Superhero punching through a wall, breaking point of steel

In summary: F/A=Y*DeltaL/Linitial to solve for F. Therefore, F=(88346611.86 Pa)(11.5 cm)/(13.1 cm)=77500000 N. Therefore, the force required to punch through the steel plate is approximately 77500000 N. In summary, to punch through a steel plate 1.60 cm thick, a superhero would need to exert a force of approximately 77500000 N, assuming their fist has a cross-sectional area of 104 cm^2 and is approximately circular. I hope this helps you with your homework and understanding of the concept. Best of luck!
  • #1

Homework Statement

Comic-book superheroes are sometimes able to punch holes through steel walls.
(a) If the ultimate shear strength of steel is taken to be 2.60X10^9 Pa, what force is required to punch through a steel plate 1.60 cm thick? Assume the superhero's fist has cross-sectional area of 104 cm2 and is approximately circular.

Homework Equations

Possibly F/A=Y*DeltaL/Linitial

The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt was P=F/A 2.6x10^9*(pi.104^2)=88346611.86

My teacher began doing the problem but got lost and was unsure how to proceed...she said she would have to look into it She gave us the answer which was 10500000N. I got lost with what she was doing and tried my own attempt. Meanwhile, our homework with an identical problem with different numbers is due before our next class. I am completely lost on how to do this problem. I would greatly appreciate help.
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  • #2

Dear fellow scientist,

Thank you for bringing this forum post to my attention. I understand your confusion and I am happy to assist you in solving this problem.

To start, let's review the given information. We know that the ultimate shear strength of steel is 2.60x10^9 Pa and the thickness of the steel plate is 1.60 cm. We also know the cross-sectional area of the superhero's fist is 104 cm^2 and it is approximately circular.

To solve this problem, we need to use the equation P=F/A, where P is the pressure, F is the force, and A is the cross-sectional area. We can also use the equation F/A=Y*DeltaL/Linitial, where Y is the shear modulus of the material, DeltaL is the change in length, and Linitial is the initial length.

First, let's calculate the pressure needed to punch through the steel plate. We can do this by substituting the given values into the equation P=F/A. Therefore, P=(2.60x10^9 Pa)(pi)(104 cm^2)=88346611.86 Pa. This is the pressure needed to punch through the steel plate.

Next, we can use the equation F/A=Y*DeltaL/Linitial to calculate the force needed. We know the pressure (P) and the shear modulus (Y), so we need to find DeltaL and Linitial. We can do this by using the thickness of the steel plate (1.60 cm) and the cross-sectional area of the superhero's fist (104 cm^2).

First, we need to find the radius of the superhero's fist. We can do this by using the formula A=pi*r^2, where A is the cross-sectional area and r is the radius. Therefore, r=sqrt(104 cm^2/pi)=5.75 cm.

Now we can calculate DeltaL by using the formula DeltaL=2r, which is the diameter of the superhero's fist. Therefore, DeltaL=2(5.75 cm)=11.5 cm.

Next, we need to find Linitial. We can do this by adding the thickness of the steel plate (1.60 cm) to the diameter of the superhero's fist (11.5 cm). Therefore, Linitial=1.60 cm + 11.5 cm=13.1 cm.

Now we

FAQ: Superhero punching through a wall, breaking point of steel

What is the science behind a superhero punching through a wall?

The ability to punch through a wall is often attributed to superhuman strength, but in reality, it is a combination of strength, speed, and force. When a superhero punches through a wall, they are exerting a tremendous amount of force on a small surface area, allowing them to break through the wall.

What is the breaking point of steel and how does it relate to a superhero punching through a wall?

The breaking point of steel varies depending on its composition, but on average it can withstand about 250,000 pounds per square inch (psi) of force before breaking. A superhero's punch can exert forces well beyond this limit, allowing them to easily break through steel walls.

Can a human punch through a wall without superhuman abilities?

No, a regular human does not possess enough strength or speed to punch through a wall. The average human punch can exert about 162 psi, which is not enough to break through even a thin wall. Superheroes have enhanced abilities that allow them to exert much higher forces, making it possible for them to punch through walls.

What are the potential consequences of punching through a wall?

Aside from causing damage to the wall and potentially injuring anyone on the other side, punching through a wall can also cause harm to the superhero. The force of impact on their hand and arm could result in broken bones, dislocations, or other injuries.

Is it physically possible for a superhero to punch through any material?

While superheroes are often depicted as having nearly limitless strength, there are still some materials that they would not be able to punch through. Materials such as diamond, titanium, and vibranium have incredibly high breaking points, making it unlikely for a superhero to punch through them without causing harm to themselves.
