Surface formed by moving area along curved axis

In summary: The shape would be drawn as a series of strips across the drawing board which were then connected up to form a 3-d layout of the hull or fuselage or whatever .In summary, lofting is a process of generating shapes by sweeping a section profile along a path, and has practical applications in engineering. The term comes from the days when ships and aircraft were drawn full size by hand, and involves creating a 3D layout using strips drawn on a large drawing board.
  • #1
I have never heard of a way to investigate this mathematically but I'm sure there is. How would you describe the surface area or volume of some 3-D surface formed by moving an enclosed area along a curved axis a certain distance? You could easily describe a torus by taking a circle and forming a surface of revolution, but you're also moving that circular area along a circular axis that passes through its center by rotating it. What if you took that circle and moved it instead along a parabola between two values? Surely it would form a continuous smooth surface with a definite volume and surface area, and yet its not a surface of rotation its like a surface of area path integration, but how would you describe it? What if the axis doesn't pass through the center of the circle, but some other point (I guess you could find a new curve that does pass through the center, but that seems impossible in many situations)? What if its not a circle, but any area? What if the axis is not perpendicular to the area? For all these situations I imagine a unique solid that is formed, can calculus help or would this be a numerical problem?
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  • #3
Circle lofted around a parabola :

c loft v0.jpg

The general process of generating shapes by sweeping a section profile along a path is called lofting .

The shape shown is a simple one but very much more complex shapes can be generated .

The lofting process has practical applications in engineering .

The term lofting comes from the days when ships hulls and later aircraft fuselages and wings were drawn full size by hand on a large floor area adapted as a drawing board . Usually an upper floor was used - ie the loft .
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FAQ: Surface formed by moving area along curved axis

1. What is a surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis?

A surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis is a three-dimensional shape that is created by continuously translating a two-dimensional shape along a curved path. This process is also known as sweeping.

2. How is a surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis different from a regular surface?

A surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis is different from a regular surface because it is not flat and has a curved shape. Regular surfaces, such as cubes or spheres, are formed by translations or rotations of a single two-dimensional shape.

3. What are some real-life examples of surfaces formed by moving an area along a curved axis?

Some examples of surfaces formed by moving an area along a curved axis include a conical frustum (such as an ice cream cone), a torus (such as a donut), and a helicoid (such as a spiral staircase).

4. How is the surface area of a surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis calculated?

The surface area of a surface formed by moving an area along a curved axis can be calculated using calculus and integration. The exact formula will depend on the specific shape of the surface.

5. What are the applications of surfaces formed by moving an area along a curved axis?

Surfaces formed by moving an area along a curved axis have various applications in mathematics, engineering, and architecture. Some examples include designing curved roofs, creating complex 3D shapes for computer graphics, and calculating volumes of irregular objects.
