Suggestions needed for a dysmathic polymath

  • Thread starter Cephas Atheos
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In summary, the speaker is a self-taught engineer with experience at Hewlett-Packard and in audio restoration. They also enjoy designing and building small computers as a hobby. Their interests lie in cosmology and medical prosthetics, but they have difficulty with higher maths concepts. They are seeking suggestions for areas where their skillset may be useful, particularly in astronomy, as they are willing to further their education.
  • #1
Cephas Atheos
G'day all,

I'm a 50-year-old ex-hardware pseudo-engineer. I had 2 years of electronics training back in the early 80s, but since then I've been completely self-taught. I was sharp enough to be offered a position at Hewlett-Packard, in instrument repair, although I was the only team member without any formal qualifications. I learned pretty much on-the-job. I stayed there for 16 years, moving into computer support and finally critical escalation management. All of this was hands-on, with access to the factory designers and engineers, which I found to be very humbling. I was a lucky guy!

Since then (~2005) I've kept busy designing and building a music studio, where I've been repairing, recovering, and restoring audio recordings (think wax cylinders, wire recordings, bakelite, shellac-on-glass, nitride, and vinyl disks, as well as cassette, reel-to-reel tapes, Beta and VHS video, and so on). Again, self-taught, and I did a good enough job to be able to get work from the Australian Film and TV Archives in Canberra. It's been tremendously rewarding and utterly fascinating, but after leading the field for nearly a decade, there are too many others offering competing services (without the attention to detail, unfortunately) and this is no longer viable.

As a hobby, I design, fabricate, and build small computers for use in drying oven controls, metal detectors, autonomous robots, vehicle sensors for driving assistance, and sometimes just to flash the lights!

However... my true passions (apart from helping people) are cosmology and medical prosthetics, believe it or not. I read as many cosmology papers as I can access, but the catch is that I'm quite dysmathic - I have tremendous trouble with higher maths concepts, such as Taylor expansion, complex polynomials, various spaces (Riemann, Minkowski, Hilbert, etc). So anything more complex than vectors is really, really difficult for me, despite years of trying with maths books. I can fudge through calculus now, but my brain hurts when I do it.

I assume this makes practical exploratory cosmology a closed subject, but I'm hoping somewhere, someone might see some potential. Heck, I'd even be happy to dust the telescopes if that would get my foot in the door! Unfortunately, the three or four observatories I've contacted have quite clearly stated that they required a formal degree before they'd let me out of the visitors' area!

Another option would be in prosthetics, since I also have an excellent medical comprehension (I'm currently teaching myself neurology as I have quite a few prosthetics in my spine after a misspent youth!), and I definitely have the mental and design chops to offer some skills in that area - but again, the few people I've been able to contact want formal engineering qualifications in mechanical or medical/biological engineering.

So can anyone suggest any possible areas where my skillset might be useful? I'm prepared to spend a few years in uni, to get at least a degree, but the costs are (pardon the pun) astronomical!

Oh, yeah, I'm based in Melbourne, Australia.

Any suggestions or pointers would be very much appreciated. And thanks for reading all this!
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  • #2
If you're currently successful and have a disposable income, astronomy remains a field in which non-professionals can make outstanding contributions to the field. Obviously you aren't going to be able to do the heavy lifting origin of the universe stuff, but a sizeable scope with proper set up will enable you to take part in asteroid/comet identification, planetary observation, variable stars, ect.

I have a 16 inch Meade I really wish I had the space to pier mount somewhere. A scope of that size is a good start. If you haven't done much observing, it will also prove mentally stimulating to learn all the ins and outs.

Related to Suggestions needed for a dysmathic polymath

What is dysmathia?

Dysmathia is a learning disability that affects a person's ability to understand and work with numbers and mathematical concepts.

What is a polymath?

A polymath is a person who has expertise in multiple fields of study or has a wide range of knowledge.

What suggestions can help a dysmathic polymath?

1. Provide support and accommodations: Dysmathia can make it difficult for a person to learn and understand mathematical concepts. Providing support and accommodations, such as extra time on tests and using visual aids, can make learning easier for a dysmathic polymath.

2. Focus on their strengths: A dysmathic polymath may excel in other areas, such as language or art. Encourage and nurture their strengths to build their confidence and self-esteem.

3. Use real-life examples: Dysmathic polymaths may struggle with abstract concepts. Using real-life examples and applying mathematical concepts to everyday situations can make learning more tangible and easier to understand.

4. Utilize technology: There are many apps and tools available that can assist dysmathic polymaths in learning and understanding mathematical concepts. Encourage the use of technology as a learning aid.

5. Seek professional help: If the dysmathia is severely impacting the person's daily life and learning, it may be beneficial to seek the help of a professional, such as a therapist or educational specialist.

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