Superposition of spherical harmonics

In summary, the superposition of spherical harmonics is a mathematical principle used to combine individual spherical harmonic functions to create more complex functions. It is used in quantum mechanics to describe the state of a quantum system and in computer graphics to create realistic lighting effects. Spherical harmonics have the properties of orthogonality and completeness, making them useful for superposition. This concept also has many real-world applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.
  • #1
Raman Choudhary
i am a beginner and was going through (Donald Mcquarie's "quantum chemistry" ) some discussion regarding orbitals of H-atom but i didn't get the logic behind writing px and py orbitals as linear combinations of spherical harmonics?

according to what i understood, a given spherical harmonic in itself represents a orbital depending upon n,l,m ..then how can we write a spherical harmonic as a sum of other two or spherical harmonics with same n,l.

[Mentor's note: moved from "New Member Introduction" forum to here]
[Mentor's note: title changed to be more descriptive]
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  • #2
px = (1/sqrt2)*(Y11+ Y1-1)
py=(1/sqrt2*i)(Y11- Y1-1)
  • #3
Welcome to PF! This forum "New Member Introductions" is for only new member introductions and some chit-chat. Real questions belong in one of our topical forums, such as our "Quantum Physics" forum:

Please re-post your question there. More people who can actually help you hang out there, as opposed to the few people who hang out here greeting new members.
  • #4
In hydrogen, the spherical harmonics with the same n are all energetically degenerate, so any linear combination is again a solution of the Schrödinger equation. However in molecules, the potential is perturbed and some linear combinations are better zeroth order solutions than others.

FAQ: Superposition of spherical harmonics

1. What is the concept of superposition of spherical harmonics?

The superposition of spherical harmonics refers to the mathematical principle of combining multiple individual spherical harmonic functions to create a more complex function. This allows for the representation of more complicated three-dimensional patterns and shapes.

2. How is the principle of superposition used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the principle of superposition is used to describe the state of a quantum system as a combination of multiple possible states. This allows for the prediction of the probability of different outcomes when the system is observed.

3. What are the properties of spherical harmonics that make them useful in superposition?

Spherical harmonics have the property of orthogonality, meaning that when combined, they do not interfere with each other and retain their individual characteristics. They also have the property of completeness, meaning that any function on a sphere can be expressed as a combination of spherical harmonics.

4. How is the superposition of spherical harmonics used in computer graphics?

In computer graphics, the superposition of spherical harmonics is used to create realistic lighting effects on three-dimensional objects. By combining multiple spherical harmonic functions, the light and shadows on an object can be accurately represented, resulting in a more lifelike appearance.

5. What are some real-world applications of the superposition of spherical harmonics?

The superposition of spherical harmonics has various applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of subatomic particles, in spectroscopy to analyze the properties of molecules, and in geophysics to study the Earth's magnetic field, among others.
