Superposition in the density matrix formalism

In summary: This is usually done by integrating over all space and time and seeing what the resulting matrix looks like.
  • #1
Suppose I have a two level system with the states labeled ##|0\rangle## and ##|1\rangle##. In this basis, these correspond to density matrices:
\rho_0 =
1 & 0 \\
0 & 0
\rho_1 =
0 & 0 \\
0 & 1

I can create a coherent superposition of my basis states like ##|\psi\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle + |1\rangle)## or any other pure state on the Bloch sphere. This particular one has density matrix:
\rho_{\psi} = |\psi\rangle\langle\psi| =
1 & 1 \\
1 & 1

If all I had were ##\rho_0## and ##\rho_1## and I decided I wanted to produce to a coherent superposition of those two states, is there any operation I can do to ##\rho_0## and ##\rho_1## directly to produce ##\rho_{\psi}## (or the density matrix of some other state in the Bloch sphere)? Or is it necessary to always first factor the density matrices into the outer products of vectors, produce the superposition with the vectors, and then convert the new state vector back into a density matrix? Clearly it's not just a matter of taking some kind of linear combination of ##\rho_0## and ##\rho_1## because at best that gives you a mixed state and at a worst doesn't even give you something positive, Hermitian, and of trace 1.

Equivalently (more or less): if I handed you ##\rho_0##, ##\rho_1##, and ##\rho_{\psi}## you can easily check that all three are pure states by confirming that they're idempotent without needing to compute their eigenvectors. Can you similarly confirm that ##\rho_{\psi}## is a superposition of the others from the matrices alone?
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  • #2
If you know that ##\rho_0## and ##\rho_1## are orthogonal (check by ##\rho_0 \rho_1 = 0##), then you can construct the projection operator ##P = \rho_0 + \rho_1## which will project ##\rho_\psi## onto the subspace spanned by the 0 and 1 states. As ##P \rho_\psi P = \rho_\psi##, it is a superposition of the two (in this case this is trivial since ##P = \mathbb 1##, but I imagine you want something more general). This only tells you that it is a combination of the two, not necessarily that it is a pure state, which you will have to check separately.
  • #3
##\rho_\psi## is equal to ##U(\theta) \rho_0 U^+(\theta)## where U is a rotation in the hilbert space.
What do you call the superposition of density matrices?
  • #4
Thanks, Orodruin. naima, that doesn't really have anything to do with my question. I'm not asking if there's an operation that turns ##\rho_0## or ##\rho_1## into ##\rho_{\psi}##. If asking if there's one that takes both of them and spits out a pure state superposition like ##\rho_{\psi}##.
  • #5
I think that i understang what you are looking for.
To get the probability that a state ##\psi## "hits" the screen at x to take ##\psi (x)## and square its absolute value.
If the state is given by its density matrix ##\rho## the probability is ##Tr (\rho |x> <x|)## so it seems nearer the concept of probabilities.
Many people think that density matrices states are more fundamental than amplitudes of probabilities. There is a group of physicists who try to avoid them using only things like your ##\rho##
Take a beam splitter. the input signal has the choice between two channels and you can describe what evolves along the different paths with amplitudes or with density matrices.
It is harder when those paths meet again.
If you like amplitudes you simply add them at the meeting point.
If you dislike them you will try to hide them under the carpet.
I do not know something like Feynman path integral for density matrix.
If ##\rho_0## and ##\rho_1## meet and that you hate amplitudes, you can say that the only way to describe the nature of their interaction in a real setup is to give their resulting density matrix!

Related to Superposition in the density matrix formalism

1. What is superposition in the density matrix formalism?

Superposition in the density matrix formalism is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the state of a quantum system as a combination of multiple states. It allows for the simultaneous existence of two or more states, with each state having a certain probability of being observed.

2. How is superposition represented in the density matrix formalism?

In the density matrix formalism, superposition is represented by a mathematical matrix called the density matrix. This matrix contains information about the probabilities of different states and their relative phases, allowing us to calculate the overall probability of observing a particular state.

3. Can superposition be observed in real-life?

Yes, superposition has been observed in many experiments in quantum mechanics. One of the most famous examples is the double-slit experiment, where a single particle can exist in a superposition of two possible paths.

4. How does superposition affect the measurement of a quantum system?

Superposition plays a crucial role in the measurement of a quantum system. When a measurement is made, the system collapses into one of the possible states, with a probability determined by the superposition of states. This is known as the collapse of the wave function.

5. What are the implications of superposition in the density matrix formalism?

The concept of superposition has significant implications in the field of quantum computing and communication. It allows for the encoding and manipulation of information in multiple states simultaneously, leading to the potential for faster and more efficient processing. Superposition also challenges our traditional understanding of reality, as it suggests that particles can exist in multiple states at once.

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