Sum of two prime ideals is prime ?

  • Thread starter sihag
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    Prime Sum
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of prime ideals and their relationship to geometric objects such as algebraic curves. The ideal generated by the sum of two ideals is the intersection of their zero loci. A counterexample is given with the ideals <2> and <3> in the ring Z, which shows that the intersection of prime ideals is not necessarily prime. The conversation also mentions the generalization of this concept in principal ideal domains. The geometric interpretation of ideals is further discussed with examples of prime ideals in cones and planes.
  • #1
i was looking for a counter example.

and, I've not been able to think of any.
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  • #2
look at Z
  • #3
the sum of two ideals is the ideal generated by their union right?

thus geometrically it is the ideal of the intersection of the two zero loci.

so look for a pair of irreducible algebraic sets whose intersection is reducible,

(like a quadric surface and a tangent plane.)

i.e. a prime ideal is one that has a (reduced and) irreducible zero set.
  • #4
i did not understand the geometric bit.
well i considered the principal ideals <2> and <3>
their union includes 1 which is a unit in Z, so the ideal of the sum is nothing but Z itself right ?
and that can't be prime by definition ? (since an ideal P is prime => P /= R (the ring in consideration))
more hints please.
  • #5
sihag said:
i did not understand the geometric bit.
well i considered the principal ideals <2> and <3>
their union includes 1 which is a unit in Z, so the ideal of the sum is nothing but Z itself right ?
and that can't be prime by definition ? (since an ideal P is prime => P /= R (the ring in consideration))
more hints please.

yea that's fine, just notice 1 = -1*2 + 1*3

another way to think about it is in terms of existence of gcd's. gcd(2, 3) = 1, so there are x, y in Z such that 2x + 3y = 1 and this is in <2> + <3>, but this is an ideal, so x = x*1 is in <2> + <3> for all x in Z, so yea Z = <2> + <3>, probably overkill but a useful observation

this can be generalized and is really useful, if R is a pid, then Ra + Rb = Rd where d = gcd(a, b)

when looking for counterexamples always think simple(doesn't always work but sometimes it does), like for example 2Z and 3Z are prime but 2Z n 3Z = 6Z is not, so the intersection of prime ideals isn't necessarily prime
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  • #6
sihag said:
i did not understand the geometric bit.
Think of rings like R[x, y]. Algebraic curves (like the parabola y - x^2 = 0) correspond to ideals (like the ideal <y - x^2>). Sums of ideals relate to intersections of curves. Can you work out why? Do you see how a non-prime ideal corresponds, in some sense, into a curve that is the union of two or more other curves?
  • #7
a prime ideal of a cone is (Z^2 -X^2-Y^2).

a prime ideal of a plane is (Y).

the sum of these ideals (Z^2 -X^2-Y^2, Y) = (Z^2 -X^2, Y), is the ideal of the intersection, which is the two lines Z=X, Z=-X, in the X,Z plane.

FAQ: Sum of two prime ideals is prime ?

1. What is the definition of a prime ideal?

A prime ideal in a commutative ring is an ideal that is not the whole ring and has the property that if the product of two elements is in the ideal, then at least one of the elements is in the ideal.

2. How do you prove that the sum of two prime ideals is prime?

To prove that the sum of two prime ideals is prime, we must show that it is an ideal and that it is a prime ideal. To show that it is an ideal, we can use the definition of the sum of ideals. To show that it is a prime ideal, we can use the definition of a prime ideal and the fact that the sum of ideals is a subset of the product of ideals.

3. Can the sum of two prime ideals ever not be prime?

No, the sum of two prime ideals is always prime. This is because if the sum of two ideals is prime, then it is an ideal and a prime ideal, and the sum of two prime ideals is an ideal and a subset of the product of two prime ideals.

4. Why is the sum of two prime ideals important in ring theory?

The sum of two prime ideals is important in ring theory because it allows us to define and study other important concepts, such as the radical of an ideal and the intersection of ideals. It also helps us understand the structure of rings and their ideals.

5. Can the sum of two prime ideals be a maximal ideal?

Yes, the sum of two prime ideals can be a maximal ideal. This occurs when one of the prime ideals is contained in the other, making their sum equal to the larger prime ideal. In this case, the sum of two prime ideals is a maximal ideal as it cannot be properly contained in any other ideal.

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