Supernova 1a Distance Calibration & Implications for H_0

In summary, Supernova 1a, a type of exploding star, has been used as a distance calibration tool to measure the expansion rate of the universe (H_0). By studying the brightness and distance of these supernovae, scientists have found that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, leading to the discovery of dark energy. This has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its ultimate fate. Accurate distance measurements using Supernova 1a also play a crucial role in testing and refining other cosmological theories.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A new paper on supernova 1a distance calibration 'The luminosity of supernovae of type Ia from TRGB distances and the value of H_0' - - brings into question the value of Ho. The authors derive a value of H0 = 63.7, considerably below the present accepted value of 73.8 derived from WMAP 7. This value is consistent with that derived by Beutler, et al [67.0] based on the 6dF survey - re: A lower value for Ho, of course, has far reaching implications. The fallout should be interesting.
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  • #2
Chronos said:
A new paper on supernova 1a distance calibration 'The luminosity of supernovae of type Ia from TRGB distances and the value of H_0' - - brings into question the value of Ho. The authors derive a value of H0 = 63.7, considerably below the present accepted value of 73.8 derived from WMAP 7. This value is consistent with that derived by Beutler, et al [67.0] based on the 6dF survey - re: A lower value for Ho, of course, has far reaching implications. The fallout should be interesting.
I wouldn't trust a result of [itex]H_0[/itex] measured from supernovae as far as I could throw it.

First, [itex]H_0[/itex] is perfectly degenerate with the intrinsic brightness of the supernovae. All you need to do is slightly underestimate how bright supernovae are, and you'll get a lower inferred expansion rate.

Second, the curvature parameter is also highly (though not perfectly) degenerate with both [itex]H_0[/itex] and the intrinsic brightness. So if the universe has a little bit of spatial curvature, then it could easily cause us to get [itex]H_0[/itex] wrong.

There are some good observations for determining the value of [itex]H_0[/itex] to high accuracy, but I would not ever trust a study that relied on supernova measurements for this purpose.

As for this particular study, it looks like they attempt to obtain an accurate estimate for the brightness of six supernovae, and then extrapolate that brightness to 62 other supernovae. This seems, to me, to be a fool's errand. Individual supernovae vary a good amount in brightness. It's very, very easy for me to see these six supernovae just happening to being less bright than most supernovae by a few percent, which would screw up the whole measurement.
  • #3
My read is the paper was raising doubts on Cepheid luminosity models, which appears well motivated in light of the earlier paper by Beutler. I do, however, share your distrust in assuming consistent intrinsic luminosity of SN1a's.
  • #4
Chronos said:
My read is the paper was raising doubts on Cepheid luminosity models, which appears well motivated in light of the earlier paper by Beutler. I do, however, share your distrust in assuming consistent intrinsic luminosity of SN1a's.
Well, the thing is, you can estimate [itex]H_0[/itex] without using the Cepheid luminosity at all. The combination of WMAP, BAO, and supernova data, for example, constrains [itex]H_0[/itex] to a high degree without any such assumptions.
  • #5

I find this new paper on supernova 1a distance calibration to be very intriguing. Supernova 1a events are commonly used as standard candles to measure distances in the universe, and any discrepancies in their luminosity can have significant implications for our understanding of the universe.

The authors' derivation of a value of H0 = 63.7, considerably lower than the accepted value of 73.8, is certainly cause for further investigation. This lower value is consistent with other recent studies, such as the one by Beutler et al, which also suggest a lower value for H0.

If this lower value for H0 is confirmed, it would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the expansion rate of the universe and the age of the universe. It could also potentially challenge the standard model of cosmology and require us to rethink our current theories.

It will be interesting to see how the scientific community responds to this new paper and the implications it may have. Further research and observations will be necessary to confirm or refute these findings and to fully understand the implications for our understanding of the universe.

FAQ: Supernova 1a Distance Calibration & Implications for H_0

1. What is a Supernova 1a?

A Supernova 1a is a type of supernova explosion that occurs in a binary star system where one of the stars is a white dwarf. The white dwarf accumulates material from its companion star until it reaches a critical mass, causing a runaway nuclear fusion reaction that results in a massive explosion.

2. How is the distance to a Supernova 1a measured?

The distance to a Supernova 1a can be measured using the inverse square law of light. By observing the apparent brightness of the supernova and comparing it to the known absolute brightness of other supernovae, scientists can calculate the distance to the supernova.

3. What is the significance of calibrating the distance to Supernova 1a?

Calibrating the distance to Supernova 1a is crucial for accurately measuring the expansion rate of the universe, known as the Hubble constant (H0). This constant helps us understand the age, size, and future of the universe.

4. How do Supernova 1a distance measurements impact our understanding of the universe?

Supernova 1a distance measurements have greatly contributed to our understanding of the expansion rate of the universe and the existence of dark energy, a mysterious force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe. It also provides evidence for the Big Bang theory.

5. What are the implications of a more accurate H0 value?

A more accurate H0 value can have significant implications for our understanding of the age and size of the universe, as well as the rate of expansion. It can also have implications for other scientific theories, such as the theory of gravity and the existence of dark matter. Additionally, a more accurate H0 value can help refine our understanding of the origin and fate of the universe.
