Superluminal Messaging and Causality Paradox: Myth or Reality?

In summary, if someone could send a message to an event in their past, then that would be a violation of causality.
  • #1
If I could route a signal from here-and-now to an event in my past light cone, then clearly I could make an irresolvable causal paradox by having the arriving signal disable the button that sends it, so I'll choose to believe that I can't send messages back in time TO HERE.

Now I've heard it said that superluminal messaging would boil down to the same thing, but I don't see how.

I can see how it could look to another observer like a message traveling back in time, but not to BACK HERE, and I think that a message arriving in the past OVER THERE is harmless to causality. To get it from over there back to here, still appearing to go back in time, that observer would have to turn around, so it's kinda like the twins paradox.

One thing that all observers agree on is the light cones of a given event, so if a traveling message looks spacelike to somebody then it looks spacelike to everybody, and whether it's in the top half or the bottom half of the spacelike zone is immaterial to causality, isn't it?

So was I misinformed about superluminal messaging leading to some kind of causality paradox?
Physics news on
  • #2
This has been discussed here on PF many times. Have you tried a forum search? HINT: a good place to start is with the links at the bottom of this thread.
  • #3
AdrianMay said:
So was I misinformed about superluminal messaging leading to some kind of causality paradox?
Google for "tachyonic antitelephone"
  • #4
The short answer:

If there were a preferred frame in which messages were sent instantly, then that would violate relativity but not causality. Science fiction usually calls this concept "subspace" or "hyperspace".

However, if it were possible to send messages a finite amount faster than the speed of light in every frame of reference (giving the same physics in every frame of reference and conforming to the principle of relativity) then in certain frames of reference (for an emitter moving fast in a direction towards the observer) the message would be traveling backwards in time. It would therefore be possible to send a message to that emitter and receive a reply before it was sent, violating causality.
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  • #5
I suppose the two-way tachyonic antitelephone on wikipedia was what I was looking for. Thanks!
  • #7
Jonathan Scott said:
If there were a preferred frame in which messages were sent instantly, then that would violate relativity but not causality.

Could you elaborate on this?
  • #8
The existence of a preferred frame would by definition be in conflict with the principle of relativity (which requires the laws of physics to take the same form regardless of frame). However, if messages propagated faster than light relative to a specific preferred frame, up to infinite speed (purely spacelike separation) there would still be no way for a message to arrive before it was sent. Applying standard Lorentz transformations to view the message propagation (as a spacelike interval) from another frame, the message might appear to travel backwards in time in certain directions, but the fastest that a message could travel in the opposite direction would be at the same rate forwards in time, so overall no reply could arrive before the message was sent.
  • #9
If there where no "relativistic speed limit" but all other symmetries (including the special relativity principle) stay the same as in SRT you'd be back to Newtonian physics, and of course Newtonian physics is in perfect accordance with the principle of causality, without which physics wouldn't make sense (at least not in the form as we know it).
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  • #10
Jonathan Scott said:
If there were a preferred frame in which messages were sent instantly, then that would violate relativity but not causality.

I'm still not following your use of the word "preferred." If in one frame the message was instantaneous, then the event of its transmission and the event of its receipt would be simultaneous. There are many examples of two events being simultaneous in one frame and not in others. Are you saying that the message would have to be instantaneous in all frames if it is in one?
  • #11
pixel said:
If in one frame the message was instantaneous, then the event of its transmission and the event of its receipt would be simultaneous. There are many examples of two events being simultaneous in one frame and not in others.

Those examples involve simultaneous events that are causally disconnected. The sending of a message and the receipt of that same message are causally connected events.
  • #12
pixel said:
I'm still not following your use of the word "preferred." If in one frame the message was instantaneous, then the event of its transmission and the event of its receipt would be simultaneous. There are many examples of two events being simultaneous in one frame and not in others. Are you saying that the message would have to be instantaneous in all frames if it is in one?
The exact opposite. Message passing is instantaneous in the one frame, but in any other frame messages arrive in the future when sent in one direction and in the past when sent in the other.

Are you familiar with Minkowski diagrams? The anti-telephone let's people send messages along lines parallel to their personal x-axis. Since the x-axes of different frames cross, this can be used to send messages that cross in transit - both are received before the other was sent. Jonathan's scheme simply picks one frame and says everybody sends messages parallel to this frame's x-axis. Since messages cannot cross there can be no causal paradoxes.

Related to Superluminal Messaging and Causality Paradox: Myth or Reality?

1. What is the Superluminal paradox?

The Superluminal paradox is a theoretical concept in physics that examines the implications of faster-than-light travel or communication. It is based on the idea that if an object could travel faster than the speed of light, it could potentially travel back in time, creating contradictions and paradoxes.

2. Is the Superluminal paradox possible?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence or technology that supports the existence of faster-than-light travel or communication. According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is the absolute maximum speed that any object can travel in the universe. Therefore, the Superluminal paradox is considered impossible based on our current understanding of physics.

3. What are some examples of the Superluminal paradox?

Some examples of the Superluminal paradox include the grandfather paradox, where a person goes back in time and prevents their own birth, creating a contradiction, and the tachyonic antitelephone paradox, where a message is sent back in time using faster-than-light particles, resulting in a never-ending loop of the same message being sent and received.

4. How does the Superluminal paradox impact our understanding of time and causality?

The Superluminal paradox challenges our understanding of time and causality because it suggests that if an object could travel faster than the speed of light, it could potentially travel back in time and alter events that have already occurred. This goes against the principle of causality, which states that an effect cannot occur before its cause.

5. Is there any research being done to explore the Superluminal paradox?

While the Superluminal paradox is a popular topic in science fiction, there is currently no research being conducted to explore its possibilities. However, scientists continue to study and explore the nature of space, time, and the laws of physics, which could potentially lead to a better understanding of this paradox in the future.

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