Summing X_i with Binomial Distribution: What is the Problem?

  • Thread starter autobot.d
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In summary, the conversation discussed working with a problem involving independent and identically distributed variables with known mean and variance, and a Binomial distribution. The mean and variance of the sum of these variables were calculated using expectation values and weighted averages. The problem does not have a specific name, but involves calculating the mean and variance of a sum of independent random variables.
  • #1
What kind of problem is this?
[itex] X_i \textrm{are iid with known mean and variance, } \mu \textrm{ and } \sigma ^2 \textrm{respectively. }[/itex]
[itex] m \sim \textrm{Binomial(n,p), n is known.}[/itex]

[itex]S = \sum^{m}_{i=1} X_i[/itex]

How do I work with this? This what I have thought of.

[itex]S = \sum^{m}_{i=1} X_i = mX_1 \textrm{(since iid)}[/itex]
so for the mean of S
[itex] \bar{S} = \bar{mX_i} = np \mu ? [/itex]
or to find mean of S use expected value
[itex] E(S) = E(mX_i) = E(mX_1) \textrm{ (since iid)} [/itex]
but then what?

Any help would be appreciated. I am guessing this kind of problem has a name?

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  • #2
I am missing the problem statement - what are you supposed to do? Calculate mean and variance of S?

As the X_i are independent, their sum is not the same as m times X_1 (this would need 100% correlation),
You can use the mean for X_i in your expression for the mean of S. The result for the mean is right, but you have to fix the calculation steps - otherwise you run into problems with the variance.
  • #3
But what about the fact that the m in the summation limit is Binomially distributed? I do not understand what that does? Thanks.
  • #4
You can express this as "f0 probability that 0 X_i are added, f1 probability that 1 X_i is added, ...", calculate the variance in each of those cases, and combine them afterwards.
For the expectation value, this does not matter, you can take the expectation value of both separately as all X_i have the same distribution.
  • #5
so for "f0 probability that 0 X_i are added", and assuming f0 = [itex] {0 \choose n}p^0(1-p)^{n}=(1-p)^n [/itex]

and so on, then what do I do with all the f0, f1, ...
is the average like a weighted average

pretty lost so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • #6
It is like a weighted average, indeed, and it follows the same rules for expectation values and variances.

FAQ: Summing X_i with Binomial Distribution: What is the Problem?

1. What is a binomial distribution?

A binomial distribution is a probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a series of independent trials, where each trial has a binary outcome (e.g. success or failure) and the probability of success remains constant for each trial.

2. What is the problem with summing X_i with binomial distribution?

The problem with summing X_i with binomial distribution is that it can result in a non-binomial distribution. This is because the sum of independent binomial variables is not necessarily a binomial variable, unless certain conditions are met.

3. What are the conditions for the sum of binomial variables to be binomial?

The sum of binomial variables is only binomial if the variables are independent and have the same probability of success for each trial (i.e. the same value of p). Additionally, the number of trials (n) must be the same for each variable.

4. How can the problem of summing X_i with binomial distribution be solved?

The problem can be solved by using the central limit theorem, which states that the sum of a large number of independent and identically distributed random variables will be approximately normally distributed, regardless of the underlying distribution of the variables. Therefore, if the conditions for the sum of binomial variables to be binomial are not met, the sum can still be approximated by a normal distribution.

5. Why is it important to understand the problem with summing X_i with binomial distribution?

It is important to understand this problem because it affects the accuracy of statistical analyses and predictions. If the conditions for the sum of binomial variables to be binomial are not met, using a binomial distribution to model the data can lead to incorrect conclusions and predictions. Understanding this problem can help ensure that appropriate statistical methods are used for accurate results.
