Sum of Infinite Series: Finding n and Correct to Three Decimal Places

  • Thread starter remaan
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses finding the sum of a series, n=1 to infinity of (1/n^5) correct to three decimal places. The solution involves adding terms until the first three decimal places no longer change, and using the remainder estimate to ensure accuracy. The meaning of "correct to three decimal places" is clarified to mean having three zeros after the decimal point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the sum of the series n= 1 to infinity of ( 1/n ^5 ) correct to three decimal places .

Homework Equations

We have to find Sn by sub. n number of terms

The Attempt at a Solution

But , we are not given n, so how to find the sum in such a case, is there a way to find n ?

( I mean by n the number of Sn terms )

any help would be nice
Physics news on
  • #2
Any help will be great ..
  • #3
You are given n, n=1 to infinity. The summation is defined as the sum of in this case, an infinite number of terms of [tex]\frac{1}{{n^5 }}[/tex]. If the problem stated n = 1 to 3, for example, it would simply be [tex]\frac{1}{{1^5 }} + \frac{1}{{2^5 }} + \frac{1}{{3^5 }}[/tex]
  • #4
Do you mean that I should make an integral n=1 to infinity ?

even without telling that n=1 ?
  • #5
Ya, I tried that and I got .25
and what I did is that I itegrated the given function and then evaluated the integtal
with replacing the infinity with t and this what I got..

So " it seems that we are not using the Sn , partial sums at all" Right ?
  • #6
No, n is an index, not a variable in the usual sense. n counts from 1, 2, 3, 4, to infinity in integer steps. It sounds like an integral but it's completely different.
  • #7
Yes, sure I understand all what you said,
But still did not answer my question,

Is the way I did correct ,, integration without any Sn ??
  • #8
There is no integration involved, you're simply adding [tex] \frac{1}{{1^5 }} + \frac{1}{{2^5 }} + \frac{1}{{3^5 }}[/tex] all the way to n = infinity. Now the question wants you to do this until the first 3 digits no longer change when you continue to add.
  • #9
I was thinking that the anwer should be rounded to 3 decimal places
  • #10
Because it saya " correct to three decimal places " ??

What do you think ??
  • #11
If you start calculating each term, you'll quickly realize that the first 3 decimal places no longer change in the sum after a certain n. That means you've found the sum accurate to 0.001.
  • #12
Uha, but this is not always
It happenes to be correct in this case

Right ?
  • #13
As long as the series isn't divergent, each additional sum will add smaller and smaller amounts to the sum. However, I don't believe that the digits are guaranteed to stay the same as your summation approaches infinity.
  • #14
Ok, and when it says accurate to three decimal places that means


where x is any number, I mean to say that three decimal places means three zeros
  • #15
remaan said:
Ok, and when it says accurate to three decimal places that means


where x is any number, I mean to say that three decimal places means three zeros

Why are you messing around with this? Why don't you use the remainder estimate Tom Mattson suggested in your other thread? Rn is less than or equal to an integral.
  • #16
Uha, am ok with that, but I was wondering about the meaning of correct to three decimal places mean ?
  • #17
I think they probably just mean make sure that Rn<0.001. Making sure that really means you have 3 correct decimal places could be a little tricky if you have, let's say Sn=0.1234 and Rn<0.001. That really doesn't tell you exactly how to round off. But I don't think they mean to be tricky.
  • #18
Still, I don't feel that my question is anwered..


how many zeros after the point ??
  • #19
This is exactly what I mean ...
I wish I could an "exact" answer .. before my exam tommoro
  • #20
Three places after the decimal point.
  • #21
I know that it's became boring, but still "how many zeros after the point"?
  • #22
My suggestion is to find Rn<0.001. That means Rn has at least three zeros after the decimal point, right?
  • #23
mmm,, what I can see is there are two zeros after the point ?? right?
  • #24
This is getting silly. If Rn is LESS THAN 0.001 then there are three. 0.001 has two. Anything less has three.
  • #25
Ok,, thaks a lot I appretiate your effort !

FAQ: Sum of Infinite Series: Finding n and Correct to Three Decimal Places

1. What is the formula for finding the sum of an infinite series?

The formula for finding the sum of an infinite series is given by S = a / (1 - r), where a is the first term of the series and r is the common ratio.

2. How do you determine the value of n in an infinite series?

The value of n can be determined by using the formula n = logr(S / a), where S is the sum of the series and a is the first term. This formula can also be used to find the number of terms in a finite geometric series.

3. What does it mean to find the sum of an infinite series correct to three decimal places?

When finding the sum of an infinite series correct to three decimal places, it means that the final answer will be rounded to the nearest thousandth. This is a way to approximate the exact value of the sum, which is not always possible to obtain.

4. Can the sum of an infinite series be negative?

Yes, the sum of an infinite series can be negative. This occurs when the common ratio, r, is a negative number and the absolute value of r is less than 1. In this case, the sum is approaching a negative number as the number of terms, n, increases.

5. How can we use a calculator to find the sum of an infinite series correct to three decimal places?

To use a calculator to find the sum of an infinite series correct to three decimal places, you can follow these steps:1. Enter the first term of the series, a, into the calculator.2. Divide a by (1 - r), where r is the common ratio.3. Round the result to three decimal places.4. This rounded value is the sum of the infinite series correct to three decimal places.

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