Suggest good articles on Loop Quantum Cosmology

In summary, the paper shows that there is only one quantum cosmology that passes all the tests that are proposed.
  • #1
please suggest good articles on Loop Quantum Cosmology

If you have links of good articles and review papers of Loop Quantum Cosmology please post here
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  • #2

If you already have some basic ideas of LQC, good starting lectures are:

Is loop quantization in cosmology unique?
Alejandro Corichi, Parampreet Singh

that can give you a sort of "state of art" in LQC;
you can also read

An Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity Through Cosmology
Abhay Ashtekar

that is really good, but it can be a bit obscure if you don't have any knowledge of basic LQG... actually the work in LQC is to use loop technique to quantize cosmological variables, so first you should know how to quantize a system in the loopy manner.
If you have already done this step, then there is a huge literature, even if it doesn't exist a complete good review: there was a long review by Bojowald, but right now some stuff are dated if you take seriusly the fundamental requests for a good theory, given by Corichi and Singh...

cheers, F
  • #3

SuperStringboy said:
If you have links of good articles and review papers of Loop Quantum Cosmology please post here

One way to get good quantum cosmology papers is to do a Spires search at slac.stanford

this will give both review papers and research papers. It is ranked by citation count---the first papers on the list are the most highly cited, indicating that other researchers found them most useful.

I just used the keywords "quantum cosmology", for the search, so it brings up all kinds of quantum cosmology papers, string-inspired as well as LQC. However you will find that the first 20 or so on the list are nearly all Loop, so you already have plenty to choose from.

EDIT: I DIDN'T SEE FRANCESCA's post when I was writing this. I think it's good advice from an active researcher. It happens that the Spires link here comes up with the Ashtekar "Introduction" paper, indeed it is first on the list! Because often cited. But my search failed to bring up the Corichi Singh paper.

I see. The Corichi Singh is from May 2008 and the database librarians have not yet identified it and tagged it with the keywords "quantum cosmology". So Spires does not always work perfectly. It can be lagging. This Corichi Singh paper looks very interesting, and likely to have a major influence. It already has 3 cites, by the way, even though it only came out in May and has not been published yet. Here is the abstract:
Is loop quantization in cosmology unique?
Alejandro Corichi, Parampreet Singh
12 pages
(Submitted on 1 May 2008)

"We re-examine the process of loop quantization for flat isotropic models in cosmology. In particular, we contrast different inequivalent `loop quantizations' of these simple models through their respective successes and limitations and assess whether they can lead to any viable physical description. We propose three simple requirements which any such admissible quantum model should satisfy: i) independence from any auxiliary structure, such as a fiducial interval/cell introduced to define the phase space when integrating over non-compact manifolds; ii) existence of a well defined classical limit and iii) provide a sensible "Planck scale" where quantum gravitational effects become manifest. We show that even when it may seem that one can have several possible loop quantizations, these physical requirements considerably narrow down the consistent choices. Apart for the so called improved dynamics of LQC, none of the other available inequivalent loop quantizations pass above tests, showing the limitations of lattice refinement models to approximate the homogeneous sector and loop modified quantum geometrodynamics. We conclude that amongst a large class of loop quantizations in isotropic cosmology, there is a unique consistent choice."
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  • #4

thanks friends...

FAQ: Suggest good articles on Loop Quantum Cosmology

1. What is Loop Quantum Cosmology?

Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) is a theoretical framework that seeks to reconcile theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity to explain the behavior of the universe at a very high-energy scale, such as during the Big Bang.

2. What are some good articles on Loop Quantum Cosmology?

Some good articles on LQC include "Loop Quantum Cosmology: An Overview" by Martin Bojowald, "Loop Quantum Cosmology: A Brief Review" by Abhay Ashtekar, and "Loop Quantum Cosmology: From Pre-Inflationary Dynamics to Observational Signatures" by Parampreet Singh.

3. How does Loop Quantum Cosmology differ from traditional cosmological theories?

LQC differs from traditional cosmological theories, such as the Big Bang theory, in that it takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity to describe the behavior of the universe. It also offers potential solutions to problems such as the singularity and the horizon problem.

4. What are some potential implications of Loop Quantum Cosmology?

Some potential implications of LQC include providing a better understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe, offering potential solutions to long-standing problems in cosmology, and potentially leading to new predictions that can be tested through observations or experiments.

5. Is there ongoing research and development in the field of Loop Quantum Cosmology?

Yes, there is ongoing research and development in the field of LQC. Scientists are continuously exploring new applications and implications of the theory, as well as attempting to refine and improve upon it. Additionally, there are ongoing efforts to test LQC predictions through observations and experiments.

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