Suggestions for a Nature-Related Career Path

In summary: If you are really good at a certain subject, like physics or math, you may have a chance to do that as a job.
  • #1
Hello! I am new here, not a native english speaker so expect bad grammar. Anyway, I am one year away from going to college and half year from choosing a career. Would you help me giving me some suggestions?
I love physics and math. I consider myself very good on physics and average on math. I see myself in the future doing something that involves this two. Computer stuff is on my interests, I am good at it (Im a programming learner) and I like it as a hobby but not that much to spend all day in front of a computer.
Playing piano, drawing, writing and photographing is another of my hobbies, I am passionated about all of this hobbies and I am good at it. I would love a job that involves those. I have no problem expressing myself.

That been said I am very active, I can't stand being in a office all day.
Im very analitic and I love figuring how everything works, specially nature related. I am logical and I am good when it comes to see things that are not evident. Doing research is not a problem.

Im happy being on the nature. Something that involves traveling a lot and being on the wild would be my dream job.
Biology is another of my interest, I have respect for every animal I think they are well crafted machines that continues to amaze me. I am "average" at it except when involves a lot of chemistry, I suck at it.
I have a lot more respect for nature phenomenoms like lighting, earthquakes, volcanos, etc. And when I think on the cosmos it just makes make so philosophical and existensialist.

In summary, I am passionated on understanding nature.
Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Wait... I am confused. You choose a career before you go to college?
  • #3
Dishsoap said:
Wait... I am confused. You choose a career before you go to college?

Well I think I have translated it wrong. Maybe career is not the word. I have to make procedures for choosing what I want to study with half year of anticipation before entering college. Here isn't like you enter college first and then you choose what you want to study
  • #4
I suggest geophysicst
  • #5
Dishsoap said:
Wait... I am confused. You choose a career before you go to college?
If you are smart, yes. Or rather, if you have the luxury or clarity of mind to do so.
I think it is the right way to go because jobs are about a lot more than just interest and ability in high school subjects. I think many people go wrong here, picking a degree of a course they like preparing them for a career the could have known they won't like.

Things like working outside vs working behind a desk&at a computer vs working in a lab vs working/interacting with people are extremely important in degree choice, but have nothing to do with subject interests.Something like geology could match, but if your country, like mine, has zero demand for geologists because there is no geology in the geology of the land, then that is something to consider. There is a lot of applied physics and engineering in outdoors stuff like meteorology, hydrology, landscape engineering, water&soil science, and geology. Though even in those areas you can be data crunching/programming behind a computer full-time.

Sounds like biophysics or just straight biology may also be an option. Biology is extremely diverse. Every science and pseudoscience, from math to sociology, exists inside biology. You can be at a computer 100% or in nature for almost a 100%. That said, employment in industry is way harder. Like with physics you may be 'forced' to do a PhD to have an employable degree.I also strongly believe in separating job and work. I also believe you are better off trying to like what you are good at than to become good at what you like.Even though you say now you are not so good at math or chemistry, maybe one day that is what you excel at. I don't believe you can have a natural talent for one science and be horrible at some others. Sure, some resonate with you and you should listen to that, but some people are too quick to decide that they aren't good at X, therefore don't like X.Recommendations given are based on what you wrote down and reflect that. They don't reflect who you are. If you would have worded your post differently, you would have gotten different answers. You should take all these as 'suggestions' rather than 'advice'.

Considering you say you don't want to sit at a desk most of the time, you have to ask what is the real alternative for you. Work in a lab. Interact with people. Do work outside.

Related to Suggestions for a Nature-Related Career Path

1. What are some examples of nature-related careers?

There are many careers that involve working with nature, such as environmental scientist, conservation biologist, park ranger, wildlife photographer, and environmental educator.

2. What education and skills are needed for a nature-related career?

Most nature-related careers require at least a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as biology, ecology, or environmental science. Strong communication and critical thinking skills are also important for these careers.

3. What types of organizations or companies hire for nature-related careers?

Nature-related careers can be found in a variety of organizations and companies, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutions, and environmental consulting firms.

4. Are there any internships or volunteer opportunities available for those interested in a nature-related career?

Yes, there are often internships and volunteer opportunities available in various nature-related fields. These can be a great way to gain experience and make connections in the industry.

5. How can I make a positive impact on the environment through my career?

There are many ways to make a positive impact on the environment through a nature-related career, such as conducting research on endangered species, implementing sustainable practices, or educating others about environmental issues.

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