Super fluids and pauli exclusion principle

The latter is a direct consequence of the symmetry of the wavefunction. In summary, fermions can behave like bosons and not obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle when their spins align to form composite bosons. This is possible because two half integer spins can add up to a whole integer, similar to a boson. This is seen in He4, which has 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons, and can become a composite boson below a certain temperature. While this may seem like the particles are all occupying the same space, the particles themselves still maintain their Fermi-Dirac statistics and cannot truly occupy the
  • #1
I don't understand how can atoms like heilium-4 which has same amounts of fermions behave like bosons and do not obey pauli's exclusion principle. Do the heilium physically stack up together like laser light, or does it just seem to do that? could someone please explain how superfluids work.
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  • #2
fermions behave like bosons and do not obey pauli's exclusion principle.

I don't understand much about the exclusion principle, but I do know that two fermions can together act like one boson. This is because they both have half integer spins and two half integers add up to a whole integer, like a boson.
  • #3
uranium138 said:
I don't understand how can atoms like heilium-4 which has same amounts of fermions behave like bosons and do not obey pauli's exclusion principle. Do the heilium physically stack up together like laser light, or does it just seem to do that? could someone please explain how superfluids work.

Fermions can form what is known as "composite bosons". This is where their spins line up to form a conglomerate that has a net integer spin.

He4 has 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons. Below the superfluid transition, the energy state for all of them to be in a particular configuration is lower than if they are all pointing in all random directions. That's why the whole atom becomes an object (they are all entangled with each other) with a net spin of zero, a boson.

You could go even further. If you have He3, which is the same as He4, but missing a neutron, then the best you can get is an atom with a net spin of 1/2. However, below an even lower temperature, a single He3 atom can actually pair up (with the help of external agents such as the other He3 atoms) with another He3 atom to form a composite boson consisting of paired up He3 atoms. This pairing is similar to the BCS-type pairing of Cooper pairs in superconductivity.

  • #4
When ,say heilium, goes in a super fluid state can a batch of it occupy the same amount of space as one atom of heilium? if it can't, why not because the exculsion principle is no longer obeyed so can't it all merge together to only occupy a point in space.
  • #5
uranium138 said:
When ,say heilium, goes in a super fluid state can a batch of it occupy the same amount of space as one atom of heilium? if it can't, why not because the exculsion principle is no longer obeyed so can't it all merge together to only occupy a point in space.

Here's the problem with your question.

Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics kick in when the particles' wavefunction make a significant overlap. When this happens, something call indistinguishibility of the particles becomes important. Now this doesn't mean the particles all look the same. We have the same thing in classical statistics. What this means in this case is that you cannot, even in principle, distinguish one particle with the next. You cannot tag a particle and follow it along anymore.

So the question on whether they all "occupy a point in space" is meaningless because you can't look at one particle, point to where it is, and look at another and point to where it is.

The BE statistics indicates that the overall wavefunction must be even. Note that this overall wavefunction includes the product of the spin part and the spatial part. What this means is that they can all occupy the SAME state, and be described by the SAME wavefunction.

There is an added complication here that I am hesitating to get into, so I'll mention it only in passing. While each of the fermions form a composite wavefunction, the fermions themselves STILL MAINTAIN their F-D statistics. In other words, if one electron has a k1up and the other pair has a -k1down configuration, the OTHER pair of electrons can only have k2up,-k2down, etc... I.e. each of the fermions in the whole condensate STILL can only occupy a unique state to maintain the fermionic statistics. so while the composite boson can all condense to the same state, the consituent fermions cannot. This already prevents things from "occuping the same point" in space, which in itself is difficult already due to local coulomb repulsion.

  • #6
I'd like to raise one small point which I've been trying to ignore...and Zz can do this better justice. The OP seems to be using the term 'superfluid' interchangeably with 'BEC'.

While the two phenomena are closely related, they are not the same thing. In fact, it is possible to have a BEC that does not exhibit superfluidity (and for instance, in 2D, the converse is possible).

Superfluidity is a transport characteristic - it suggests that there is no mechanism for dissipation of flow. On the other hand, macroscopic condensation is an outcome of quantum statistics - it tells you that there is no way to distinguish between (possibly composite) particles.
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
In fact, it is possible to have a BEC that does not exhibit superfluidity (and for instance, in 2D, the converse is possible).

Will superfluids always be Bose-Einstein Condenstates's?
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  • #8
uranium138 said:
Will superfluids always be Bose-Einstein Condenstates's?
For the most part, yes...but not always. For instance, the cooper pairs of BCS exhibit superfluid flow. Also, in 2 dimensions (eg: on the surface of a liquid, or in a quantum well), a true BEC is not possible; yet it is possible to have what is known as a Kosterlitz-Thouless Superfluid (KTS).

However, these states (the BCS state, the BEC and the KTS) are all closely related.
  • #9
Can anyone tell me why it is only fermions which must obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle? - my physics teacher can't tell me!
  • #10
rnelson said:
Can anyone tell me why it is only fermions which must obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle? - my physics teacher can't tell me!

That is like asking "why do charge particles have electric fields?"

While those questions are still be asked and studied, as it stands now, these are part of the properties of how we define those things. We would not have known about charged particles without its electric field, and we won't have known about fermions if it weren't for the exclusion principle.

So a fermion could easily ask you "Why do you look like that?" You could answer "well, how I look is part of how people define and recognize me. So my looks is me!" And a fermion would reply "DITTO!"

Of course, I'm assuming a fermion can talk, something that isn't part of how it is defined.


FAQ: Super fluids and pauli exclusion principle

1. What is a super fluid?

A super fluid is a state of matter that exhibits zero viscosity and can flow without any resistance. It is typically achieved in liquids at extremely low temperatures close to absolute zero, and is characterized by unique properties such as the ability to climb the walls of a container and spontaneously flow through pores smaller than its own molecular size.

2. How does the Pauli exclusion principle relate to super fluids?

The Pauli exclusion principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that no two identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This principle is essential in understanding the behavior of super fluids, as it explains why the particles in a super fluid can move without any resistance - they are all in the same quantum state, allowing for smooth, coordinated motion.

3. Can super fluids exist at room temperature?

No, super fluids require extremely low temperatures to exist. At room temperature, the thermal energy is too high for the particles to remain in the same quantum state, which is necessary for super fluidity. However, recent research has shown the possibility of achieving super fluidity at higher temperatures by using ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices.

4. What are some real-life applications of super fluids?

Super fluids have many practical applications, including in cryogenics, where they are used to cool sensitive equipment and materials to extremely low temperatures. They are also used in medical imaging, such as in MRI machines, to maintain a constant and uniform magnetic field. In addition, super fluids have potential uses in energy storage and transportation, as well as in the development of quantum technologies.

5. What other states of matter exhibit similar properties to super fluids?

There are other states of matter that exhibit similar properties to super fluids, such as superconductors (materials that have zero electrical resistance) and Bose-Einstein condensates (a state of matter where a large number of particles occupy the same quantum state). These states also rely on the Pauli exclusion principle and quantum mechanics for their unique properties.

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