry-winter-weather-scalp). Started treatment right away.. and at least our cases are nothing like you see online, very few adults (probably helps that our son uses the dandruff shampoo everyday, and I use a mix, including tea-tree-oil shampoo). M and the Spouse don't have it.

Unfortunately the dryer, then washer went kaput halfway through the morning (and our landlords are conveniently vacationing in New Mexico and unable to make a decision about this), so dinner for me was pretzels at the laundrymat (drying the six loads that got done after the dryer broke, but before the washer broke) and more garbage bags are set to go tomorrow, for both cycles). The baby's been a trooper, not minding the vacuum, good for the treatment and combing, good with dad while I've been out restocking used treatments/sprays/cleaners and at the mat, etc.

But (since I've never dealt with this before) I feel like I need some powerful being to help summon these beasts away (and the husband isn't helping tons -- university budgets, etc. are making his job difficult, so he's working long hours -- but he wonders why we don't often raise his wand?).

At the least, I'd like to be whisked away to Unicorn Camp with baby E. We can't show her a dragon, because she's so darn brave she'd at least stand her ground. I know it's a momma speaking -- but at 1 1/2, that girl's got more character, humor, good nature, and instinctual smarts than anyone I've ever known (and definitely all the rest of her family combined - we must be doing something right). Her only flaws are she's a neat freak (which is actually helpful), bossy, and a show-off (and clingy to momma).

Ok ... enough ranting and raving. (What an exhausting 24 hrs with more to go. Had to get it it SOMEWHERE!)

:!) to you both!
  • #15

I heart you, too, Evo! And you, too, Physics Girl. I think we all need a week away at Unicorn Camp.
  • #16

physics girl phd said:
MIH and EVO -- I so needed the laugh this morning. So glad this thread got revived.

Dealing with hunger pains and our first ever case of head lice brought home by one of the kids

Fortunately it's just P -- through school, Baby E -- through playing with his laundry before we discovered it (she's learning to put on clothes and obsessed with everyone's closet), and me -- through co-sleeping with the baby. Discovered it through seeing nits on the baby's fine hair yesterday, and quickly correlating that with our son's itchy head that my spouse and school thought was just a bad case of dandruff or dry-winter-weather-scalp). Started treatment right away.. and at least our cases are nothing like you see online, very few adults (probably helps that our son uses the dandruff shampoo everyday, and I use a mix, including tea-tree-oil shampoo). M and the Spouse don't have it.

Unfortunately the dryer, then washer went kaput halfway through the morning (and our landlords are conveniently vacationing in New Mexico and unable to make a decision about this), so dinner for me was pretzels at the laundrymat (drying the six loads that got done after the dryer broke, but before the washer broke) and more garbage bags are set to go tomorrow, for both cycles). The baby's been a trooper, not minding the vacuum, good for the treatment and combing, good with dad while I've been out restocking used treatments/sprays/cleaners and at the mat, etc.

But (since I've never dealt with this before) I feel like I need some powerful being to help summon these beasts away (and the husband isn't helping tons -- university budgets, etc. are making his job difficult, so he's working long hours -- but he wonders why we don't often raise his wand?).

At the least, I'd like to be whisked away to Unicorn Camp with baby E. We can't show her a dragon, because she's so darn brave she'd at least stand her ground. I know it's a momma speaking -- but at 1 1/2, that girl's got more character, humor, good nature, and instinctual smarts than anyone I've ever known (and definitely all the rest of her family combined - we must be doing something right). Her only flaws are she's a neat freak (which is actually helpful), bossy, and a show-off (and clingy to momma).

Ok ... enough ranting and raving. (What an exhausting 24 hrs with more to go. Had to get it it SOMEWHERE!)

:!) to you both!
What an awful day! You have your hands full even when there are no problems. A good laugh does help, I had forgotten this thread and laughed when I read it again.

Perhaps we can use MIH's magical powers to summon the OP back and he can be of help to you. :-p
  • #17

Wow... thank god Evo commented first... I would have led with a right hook, followed by a Howitzer to the groin.

I just hope this was a mistake, and not an attempt to bring PF into the "New Age".
  • #18

Math Is Hard said:
Welcome. I am a Level 5 Sorceress and the 17th incarnation of the Patron Saint of Praying Mantises. I have the power to change water into ice (and vice versa) in small, controlled situations, and I can summon wild beasts with a whistle (mostly crows and stray cats, but I think that still counts).

Every few years, I get a sign, that spaghetti exists.

For I cannot accept that pure randomness could have subscribed me to one of the most wonderful threads in the universe.

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  • #19

Math Is Hard said:
I heart you, too, Evo! And you, too, Physics Girl. I think we all need a week away at Unicorn Camp.
Do we get to dress up as unicorns?
  • #20

Evo said:
Do we get to dress up as unicorns?

Yeah, and end up in a tin like that picture of unicorn meat? Nooooo thank you madam! :smile:
  • #21

OmCheeto said:
Every few years, I get a sign, that spaghetti exists.

Ahh... blessed with the image of his Noodliness.:biggrin:
  • #22

physics girl phd said:
Ahh... blessed with the image of his Noodliness.:biggrin:

His?! APOSTATE! You blaspheme Lord Spaghetti the hermaphrodite!

  • #23

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  • #24

FtlIsAwesome said:

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  • #26

Math Is Hard said:
Welcome. I am a Level 5 Sorceress and the 17th incarnation of the Patron Saint of Praying Mantises.

Any connection to the Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed?
  • #27

jtbell said:
Any connection to the Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed?

Seriously? I don't think you even had to copy-paste that... :bugeye:

Anyway... I have the 'Lightning bolt!' kid on retainer, a mated pair of astral dragons, a Wish, and 'Power Word: Kill'. I took Charlie Sheen's warlock powers before he burned them all in a haze of crack-smoke... it wasn't pretty... I had to do things I'm not proud of.

He wasn't gentle.

Related to Sufi leader, healer and professional astrologer

What is a Sufi leader?

A Sufi leader is a spiritual guide who follows the teachings and practices of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam. They often lead spiritual gatherings and guide individuals on their spiritual journeys.

What is a healer in Sufism?

A healer in Sufism is someone who uses spiritual practices and techniques to help individuals achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. They may use techniques such as prayer, meditation, and energy work to facilitate healing.

What does a professional astrologer do?

A professional astrologer uses astrological charts and readings to help individuals gain insight into their personalities, relationships, and life paths. They use the positions of the stars and planets at the time of a person's birth to make predictions and offer guidance.

What is the significance of astrology in Sufism?

Astrology is considered to be a useful tool for understanding oneself and one's relationship with the divine in Sufism. Many Sufi leaders and healers use astrology to guide their spiritual practice and help others on their spiritual journeys.

How can a Sufi leader, healer, and professional astrologer help me?

A Sufi leader, healer, and professional astrologer can offer guidance, support, and healing on a spiritual level. They can help you gain insight into yourself and your life, find inner peace and balance, and connect with the divine. They may also offer practical advice and tools for navigating challenges and improving your well-being.
