Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation (Grassmann Numbers)

In summary, the speaker has been tasked with showing that a Lagrangian under a set of transformations changes by a time derivative. After successfully completing the task, they are left with two remaining terms (W'' W' (ψ^*ε^* + εψ)), which they believe may cancel out but do not want to speculate. They then mention that the two terms can be rewritten in terms of Grassmann numbers and ask if they cancel out and why. The speaker also provides a source and explains that the terms come from the final term of the Lagrangian.
  • #1
I've been tasked with showing that a Lagrangian under a set of transformations changes by a time derivative. All has gone well, except I'm left with two remaining terms, that I am completely confident, aren't there by mistake (as the 16 terms that should be expected have all popped out with the correct signs etc).

The two terms, I believe, probably cancel but I don't just want to speculate. Anyway, the two terms that remain are,

[tex]W'' W' (ψ^*ε^* + εψ)[/tex]

where W is the Superpotential (primes representing derivatives, w.r.t x) as a function of the spatial co-ordinate x. ψ represents the Superspace co-ordinate and epsilon represents the small change Grassmann parameter relevant to our transformation. Stars represent complex conjugates.

Now, I will also add that ψ is a Grassmann number so we can rewrite the terms such that,

[tex]W'' W' (ψ^*ε^* - ψε)[/tex]

So, briefly put, do these two terms cancel one another out? If so, why?

(also, please do not delete my post for not following the template, I didn't find it necessary given that this is quite a small scale question)

Thanks for your time, Physics forum!
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  • #2
Ok... after some thought I don't think they can cancel in this way (or the rest of what I have done wouldn't make sense).

Anyway, instead of writing everything out in full, I'm basically working the Lagrangian on page 5 of this source and using the transforms also on the bottom of page 6.

The terms above come from the final term of the Lagrangian, i.e.


The the 3rd and 7th terms when multiplying out the brackets. As I mentioned before, everything else canceled out in the calculation or was used to show that the change in the Lagrangian is a total time derivative, I was simply left with the aforementioned two terms.

Related to Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation (Grassmann Numbers)

1. What is the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation?

The Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation is a mathematical framework used in theoretical particle physics to incorporate supersymmetry into the laws of nature. It involves the use of Grassmann numbers, which are mathematical entities that extend the real and complex numbers to include anticommuting elements.

2. Why is supersymmetry important in particle physics?

Supersymmetry is important in particle physics because it provides a solution to many problems in the current understanding of the universe. It helps to unify the forces of nature and can potentially explain the existence of dark matter. It also allows for a more elegant and symmetrical description of the fundamental particles and interactions.

3. How are Grassmann numbers used in the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation?

Grassmann numbers are used in the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation to create a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model of particle physics. They are used to introduce anticommuting fields, known as superpartners, for each of the known particles. These superpartners have the same quantum numbers as their corresponding particles, but differ in their spin by half a unit.

4. Can the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation be experimentally tested?

Yes, the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation can be experimentally tested. Scientists are currently searching for evidence of supersymmetric particles through the use of high-energy particle colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider. If supersymmetry is indeed a fundamental symmetry of nature, then it is expected that these particles will be observed at some point in the future.

5. Are there any challenges or criticisms of the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation?

One challenge of the Supersymmetric Lagrangian Transformation is that it introduces a large number of new particles, which have not yet been observed. This raises questions about the simplicity and elegance of the theory. Additionally, the exact mechanism of supersymmetry breaking, which is necessary for the theory to be consistent with experimental data, is still unknown. Some critics also argue that supersymmetry is not necessary to explain the current observations in particle physics and that simpler solutions should be explored first.

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