Suggestion for nanotechnology books?

In summary, there are several popular science books that provide an overview of current nanotechnology advancements. "Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the Next Big Idea" by Mark Ratner and Daniel Ranter, as well as "Understanding Nanotechnology" by Scientific American, are both good options. "Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life" by Richard A.L. Jones discusses the science behind nanotechnology and its potential impact on society. "Engines of Creation" by Eric Drexler is another accessible book on the subject. For a more in-depth understanding, "Introduction to nanotechnology" by C P Poole Jr. and F J Owens is recommended.
  • #1
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I'm looking for a 'popular science book' that gives a good overview of current nanotechnology advancements.
Physics news on
  • #2
Two years old now and a lite read there is "Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the Next Big Idea" by Mark Ratner and Daniel Ranter. I think it would fit the term "popular science book." No math easy to read, no good references though for the reader who wants to go further.

Also “Understanding Nanotechnology” by Scientific American, editors at Scientific American is grouped with the Ratners book by It is by Scientific America so this might also fit the bill.
  • #3
It doesn't have to be a lite read, as long that it covers a wide field of applications and some future applications. I read reviews on the Scientific American one, which seemed to be very conservative in their examples and future respectives. I guess I'll go for the Ranter book, which seems to give a good overview and thus make a good present :smile: .. it sure will lead to some hype-discussions :rolleyes:
  • #4
You may find Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life interesting. It argues that future advancements in nano-engineering will not be like scaled down versions of modern machines but will mostly resemble molecular biology.

Product Description said:
Enthusiasts look forward to a time when tiny machines reassemble matter and process information with unparalleled power and precision. But is their vision realistic? Where is the science heading? As nanotechnology (a new technology that many believe will transform society in the next on hundred years) rises higher in the news agenda and popular consciousness, there is a real need for a book which discusses clearly the science on which this technology will be based. Whilst it is most easy to simply imagine these tiny machines as scaled-down versions of the macroscopic machines we are all familiar with, the way things behave on small scales is quite different to the way they behave on large scales. Engineering on the nanoscale will use very different principles to those we are used to in our everyday lives, and the materials used in nanotehnology will be soft and mutable, rather than hard and unyielding. Soft Machines explains in a lively and very accessible manner why the nanoworld is so different to the macro-world which we are all familiar with. Why does nature engineer things in the way it does, and how can we learn to use these unfamiliar principles to create valuable new materials and artefacts which will have a profound effect on medicine, electronics, energy and the environment in the twenty-first century. With a firmer understanding of the likely relationship between nanotechnology and nature itself, we can gain a much clearer notion of what dangers this powerful technology may potentially pose, as well as come to realize that nanotechnology will have more in common with biology than with conventional engineering.

A sample pdf can be found at the Oxford site.

Oh, the author's blog is also work checking out.
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  • #5
I've only read one book on nanotech, but I really liked it, and it's very accessible. It's Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler.


The Rev
  • #6
You can also find Engines of Creation here online:
  • #7
Monique said:
I'm looking for a 'popular science book' that gives a good overview of current nanotechnology advancements.


If you are interested in a nice physical overview (some solid state physics is required to make the reading more easy, though everything is very well explained-so you certainly DON't need to be a specialist) i suggest "Introduction to nanotechnology" by C P Poole Jr. and F J Owens

I really enjoyed that book


FAQ: Suggestion for nanotechnology books?

1. What is nanotechnology and why is it important?

Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. It is important because it has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from medicine and healthcare to electronics and energy production, by creating new materials and devices with enhanced properties and capabilities.

2. Can you recommend a good introductory book on nanotechnology?

Yes, "Introduction to Nanotechnology" by Charles P. Poole Jr. and Frank J. Owens is a comprehensive and accessible book for beginners. It covers the basics of nanotechnology, its history, and potential applications, and includes real-world examples and illustrations to help readers understand the concepts.

3. Are there any books that focus on the ethical and societal implications of nanotechnology?

Yes, "Nanotechnology: Ethics and Society" by Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin, and Daniel Moore is a thought-provoking book that examines the ethical, legal, and social aspects of nanotechnology. It discusses issues such as privacy, environmental impact, and the potential for misuse of nanotechnology.

4. Are there any books that delve into the technical details of nanotechnology?

Yes, "Nanomaterials: An Introduction" by Matthias Werner and Götz Winter is a comprehensive book that covers the fundamental principles and techniques of nanotechnology. It includes detailed explanations of various nanomaterials, their properties, and characterization methods, making it a valuable resource for researchers and engineers.

5. Can you recommend a book on the current state and future advancements of nanotechnology?

"Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity" by Lynn E. Foster is a well-researched book that provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of nanotechnology and its potential for future advancements. It also explores the challenges and barriers that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of nanotechnology.

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