Summation Convention – Substitution Rule

In summary: Yes, it does. So, if we have two identity matrices multiplied, we will get the same indices for the resulting matrix, right? Therefore, δik = δijδjk. Thank you, that makes sense.In summary, we can prove the substitution rule for the Kronecker delta symbol by using the properties of identity matrices. When two identity matrices are multiplied, the resulting matrix will have the same indices as the original matrices. Therefore, δik = δijδjk, which proves the substitution rule for the Kronecker delta symbol.
  • #1
Hello. I'm new to this forum. I'm starting a PhD – it's going to be a big long journey through the jungle that is CFD. I would like to arm myself with some tools before entering. The machete is Cartesian Tensors.

I know the rules regarding free suffix's and dummy suffixes, but I'm having trouble proving the substitution rule:
δi j δj k = δi k

Assuming a range of 3 for each component, I will choose that the free suffix's have the following values: i=3, k=1. Therefore, using the implicit summation rule for the dummy index:
δi j δj k = δ3 1 δ1 1 + δ3 2 δ2 1 + δ3 3 δ3 1 = ?

Is my expansion correct?

Many thanks.
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  • #2
FluidStu said:
I know the rules regarding free suffix's and dummy suffixes, but I'm having trouble proving the substitution rule:
δi j δj k = δi k
You can visualize this equation by remembering that kronecker delta symbol actually represents the matrix elements of an identity matrix.
  • #3
FluidStu said:
Hello. I'm new to this forum. I'm starting a PhD – it's going to be a big long journey through the jungle that is CFD. I would like to arm myself with some tools before entering. The machete is Cartesian Tensors.

I know the rules regarding free suffix's and dummy suffixes, but I'm having trouble proving the substitution rule:
δi j δj k = δi k

Assuming a range of 3 for each component, I will choose that the free suffix's have the following values: i=3, k=1. Therefore, using the implicit summation rule for the dummy index:
δi j δj k = δ3 1 δ1 1 + δ3 2 δ2 1 + δ3 3 δ3 1 = ?

Is my expansion correct?
No, It is not because, since "i" and "k" are NOT repeated your result should have "i" and "k" in it, only "j" is replaced by numbers:
δijδjk= δi1δ1k+ δi2δ2k+ δi3δ3k

FluidStu said:
Many thanks.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
No, It is not because, since "i" and "k" are NOT repeated your result should have "i" and "k" in it, only "j" is replaced by numbers:
δijδjk= δi1δ1k+ δi2δ2k+ δi3δ3k
Ok, that makes sense (since the index which appears once simultaneously represents all the possible values of that index).

However, from your expansion, I do not understand how one could end up with δik. This was really the point in my question – I would like to see step-wise how δijδjk = δik.
  • #5
FluidStu said:
However, from your expansion, I do not understand how one could end up with δik. This was really the point in my question – I would like to see step-wise how δijδjk = δik.
What do you get when multiplying an identity matrix with another identity matrix?
  • #6
blue_leaf77 said:
What do you get when multiplying an identity matrix with another identity matrix?
I * I = I
  • #7
Now, imagine you have a 3x3 matrices ##A##, ##B##, and ##C## such that ##AB=C##. How do you write the element ##c_{ik}## of ##C## in terms of the elements of ##A## and ##B##?
  • #8
blue_leaf77 said:
Now, imagine you have a 3x3 matrices ##A##, ##B##, and ##C## such that ##AB=C##. How do you write the element ##c_{ik}## of ##C## in terms of the elements of ##A## and ##B##?
cik = aiibik + aijbjk + aikbkk
  • #9
FluidStu said:
cik = aiibik + aijbjk + aikbkk
Almost, just that the index to be summed must be written as numbers, not as indices as you did there.
  • #10
blue_leaf77 said:
Almost, just that the index to be summed must be written as numbers, not as indices as you did there.
Do you mean:

cik = a11b13 + a12b23 + a13b33 ?
  • #11
FluidStu said:
Do you mean:

cik = a11b13 + a12b23 + a13b33 ?
No. The left most and right most indices in each term in right hand side should be equal to the indices in the left hand side, which is ##ik##. Only the two two middle indices changes due to the summation.
Having fixed this, you should be able to see how that equation becomes of when ##A=B=C=I##.
  • #12
FluidStu said:
Ok, that makes sense (since the index which appears once simultaneously represents all the possible values of that index).

However, from your expansion, I do not understand how one could end up with δik. This was really the point in my question – I would like to see step-wise how δijδjk = δik.
I presume this is the "Kronecker delta"- [itex]\delta_{ii}= 1[/itex], [itex]\delta_{ij}= 0[/itex] if [itex]i\ne j[/itex].
Then [itex]\delta_{ij}\delta_{jk}= \delta_{i1}\delta_{1k}+ \delta_{i2}\delta_{2j}+ \delta_{i3}\delta_{3j}[/itex]
If i= 1, k= 1, then only the first term is non-zero and it is 1: [itex]\delta_{11}= 1+ 0+ 0= 1[/quote].
If i= 1, k= 2, then at least one of the factors in every term is 0: [itex]\delta_{12}= 0+ 0+ 0= 0[/quote].
If i= 1, k= 3, then at least one of the factors in every term is 0: [itex]\delta_{13}= 0+ 0+ 0= 0.

If i= 2, k= 2, then only the second term is non-zero and it is 1: [itex]\delta_{22}= 0+ 1+ 0= 1.
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  • #13
blue_leaf77 said:
No. The left most and right most indices in each term in right hand side should be equal to the indices in the left hand side, which is ##ik##. Only the two two middle indices changes due to the summation.
Having fixed this, you should be able to see how that equation becomes of when ##A=B=C=I##.

Ok, so then cik = ai1b1k + ai2b2k + ai3b3k?

In this way I can see that A=B=C=I. However, I still don't see how this leads to the proof that δijδjk= δik. If you want to expand on this for others visiting the thread, feel free. However, I can see it clearly from this:

HallsofIvy said:
Then δijδjk=δi1δ1k+δi2δ2j+δi3δ3jδijδjk=δi1δ1k+δi2δ2j+δi3δ3j\delta_{ij}\delta_{jk}= \delta_{i1}\delta_{1k}+ \delta_{i2}\delta_{2j}+ \delta_{i3}\delta_{3j}

In all the cases where i = k, we end up with 1, while in all the cases where i ≠ k, we end up with 0. In other words, we end up with δik. Very good, thank you both for your help.
  • #14
FluidStu said:
However, I still don't see how this leads to the proof that δijδjk= δik.
That the Kronecker delta is defined as ##\delta_{ik}=1## for ##i=k## and zero for ##i\neq k##, doesn't it remind you of the elements of the identity matrix?
  • #15
blue_leaf77 said:
That the Kronecker delta is defined as ##\delta_{ik}=1## for ##i=k## and zero for ##i\neq k##, doesn't it remind you of the elements of the identity matrix?

Yes, it does. I can see that the Kronecker Delta in matrix form is simply an identity matrix. But how does this help me to prove:
FluidStu said:
δijδjk= δik
  • #16
$$\delta_{ij}\delta_{jk} = \delta_{i1}\delta_{1k} + \delta_{i2}\delta_{2k} + \delta_{i3}\delta_{3k} = \delta_{ik}$$
Now you already have
FluidStu said:
cik = ai1b1k + ai2b2k + ai3b3k
for the matrix equation ##AB=C##. If A=B=C=I, you will only need to replace ##a##, ##b##, and ##c## with ##\delta## in that quoted equation.
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  • #17
blue_leaf77 said:
$$\delta_{ij}\delta_{jk} = \delta_{i1}\delta_{1k} + \delta_{i2}\delta_{2k} + \delta_{i3}\delta_{3k} = \delta_{ik}$$
Now you already have

for the matrix equation ##AB=C##. If A=B=C=I, you will only need to replace ##a##, ##b##, and ##c## with ##\delta## in that quoted equation.
I see that replacing each with δ gives the required proof. But is it "ok" to replace a, b and c with δ? Aren't a, b and c simply elements of matrices? How can we just replace them with δ?
  • #18
At the risk of repetition: To put the essential point in one place:

Let A = (aij), B = (bij), and C = (cij) be n-dimensional matrices such that

AB = C.​

Then you know from the definition of matrix multiplication that

cij = Σ aik bkj

for any i, j in the range 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, where the sum is over k = 1,...,n.

Specializing to the case of n = 3, for the case of A = B = C = I3 (the 3D identity matrix), and then using the repeated-index summation convention, you get

δik δkj = δij

for any i, j in the range 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3.
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  • #19
FluidStu said:
But is it "ok" to replace a, b and c with δ? Aren't a, b and c simply elements of matrices? How can we just replace them with δ?
Note that the last sentence in post #16 is a conditional statement, look what the condition is in order for the conclusion to be true.
  • #20
Here's an alternative proof (for which I'll abandon the summation convention):

##\Sigma_{j} \delta_{ij} \delta_{jk} = \delta_{ii} \delta_{ik} = \delta_{ik} \ \ ## (as ##\delta_{ij} = 0 \ (i \ne j)##)

Or, more laboriously:

##\Sigma_{j} \delta_{ij} \delta_{jk} = \delta_{ii} \delta_{ik} + \Sigma_{j \ne i} \delta_{ij} \delta_{jk} = \delta_{ik} + 0 \ \ ## (as ##\delta_{ii} = 1, \ \delta_{ij} = 0 \ (i \ne j)##)
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  • #21
Try to get an intuitive feeling for what the Kronecker-Delta [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] does.
Consider this sum:
[itex]\sum_{j=1}^{n} c_j = c_1 + c_2 + \dots + c_n[/itex]

Now observe what happens if we multiply with the Kronecker-Delta:
[itex]\sum_{j=1}^{n} \delta_{ij} c_j = \delta_{i1} c_1 + \delta_{i2}c_2 + \dots + \delta_{ii}c_i + \dots + \delta_{in}c_n[/itex]

There will be exactly one summand with [itex]j=i[/itex], that is [itex]\delta_{ii} c_i = 1 \cdot c_i = c_i[/itex].
For the remaining summands with [itex]j \neq i[/itex] we have [itex]\delta_{ij} c_j = 0 \cdot c_j = 0[/itex]
(by the definition of the Kronecker-Delta).

We get:
[itex]\sum_{j=1}^{n} \delta_{ij} c_j[/itex]
[itex]= \delta_{i1} c_1 + \delta_{i2}c_2 + \dots + \delta_{ii}c_i + \dots + \delta_{in}c_n[/itex]
[itex]= 0 \cdot c_1 + 0 \cdot c_2 + \dots + 1 \cdot c_i + \dots + 0 \cdot c_n[/itex]
[itex] = c_i[/itex]

With the Einstein summation convention we have [itex]\delta_{ij} c_j = c_i[/itex].
Intuitively, [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] evaluates the expression [itex]c_j[/itex] at [itex]j=i[/itex].

Now, similarly, [itex]\delta_{ij} \delta_{jk} = \delta_{ik}[/itex] since
intuitively [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] evaluates the expression [itex]\delta_{jk}[/itex] at [itex]j=i[/itex].
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  • #22
blue_leaf77 said:
Note that the last sentence in post #16 is a conditional statement, look what the condition is in order for the conclusion to be true.
The condition being that A=B=C=I≡ δij? Then we may replace the a, b and c with δ and the following two are equivalent:

FluidStu said:
cik = ai1b1k + ai2b2k + ai3b3k
blue_leaf77 said:

Having this then makes it easy to see how both post #12 and #21 explain the required proof. Thanks.

FAQ: Summation Convention – Substitution Rule

What is the Summation Convention?

The Summation Convention, also known as the Einstein Summation Convention, is a mathematical notation used to simplify expressions involving repeated indices. It allows for the efficient representation and manipulation of complicated equations.

How does the Summation Convention work?

The Summation Convention states that if an index appears twice in a single term in an equation, once as a subscript and once as a superscript, it is implied that the term is to be summed over all possible values of that index. This is indicated by placing the summation symbol, ∑, in front of the term.

What is the purpose of the Substitution Rule?

The Substitution Rule, also known as the Change of Variables Rule, is a mathematical concept that allows us to change the variables in an equation while keeping the overall structure and relationships intact. It is often used to simplify or solve complicated equations.

How is the Substitution Rule used in conjunction with the Summation Convention?

In mathematical expressions involving the Summation Convention, the Substitution Rule allows us to replace the repeated indices with different variables, making it easier to manipulate and solve the equation. This is particularly useful when dealing with large or complex equations.

What are some common applications of the Summation Convention – Substitution Rule?

The Summation Convention and Substitution Rule are commonly used in various fields of science and mathematics, including physics, engineering, and statistics. They are particularly useful in the manipulation of vectors, tensors, and matrices, as well as in solving differential equations and performing statistical analyses.
