Surface Charge - Poynting Vector - DC circuit power flow

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of surface charge and the Poynting vector in describing how a simple DC circuit works. The authors Chabay and Sherwood have made a significant contribution in this area, with many other papers being published in the last 15 years. However, these concepts were not taught in the past, which is a shame. It is also mentioned that John Kraus in his book "Electromagnetics" had already illustrated the use of the Poynting vector to show power flow in 1973. This understanding of power flow has only recently been resolved, and even Feynman had commented on this deficiency in his lectures. The speaker also shares their personal experience of not being aware of these concepts
  • #1
Joseph M. Zias
I found it very interesting to see that surface charge and the Poynting vector are being used to describe how a simple DC circuit actually works. Chabay and Sherwood have made an outstanding contribution to physics and engineering in their texts and papers. Of course others jump on the bandwagon and rightly so with a plethora of papers in the last 15 years. We were not taught those truths back in 1970, a shame. Regarding the use of the Poynting vector to show power flow is not mainly in the wires most of the authors of recent papers neglect to mention that John Kraus in his "Electromagnetics" did indeed illustrate this. I know it is in his 2nd edition, 1973,
pages 416-419. Unfortunately I didn't have his text but took E&M using Reitz and Milford and if it is in there its buried somewhere.
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  • #2
I too was rather blown away that such basic understanding has only recently been truly resolved. Even Feynman already commented on this deficiency in one of his lectures. And even though my Master's in EE was rather theoretical in comparison to others, I certainly was not aware of it. Just like everyone else I assumed the energy was being transported inside the wire, very much like a water hose would work. And especially when one considers non-steady state circuits, where potential difference travel down the wire and get reflected etc, it even more so looks like that that part is carrying the energy.

That said, from an engineering perspective it makes no difference of course. And the way I understand it, the energy gets transported just outside the wire, so it's essentially a difference of a few micrometer.

Related to Surface Charge - Poynting Vector - DC circuit power flow

What is surface charge?

Surface charge refers to the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of a conductor or insulator due to the presence of an electric field.

What is the Poynting vector?

The Poynting vector is a mathematical concept used to describe the flow of electromagnetic energy in a given direction at a particular point in space. It is represented by the symbol S and is measured in watts per square meter.

How is the Poynting vector related to surface charge?

The Poynting vector is related to surface charge through the electromagnetic wave equation, which describes the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave. The Poynting vector is a measure of the flow of energy, while surface charge is a measure of the accumulation of electric charge. Both are important factors in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

What is DC circuit power flow?

DC circuit power flow refers to the flow of electrical energy in a direct current (DC) circuit. It is the movement of electrical charge, usually in the form of electrons, through a circuit from a power source to a load. This flow of energy is measured in watts and is essential for powering electrical devices.

How is DC circuit power flow affected by surface charge and the Poynting vector?

The presence of surface charge and the direction of the Poynting vector can affect the flow of energy in a DC circuit. In a conductor, surface charge can create resistance and impede the flow of current. The direction of the Poynting vector can also impact the direction of the flow of energy in a circuit. Understanding these factors is important in designing and analyzing efficient DC circuits.

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