Summing divergences and the real projective line

  • Thread starter japplepie
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the real projective line and its connection to infinity. It also explores different methods for obtaining a definite sum from a divergent series and raises questions about the application of algebraic properties to infinite operations. The idea of < and > is also challenged in the context of the real projective line.
  • #1
The real projective line states that there is not difference between positive and negative infinity (maybe except the path needed to be taken to "reach" either one of them) and they are actually connected.

There are a lot of ways to get a definite sum from a divergent series; one of which is the algebraic way (my personal favorite).

Using the algebraic method I could derive the sum of j(2) as shown below:
j(2)= -1= 1+2+4+8+16+...

Does this mean that j(2) diverges so much that it went pass infinity from the positive side and landed on a definite negative point?
If the statement above is true, then the idea of < and > falls apart.

Example:j(2)+j(1/2)-1=0 ( the extra -1 here is to account for the (1/2)^0 )
A sum of all positive numbers that equals 0.

A notion of < and > that would work in this scenario is by measuring how far it "moved" in the RPL.
j(2)+j(1/2)-1 "moved" and circled back to 0, but 0 never "moved".

S2\S4={2,8,32,128,...} which is S4 multiplied by 2 element-wise
S2-S4=2(S4) (treat it like a sum)

Does this also mean that in j(x), the smaller x (x>=1), the bigger* it is.
Bigger* meaning it "moved" more.
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  • #3
japplepie said:
The real projective line states that there is not difference between positive and negative infinity (maybe except the path needed to be taken to "reach" either one of them) and they are actually connected.

The real projective line is the one point compactification of the real line. It is a topological space, not a sentient being with the ability to communicate. It does not state anything.

In this space, there is no "positive" infinity or "negative" infinity. There are not two points to differentiate. There is one new point. Saying that this point is different from itself in some way is ridiculous.

There are a lot of ways to get a definite sum from a divergent series; one of which is the algebraic way (my personal favorite).

Using the algebraic method I could derive the sum of j(2) as shown below:
j(2)= -1= 1+2+4+8+16+...

Does this mean that j(2) diverges so much that it went pass infinity from the positive side and landed on a definite negative point?

This method assumes a lot of things about infinite sums; namely that this one in particular is a number and that all of the algebraic properties of finite addition and multiplication can be extended to infinite addition, whatever the hell that is. Since you haven't stipulated what infinite addition is nor why we should accept the aforementioned assumptions, there is no way to tell what your result "means".

If the statement above is true, then the idea of < and > falls apart.

Why? There are two very obvious linear orderings of the real projective line which extend the usual ordering on the reals.

Maybe you mean that this new ordering doesn't "play with" addition on the real projective line the same way the old ordering did on the real line. But regardless of where you put ∞ in this ordering, under the usual assignment of a+∞=∞ the theorems involving order and addition are still true.

So this is really about how your infinite addition interacts with the ordering. Again, until you tell us what infinite addition is, we can't confirm any observation regarding how the order is broken.

Example:j(2)+j(1/2)-1=0 ( the extra -1 here is to account for the (1/2)^0 )
A sum of all positive numbers that equals 0.

A notion of < and > that would work in this scenario is by measuring how far it "moved" in the RPL.
j(2)+j(1/2)-1 "moved" and circled back to 0, but 0 never "moved".

S2\S4={2,8,32,128,...} which is S4 multiplied by 2 element-wise
S2-S4=2(S4) (treat it like a sum)

Does this also mean that in j(x), the smaller x (x>=1), the bigger* it is.
Bigger* meaning it "moved" more.
  • #4
gopher_p said:
The real projective line is the one point compactification of the real line. It is a topological space, not a sentient being with the ability to communicate. It does not state anything.
It means that the idea behind it states ...

This method assumes a lot of things about infinite sums; namely that this one in particular is a number and that all of the algebraic properties of finite addition and multiplication can be extended to infinite addition, whatever the hell that is. Since you haven't stipulated what infinite addition is nor why we should accept the aforementioned assumptions, there is no way to tell what your result "means".

And yes infinite operations are still very shady.
  • #5

I find the concept of summing divergences and the real projective line to be fascinating. The idea that there is no difference between positive and negative infinity and that they are connected challenges our traditional understanding of infinity. It also raises interesting questions about how we define and measure infinity.

The algebraic method you have used to derive the sum of j(2) is a valid approach, but it is important to note that it is not the only method. Different methods may yield different results, and it is up to us as scientists to critically evaluate and compare these different approaches.

The examples you have provided also highlight the need for caution when dealing with divergent series. As you have shown, seemingly contradictory results can arise when manipulating these series. This emphasizes the importance of clearly defining our terms and being mindful of the assumptions and limitations of our methods.

In regards to your last question, I would caution against making a blanket statement that smaller x in j(x) always leads to a "bigger" result. It may be true in some cases, but it is not a general rule. It is important to carefully consider the behavior of each individual series and how it relates to the concept of infinity.

Overall, the concept of summing divergences and the real projective line is a complex and thought-provoking topic. As scientists, it is our responsibility to continue exploring and questioning these ideas in order to deepen our understanding of infinity and its implications in mathematics and beyond.

Related to Summing divergences and the real projective line

1. What are divergences in scientific research?

Divergences in scientific research refer to discrepancies or inconsistencies in data, observations, or results. They can arise due to various reasons, such as errors in experimental procedures, limitations in equipment, or natural variations in the phenomenon being studied.

2. How do divergences impact the validity of scientific findings?

Divergences can significantly affect the validity and reliability of scientific findings. They can lead to incorrect conclusions, making it difficult to draw accurate and consistent conclusions from the research. Therefore, it is crucial for scientists to identify and address divergences in their research to ensure the accuracy of their findings.

3. What is the process of summing divergences in scientific research?

Summing divergences in scientific research involves identifying and quantifying the discrepancies between data or results. This is usually done by comparing multiple sets of data and finding the average or mean value. Summing divergences can help to reduce the impact of individual variations and provide a more accurate representation of the phenomenon being studied.

4. What is the role of the real projective line in summing divergences?

The real projective line is a mathematical concept that represents a line infinitely extended in both directions. In scientific research, it is often used as a tool to represent and analyze continuous data and to identify patterns or trends in the data. It can also help in summing divergences by providing a framework for comparing and averaging data points.

5. How can scientists minimize divergences in their research?

There are several steps scientists can take to minimize divergences in their research. These include careful planning and design of experiments, using reliable and accurate equipment, collecting a sufficient amount of data, and implementing appropriate statistical analysis techniques. Additionally, peer review and replication of experiments can help to identify and address any potential divergences in the research findings.

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