Superman Holding the Moon: Is It an Impressive Feat?

  • Thread starter randy23
  • Start date
In summary, Superman would need a lot more force to move the Moon than it would take to hold up a weight of that magnitude.
  • #1
I'm a comic fan especially Superman and one of his feats dealt with him holding the moon that was supposedly increasing in momentum at fraction of a G-Force. My question is: is that really an impressive feat? A fraction of a G-Force? If it was half of a G-Force, how much force would he holding back against the moon to keep it stationary?
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  • #2
The question isn't too clear, momentum isn't measured in units of force or acceleration...are you saying that if Superman wasn't pushing back, the moon would be accelerating at 0.5G? Because the moon is so massive, the force needed to get it to accelerate like that would be pretty huge (just multiply the moon's mass by an acceleration of 0.5G), and the force needed to push back and prevent the moon from accelerating would need to be the same size.
  • #3
JesseM said:
The question isn't too clear, momentum isn't measured in units of force or acceleration...are you saying that if Superman wasn't pushing back, the moon would be accelerating at 0.5G? Because the moon is so massive, the force needed to get it to accelerate like that would be pretty huge (just multiply the moon's mass by an acceleration of 0.5G), and the force needed to push back and prevent the moon from accelerating would need to be the same size.

Well I'm not sure about the momentum. DC is pretty much based on pseudo-science but I just wanted to know using real sciences. Thank you for the insightful reply.
  • #4
For some numbers, the amount of force needed to accelerate the Moon at .5g would be about the same as what it would take to hold up a 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lb weight on the surface of the Earth.
  • #5
Janus, thanks for the calculations. How did you go about calculating that number?
  • #6
The Moon has A mass of 7.35 x 1022 Kilograms
A mass of one kilogram weighs 2.2 lbs on the surface of the Earth at 1g.
The same kilogram would weigh half as much at 0.5g or 1.1lb.
1.1lb/kg x 7.35 x 1022 kg = 8 x 1022lbs
  • #7
Thanks. But the fraction of g-force they commented about could also mean .000000001, right?
  • #8
randy23 said:
Thanks. But the fraction of g-force they commented about could also mean .000000001, right?

Okay, then the weight would be 160,000,000,000,000 lbs. (about equal to the weight of 10 billion African Bull elephants)
  • #9
Why would Superman want to tinker with the Moon? It's fine where it is.
If Superman were pushing hard enough on the Moon for it to have any significant impact, he would probably push through the Moon instead. If 10 billion African Bull elephants had their mass compacted into the size of Superman I doubt the surface of the Moon could support it. Superman would quickly find himself at the core of the Moon. But that would be cool because he could tell us what it is made of. I know the surface is Swiss, but I believe scientists theorize that the core is Cheddar.

FAQ: Superman Holding the Moon: Is It an Impressive Feat?

1. Is it scientifically possible for Superman to hold the moon?

As a scientist, I can say that it is not scientifically possible for Superman to hold the moon. The moon has a mass of 7.34 x 10^22 kilograms, which is far beyond the strength of any known material. Even if Superman had infinite strength, the moon's gravitational pull would prevent him from lifting it.

2. How does Superman defy gravity to hold the moon?

Superman's ability to fly and defy gravity is explained by his Kryptonian physiology and the Earth's yellow sun. It is believed that his body absorbs and stores solar radiation, giving him superhuman strength and the ability to fly. However, this would not be enough to hold the moon, as it would still be subject to the moon's gravitational pull.

3. Can Superman's powers be explained by science?

While some aspects of Superman's powers, such as flight and heat vision, can be partially explained by science, others, such as his superhuman strength and invulnerability, are not possible according to our current understanding of physics. Superman's powers are ultimately a product of comic book fantasy and cannot be fully explained by science.

4. How much strength would Superman need to hold the moon?

To hold the moon still, Superman would need to exert an incredible amount of force, likely in the range of 6.6 x 10^20 newtons. This is far beyond the strength of any known material or any living being, even one with superpowers. The moon's gravitational pull is simply too great to be overcome by physical strength alone.

5. Could Superman hold the moon if he had help from other superheroes?

Even if Superman had help from other superheroes with superhuman strength, it is still not scientifically possible for them to hold the moon. The combined strength of multiple individuals would still not be enough to overcome the moon's gravitational force. Additionally, the added weight of the superheroes would make it even more difficult to hold the moon in place.
