Sum over histories implies no definite history?

In summary, Feynman's sum over histories means that the probability of any given outcome is not fixed, but is instead based on the totality of possible histories that could have led to that outcome.
  • #1
What does Feynman's sum over histories mean to the interpretation of our world? Does it mean that we (or a particle) do not have a definite history, but only the most probable one?
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  • #3
There is a big difference between an electron and a chair or a table.
The electron may have many histories(within coarse graininess).
The chair, for what we know, has only a single history due to the fact that it obeys approximate classical laws.
With many degrees of freedom and big objects, quantum effects become quite negligible so much so that you can exclude them for all practical purposes.
  • #4
Happiness said:
What does Feynman's sum over histories mean to the interpretation of our world? Does it mean that we (or a particle) do not have a definite history, but only the most probable one?

Feynman's sum over histories is not a separate interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is a wonderful and very effective mathematical trick for calculating the probabilities of measurement outcomes, but Feynman's calculation method fits well within the orthodox, Copenhagen-style interpretation.
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  • #5
Happiness said:
What does Feynman's sum over histories mean to the interpretation of our world?
Nothing, absolutely nothing. As @atyy said, it's just a mathematical method of computation. In the case of fermionic fields, the method does not even involve a sum over histories.
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  • #6
atyy said:
Feynman's sum over histories is not a separate interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is a wonderful and very effective mathematical trick for calculating the probabilities of measurement outcomes, but Feynman's calculation method fits well within the orthodox, Copenhagen-style interpretation.
Demystifier said:
Nothing, absolutely nothing. As @atyy said, it's just a mathematical method of computation. In the case of fermionic fields, the method does not even involve a sum over histories.

This, at best, says Feynman's sum over histories is consistent with the orthodox, one-history Copenhagen-style interpretation? But Feynman's sum over histories could also be consistent with a multi-histories interpretation?

Before Feynman's sum over histories, most of us were oblivious to or ignorant of the possibility of a multi-histories interpretation. So Feynman's sum over histories at least opened up our horizon, gave us the awareness needed before we could question what we heretofore have taken for granted, the awareness needed to review our epistemology? How do you know what we think is true, is true? What makes you so confident?
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  • #7
EPR said:
The electron may have many histories(within coarse graininess).

Feynman's method shows that the historical path of a particle is not encrypted into the present state of the particle, so this is also true for a collection of particles, this implies that our history is also not encrypted into our present state?
  • #8
Happiness said:
What does Feynman's sum over histories mean to the interpretation of our world?

Nothing. The term "sum over histories" is unfortunate given that the word "histories" has come to be associated with certain interpretations of QM. That's not how Feynman was using the word (those interpretations hadn't even been invented yet when he coined the term). He was just describing the path integral formulation of QM: a "history" is just one of the paths that goes into the integral. The path integral formulation is just a different way of computing amplitudes, mathematically equivalent to the Schrodinger Equation; it only applies when no measurement is being made, and has nothing whatever to say about what happens when a measurement is being made.
  • #9

In 1948 Feynman, building on the work of Dirac, introduced his sum-over-histories formulation of quantum mechanics and with it the path integral that has proved a powerful tool in many branches of physics. It is possible to see the sum-over-histories as merely a technical tool - a useful device for computing certain amplitudes within the usual Schrödinger-Heisenberg formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of states on spacelike surfaces. That is not, however, how I think Feynman saw it. Rather, the sum-over-histories formulation of quantum mechanics can be regarded as an independent formulation of quantum theory.
Its equivalence with the usual formulations is not automatic but rather a question whose answer may be different in different theories and for different physical systems. In this talk I shall review the current status of the sum-over-histories formulation as an independent statement of quantum theory. I shall argue that, viewed most fundamentally, it is different from the Schrödinger-Heisenberg formulations because the totality of alternatives to which it potentially assigns probabilities is different from that of Schrödinger-Heisenberg quantum mechanics. Sum-over-histories alternatives at definite moments of time are more restricted than in usual quantum mechanics because they refer only to the coordinates of the configuration space in which the paths are defined. By contrast, at a moment of time, Schrödinger-Heisenberg quantum mechanics has all the alternatives provided by transformation theory. However, even in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the sum-over-histories formulation allows a generalization of the alternatives at definite moments of time to genuine spacetime alternatives that are not considered in usual Schrödinger-Heisenberg formulations.
This generalization allows a more realistic description of everyday experiments. But, more importantly, it may be central for the construction of a quantum theory of gravity in which there is no well-defined notion of time. There, alternatives "at a moment of time" may be difficult to find, while spacetime alternatives may be the natural "observables" for which the theory makes predictions.


James B Hartle


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  • #10
The contribution of quantum uncertainty to the world of chairs and tables is almost zero.
There is only one history in the macro world.
People seem to have conceptual issues what relates to what and how everything is being determined.
Quantum mechanics rules apply IN the quantum world. There, no single history exists.
On the other hand, there are no multiple histories in the macro world. Why? Because the contribution of quantum effects IN the macro world is negligible. With all things taken together, a collection of atoms has VERY little uncertainty. The bigger it gets, the less uncertain the object is. For something as big as a giraffe, the uncertainty of position is practically zero.
Not so with a single atom.
We shouldn't even be talking of histories in the plural.
  • #11
I realize it's not easy to get neutral, impartial responses. Most of us have our own perspectives, beliefs and biases, and we allow these biases to influence our response, knowingly or unknowingly.

My attempt of an impartial, fair response would be:

"Feynman's sum over histories is a mathematical tool. In that respect, it is neutral to the various interpretations. It neither supports nor rejects the orthodox one-history interpretation. It also neither supports nor rejects the multi-histories interpretation. The multi-histories interpretation could turn out to be false; it could also turn out to be true. The same is true for the orthodox one-history interpretation. At best, you could say that the sum over histories may have stimulated ideas in the exploration and investigation of the multi-histories interpretation."

EPR said:
There is only one history in the macro world.

This is what we observe, or more rigorously speaking, this is what we think we observe. I understand why you make that statement, but that statement has not been proven scientifically rigourously. Until then, other alternatives cannot be excluded.

EPR said:
We shouldn't even be talking of histories in the plural.

An overwhelming majority of people may be of the opinion that this is true, but in the true scientific spirit, rigour and exploration, science would response: "Don't be too overconfident. Be open to different perspectives. It is still too early to tell now." Science is humble, for it only says what has been proven to be true, is true, for the remaining, it says: "I do not know, at least not so, as for now."
  • #12
The MWI is a very extravagant idea... But we are not even talking about the MWI but the fundamentals of quantum systems - their indeterminacy(which fapp is limited in scope and fapp coincides with... Hang on - yes, with classicality).

You don't need a new Universe to explain the fuzziness of the hydrogen atom.
What evidence is there of many histories in the macro world?
There is none.
It's not an opinion. It's an observational fact.
  • #13
EPR said:
What evidence is there of many histories in the macro world?
There is none.
It's not an opinion. It's an observational fact.

Similarly, someone could say:
"Currently, what conclusive evidence is there of a one-and-only history in the macro world?
There is none.
It's not an opinion. It's a scientific fact."

So an impartial, fair response would be:
"There is currently neither conclusive evidence for the multi-histories interpretation nor for the single-history interpretation. We simply do not know which is true at this point in time."

When we view the world from our own perspective, we often exclude and forget the existence of other perspectives. But the true scientific attitude is to keep all options open until their possibility is excluded by the rigourous process of science. And fair, impartial responses help to inform and remind us what options are still open for consideration, for the progress of science and for uncovering the truth.
  • #14
Happiness said:
"There is currently neither conclusive evidence for the multi-histories interpretation nor for the single-history interpretation. We simply do not know which is true at this point in time."

The Feynman "sum over histories" is not an interpretation of QM; it certainly is not the same as the MWI. It's just a different mathematical formulation, and is compatible with multiple interpretations just as the usual mathematical formulation is.
  • #15
Everyone, please bear in mind that asking about the implications of the sum over histories is not the same as asking whether the MWI is true. This thread is not about the MWI.
  • #16
PeterDonis said:
The Feynman "sum over histories" is not an interpretation of QM; it certainly is not the same as the MWI. It's just a different mathematical formulation, and is compatible with multiple interpretations just as the usual mathematical formulation is.

Yes I meant the response

"There is currently neither conclusive evidence for the multi-histories interpretation nor for the single-history interpretation. We simply do not know which is true at this point in time."

is an impartial, fair response in relation to EPR's response

"What evidence is there of many histories in the macro world?
There is none.
It's not an opinion. It's an observational fact."

PeterDonis said:
a "history" is just one of the paths that goes into the integral.

I wonder why Feynman used the word "histories" instead of "paths".
  • #17
Happiness said:
I wonder why Feynman used the word "histories" instead of "paths".

When he used the word "histories", he probably didn't anticipate that that word would later be used in a much more general class of QM interpretations (since those wouldn't be invented for several more decades). It's a natural enough word to use for the spacetime paths, although it is somewhat weird that many of those paths are very, very different from classical paths (i.e., they violate the classical equations of motion by very large amounts), whereas the term "histories" does have at least somewhat of a connotation of classical paths.

Related to Sum over histories implies no definite history?

1. What does "sum over histories" mean in the context of physics?

"Sum over histories" is a concept in quantum mechanics that suggests that all possible paths or histories of a particle or system are taken into account when calculating its behavior. This means that instead of considering just one specific path, the theory takes into account the probability of all possible paths and sums them together.

2. How does the concept of "sum over histories" relate to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The concept of "sum over histories" takes into account all possible paths a particle could take, including those that may deviate from the expected path due to uncertainty. This allows for a more accurate prediction of a particle's behavior.

3. Does the idea of "sum over histories" imply that there is no definite history for a particle?

Yes, the concept of "sum over histories" suggests that there is no one definite path or history for a particle. Instead, all possible paths are considered and their probabilities are summed together. This aligns with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

4. How does the concept of "sum over histories" challenge our understanding of causality?

The concept of "sum over histories" challenges our traditional understanding of causality, which suggests that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between events. In quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles is described probabilistically, meaning that there is no one definite cause for a specific outcome. This challenges our understanding of causality as a linear and deterministic concept.

5. What are some practical applications of the "sum over histories" concept?

The concept of "sum over histories" is used in various areas of physics, including quantum field theory, quantum gravity, and particle physics. It has also been applied in other fields such as economics and biology. In practical terms, the concept allows for more accurate predictions of the behavior of particles and systems, and has led to advancements in technologies such as quantum computing.

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