Supernova Explosion near a black hole

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential effects of a supernova explosion near a black hole. The experts mention that the outcome would depend on the distance between the two objects and their masses. They also mention that while some of the material from the supernova may be accreted by the black hole, most of it would travel on other trajectories. There is a possibility that the explosion could transform the black hole into a different state, which could potentially give clues about the quantum state of matter inside a black hole. The conversation also touches on the topic of high energy radiation bursts and the possibility of overloading a black hole with too much matter. However, it is not clear if such an event has been observed.
  • #1
Ravi Prakash
What would happen if there was a supernova explosion near a black hole ? Would it just sit there and absorb all the energy incident on it ? Or would it simply vaporize into elementary particles ? And if it does vaporize, could the remnants give us a clue as to the quantum state of matter inside a black hole ?
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  • #2
It depends what you mean by 'near' and the mass of the two objects.
If you are thinking in terms of say one light year distance and objects in the order of a few solar masses, then some of the material ejected by the supernova will become accreted by and most likely absorbed by the black hole,
However most of the ejecta would travel on other vectors that do not lead to it being accreted by the back hole , though the black hole could influence it's trajectory.

This is assuming of course that material is ejected by the supernova in all directions.
If the explosion was non symmetrical, that could lead to either more of the matter being accreted by the black hole or less.
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  • #3
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking what the effect would be on a black hole if a supernova went off somewhere near it, yes?

The answer to that question is: it would get bigger.
  • #4
Thanks phinds for the more succinct description than mine.
I had not realized at first that the OP envisaged the supernova transforming the BH into a different state so that we could observe inside it.
  • #5
rootone said:
It depends what you mean by 'near' and the mass of the two objects.
If you are thinking in terms of say one light year distance and objects in the order of a few solar masses, then some of the material ejected by the supernova will become accreted by and most likely absorbed by the black hole,
However most of the ejecta would travel on other vectors that do not lead to it being accreted by the back hole , though the black hole could influence it's trajectory.

This is assuming of course that material is ejected by the supernova in all directions.
If the explosion was non symmetrical, that could lead to either more of the matter being accreted by the black hole or less.
Has such a phenomena been observed ?
  • #6
I don't know personally of any observation where this clearly is what happened.
However there are many observations of phenomena where we are not sure of exactly what happened, but the scenario described is a possible explanation.
Brief bursts of high energy radiation coming from a direction where nothing had been seen previously.
There are other possible explanations for those as well though, merging neutron stars for instance.

I doubt that there exists at this time any telescope having sufficient resolution to be certain precisely what has occurred when one of these radiation bursts is noticed, or the exact nature of the objects involved.
It's pretty well established though that some of these radiation bursts could arise from situations where a black hole has consumed a large amount some kind of matter.
  • #7
Ravi Prakash said:
Has such a phenomena been observed ?
Like rootone, I don't know of any, but Google "black hole accretion disk".
  • #8
I think you're asking if it is possible to essentially "overload" a black hole by "feeding it" too much matter.


You could certainly have an arbitrarily large accretion disk, from the matter with enough orbital velocity to not fall into the BH immediately. That might be an interesting object. But you couldn't overload a BH. You would simply get a stronger burst of EM radiation as the increased matter compressed during its infall to the event horizon.

FAQ: Supernova Explosion near a black hole

1. What is a supernova explosion near a black hole?

A supernova explosion near a black hole is a massive release of energy that occurs when a star, typically a red giant, runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity. This collapse causes the outer layers of the star to explode outward, while the core collapses into a black hole.

2. How does a black hole affect a supernova explosion?

When a star explodes as a supernova near a black hole, the intense gravity of the black hole can significantly alter the explosion. The black hole's gravitational pull can cause the explosion to become more asymmetrical and can also influence the properties of the ejected material.

3. Can a supernova explosion create a black hole?

Yes, a supernova explosion can create a black hole. In fact, this is one of the ways in which black holes are formed. When a star with a mass more than three times that of our sun explodes as a supernova, the core of the star may collapse into a black hole.

4. How far away from a black hole can a supernova explosion occur?

The distance at which a supernova explosion can occur near a black hole depends on several factors, such as the mass of the black hole and the size of the star before the explosion. In general, the explosion can occur anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand light-years away from the black hole.

5. What can we learn from a supernova explosion near a black hole?

A supernova explosion near a black hole can provide valuable insights into the properties and behavior of both black holes and supernovae. It can also help us understand the role of black holes in the formation and evolution of galaxies. Furthermore, studying these explosions can also help us refine our understanding of the laws of physics that govern the universe.

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