Sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers

In summary: N-S+2} j \left(\sum_{k=j+1}^{N-S+3} k \left(\sum_{l=k+1}^{N-S+4} l \right) \right) \right)And so on until we reach the final sum \sum_{z=N-(S-1)}^{N} z which can be easily evaluated. Therefore, in summary, the general formula for the sum of all products formed from a set of consecutive integers up to N and choosing S numbers per product is:\sum_{i=1}^{N-S+1} i \left(\sum_{j=i+1}^{N-S+2} j
  • #1

Homework Statement

Say I have a set of consecutive integers up to N, for example up to 5, the set 1,2,3,4,5. I need to know a general formula for the value of the sum of all products that can be formed from a certain number of elements taken from such a set. For example with the 5 set, say I want 3 numbers; I'll get 1.2.3+1.2.4+1.2.5+1.3.4+1.3.5+1.4.5+2.3.4 etc etc. I'd like to find a general formula for any set size and any length of product. Spent most of today looking for one, and from what I did it looks like a nice formula may not exist, but you never know.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let N be the number of elements in the set and S be the number of terms per product. The furthest I got was something like


The final sum (over z here) can be done easily, it gives something depending on y, then the sum over y can be done, and so on, but it very rapidly gets completely out of hand. Any alternative ways of looking at the problem would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

Thank you for posting your question about finding a general formula for the sum of all products that can be formed from a set of consecutive integers up to N. This is an interesting problem and I can understand your frustration in trying to find a suitable formula.

After considering your approach, I believe there may be a simpler way to approach this problem. Let us consider the example you provided with the set {1,2,3,4,5} and choosing 3 numbers to form products. We can write out all the possible products as follows:

1.2.3 + 1.2.4 + 1.2.5 + 1.3.4 + 1.3.5 + 1.4.5 + 2.3.4 + 2.3.5 + 2.4.5 + 3.4.5

Notice that each term in this sum can be written as the product of the smallest number in that term and the sum of the remaining two numbers. For example, 1.2.3 = 1(2+3) and 1.2.4 = 1(2+4). Therefore, we can rewrite the sum as:

1(2+3+4+5) + 2(3+4+5) + 3(4+5) + 4(5)

Now, let's generalize this for any set size N and number of terms per product S. We can write the sum as follows:

\sum_{i=1}^{N-S+1} i \left(\sum_{j=i+1}^{N-S+2} j \left(\sum_{k=j+1}^{N-S+3} k \left(...\sum_{z=N-(S-1)}^{N} z \right) \right) \right)

Using the same logic as before, we can rewrite this as:

\sum_{i=1}^{N-S+1} i \left(\sum_{j=i+1}^{N-S+2} j \left(\sum_{k=j+1}^{N-S+3} k \left(...(N-S+1) + (N-S+2) + ... + N \right) \right) \right)

This can be simplified to:

\sum_{i=1}^{N-S+1} i \left

FAQ: Sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers

What is the formula for finding the sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers?

The formula for finding the sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers is (n+1)!/(r!(n-r)!), where n is the largest integer in the set and r is the number of integers in the set.

How do you determine the number of possible products from a set of consecutive integers?

The number of possible products from a set of consecutive integers is equal to the number of combinations of n integers taken r at a time, where n is the largest integer in the set and r is the number of integers in the set.

What is the relationship between the sum of all possible products and the sum of the integers in the set?

The sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers is equal to the sum of the integers in the set raised to the power of the number of integers in the set. In other words, the sum of all possible products is equal to the sum of the set of integers multiplied by itself r times, where r is the number of integers in the set.

Can the sum of all possible products ever be negative?

No, the sum of all possible products formed from a set of consecutive integers can never be negative. This is because all the products will always be positive or zero, since they are formed by multiplying positive or zero integers. Therefore, the sum of all these positive or zero products will also be positive or zero.

Is there a limit to the number of possible products that can be formed from a set of consecutive integers?

Yes, there is a limit to the number of possible products that can be formed from a set of consecutive integers. This limit is equal to the number of combinations of n integers taken r at a time, where n is the largest integer in the set and r is the number of integers in the set. This means that as the number of integers in the set increases, the number of possible products also increases exponentially.
