Supposedly simple double integral

In summary, the double integral of xy dA in the triangular region of (0,0), (3,0), (0,1) involves finding the limits of integration for both dx and dy. It is important to draw a picture of the region and determine the values of y that lie within the region for a given value of x. Then, the parameters for the y integral would be from 0 to x/3. It is also helpful to swap the limits of integration and integrate with respect to x first and then y to ensure the correct answer is obtained.
  • #1
double integral of xy dA
in the triangular region of (0,0), (3,0), (0,1).
my problem that I am having is finding the limits I am suposed to find dx or dy in. I figure I should use 0 to 3 for dx, but then i do dy from 0 to what? Help appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
Try drawing a picture of the region. Then, for a given value of x, what values of y lie within the region? This gives you the limits of integration for y, given x. (Of course, you must then do the y integral before you do the x integral.)
  • #3
so then the parameters for y would be: 0 to x/3?
  • #4
Yes, because the upper boundary is the line y= x/3.

It is a very good exercise to "swap" the limits of integration. Suppose you wanted to integrate with respect to x first and then y? Clearly to cover the entire triangle, you must take y going from 0 to 1. For each y, then, x must go from the left boundary, x= 0, to the "right" boundary which is still that line y= x/3. That is, x must go from x= 0 to x= what? Do the integral of xy both ways and see if you get the same thing.
  • #5
still not getting the right answer.

I used the parameters dy= 0 to 1 and dx= 0 to -3y+3 and got 2.375.
the answer was wrong.
I did it the other way with dy=0 to x/3+1 and dx= 0 to 3 and got another wrong answer.
what am I doing wrong?

FAQ: Supposedly simple double integral

1. What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of mathematical integration that involves integrating a function over a two-dimensional region. It represents the volume under a surface in three-dimensional space.

2. How is a double integral calculated?

A double integral is calculated by first dividing the region of integration into small rectangles, then approximating the area of each rectangle using the function values at specific points. These approximations are then added together to get an approximation of the total volume.

3. What is the difference between a single and double integral?

A single integral is used to calculate the area under a curve in one dimension, while a double integral calculates the volume under a surface in two dimensions. A double integral involves integrating both horizontally and vertically, while a single integral only involves one direction.

4. What are some practical applications of double integrals?

Double integrals have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. They can be used to calculate the center of mass, moment of inertia, and work done by a force, among other things.

5. What are some common challenges when solving double integrals?

One common challenge when solving double integrals is determining the limits of integration, which can be complicated when dealing with irregular or non-rectangular regions. Another challenge is choosing the appropriate method of integration, such as using polar coordinates or changing the order of integration, to simplify the calculation.
