Surface integral in spherical coordinates question

In summary, we are asked to find the surface area of the intersection between a sphere and a paraboloid using spherical coordinates. We first find the intersection points and determine that they lie on a circle of radius sqrt(2)c with z=c. Then, using the parametric equations for the surface, we can find the bounds of integration for the surface integral.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the surface area of the portion of the sphere [tex]x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 3c^2[/tex] within the paraboloid [tex]2cz = x^2 + y^2[/tex] using spherical coordinates. (c is a constant)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I converted all the x's to [tex]\rho sin\phi cos\theta[/tex], y's to [tex]\rho sin\phi sin\theta[/tex], z's to [tex]\rho cos\theta[/tex]. Thus, the vector form of the sphere is [tex]\vec{r}(\varphi,\theta) = {\rho sin\phi cos\theta}\hat{i} + {\rho sin\phi sin\theta}\hat{j} + {\rho cos\theta}\hat{k}[/tex]. Thus, [tex]{\left\|{{\vec{r}}_{\varphi}}\times {{\vec{r}}_{\theta}}\right\|} = {\sqrt{3c^2}} sin \varphi[/tex]

Now I want to find the bounds of integration for the surface integral. I know theta goes from 0 to [tex]2\pi[/tex], but for [tex]\varphi[/tex], I get this mess while trying to equate the paraboloid to the sphere:

[tex]2c({\rho cos\theta}) = {{\rho}^2 sin^2 \varphi}[/tex]

When [tex]\theta = 0, \varphi = sin^{-1}({\sqrt{2c/{\rho}}})[/tex], and when [tex]\theta = 2\pi, \varphi = sin^{-1}({\sqrt{2c/{\rho}}})[/tex].


I really hate vector calculus.
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  • #2
I would first identify the region using whatever coordinates I wanted to. Then you can carry out the integration using spherical coordinates. Equating them in Cartesian coordinates provides some very useful information.

How do you go about this? Well, you know that wherever the paraboloid and the sphere intersect, the circular cross sections in the x-y parallel plane will be of the same size. Ergo, where they meet, the quantity x^2 + y^2 will be the same. Rearranging and equating, we arrive at

3c^2 - z^2 = 2cz


z^2 + 2cz - 3c^2 = 0

I think z comes out to be: [-2c +- sqrt(4c^2 + 12c^2)]/2 = -3c OR +c.

So you're right that theta goes from 0 to 2PI; the only question now is what the phi angle should do. You know it has to go from the top of the sphere down until the point where z = c (assuming c positive, this is the only sensible solution). So when is z = c? well, you have a circle of radius c*sqrt(3), and you need to be c up on it... so you know that c*sqrt(3) * cos(phi) = c.

I might have made some basic mistakes somewhere, but the idea is sound. Does that make sense? I wouldn't change things to spherical coordinates until you literally begin doing the integration. It's just so much easier to work with Cartesian as long as possible.
  • #3
Well, the other part of the question (which I had done already) was doing it in Cartesians, so I know the two surfaces intersect at z = c, as you stated.

[tex](c \sqrt{3}) cos(\varphi) = c[/tex]
[tex]cos (\varphi) = 1/{\sqrt{3}}[/tex]
[tex]\varphi =[/tex] a really ugly number.

Should I just keep this as [tex]cos^{-1} (1/{\sqrt{3}})[/tex] ? I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea. So then my integration is

[tex]\int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{cos^{-1} (1/{\sqrt{3}})} {3c^2 sin(\varphi)} d\varphi d\theta[/tex]
[tex] = {-6\pi c^2 cos(\varphi)]^{cos^{-1} (1/{\sqrt{3}})}_{0}}[/tex]
[tex] = -6\pi c^2({1/{\sqrt{3}}}-1)[/tex]
[tex] = 6\pi c^2(1-{1/{\sqrt{3}}})[/tex]
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  • #4
But now I have a new problem with the surface area done in Cartesians. When z=c,

[tex]2c^2 = x^2 + y^2[/tex]

[tex]-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2} \leq y \leq \sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}[/tex]

[tex]-\sqrt{2c^2} \leq x \leq \sqrt{2c^2}[/tex]

dS for the sphere is [tex]{\sqrt{\frac{3c^2}{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}}}dy dx[/tex]

Surface area = [tex]\int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}} {{\sqrt{\frac{3c^2}{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}}}dy dx}[/tex]
= [tex]c\sqrt{3} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}} ({{\sqrt{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}})^{-{\frac{1}{2}}}}dy dx}[/tex]
= [tex]-c\sqrt{3} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} ({\sqrt{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}})^{{\frac{1}{2}}}} ]^{\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}}_{-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}} dx}[/tex]
= [tex]-c\sqrt{3} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} (c-c) dx[/tex]

But then...the integrand becomes zero. I don't think that's supposed to happen. =/
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  • #5
compliant said:

Homework Statement

Find the surface area of the portion of the sphere [tex]x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 3c^2[/tex] within the paraboloid [tex]2cz = x^2 + y^2[/tex] using spherical coordinates. (c is a constant)
The sphere and paraboloid intersect when [tex]2cz+ z^2= 3c^2[/tex]. Completing the square, [tex]z^2+ 2cz+ c^2= 4c^2[/tex] or [tex]z+ c= \pm 2c[/tex], z= c or z= -3c.

If c is positive, since [tex]2cz= x^2+ y^2[/tex], z is positive: we must have z= c so [tex]x^2+ y^2= 2c^2[/tex], a circle or radius [tex]\sqrt{2}c[/tex].

If c is negative, z is negative: we must have z= -3c so [tex]x^2+y^2+ 9c^2= 3c^2[/tex] or [tex]x^2+ y^2= -6c^2[/tex]. That's impossible so c must be positive and the two surfaces intersect on the circle [tex]x^2+ y^2= 2c^2[/tex], z= c.

Obviously [tex]\theta[/tex] ranges from 0 to [tex]2\pi[/tex]. To find the limits on [tex]\phi[/tex], not that a point on the boundary circle is distance [tex]\sqrt{2}c[/tex] from the z-axis and at height [tex]z= c[/tex]. [tex]\phi[/tex] is given by [tex]tan(\phi)= \sqrt{2}c/c= \sqrt{2}[/tex]. [tex]\phi[/tex] ranges from 0 to [tex]tan^{-1}(\sqrt{2})[/tex].

Because you are asked specifically to find the surface area, you should use spherical coordinates, with [itex]\rho= \sqrt{2}c[/itex] to get parametric equations for the surface:
[tex]\vec{r}(\theta,\phi)= \sqrt{2}c cos(\theta)sin(\phi)\vec{i}+ \sqrt{2}c sin(\theta)sin(\phi)\vec{j}+ \sqrt{2}c cos(\phi)\vec{j}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I converted all the x's to [tex]\rho sin\phi cos\theta[/tex], y's to [tex]\rho sin\phi sin\theta[/tex], z's to [tex]\rho cos\theta[/tex]. Thus, the vector form of the sphere is [tex]\vec{r}(\varphi,\theta) = {\rho sin\phi cos\theta}\hat{i} + {\rho sin\phi sin\theta}\hat{j} + {\rho cos\theta}\hat{k}[/tex]. Thus, [tex]{\left\|{{\vec{r}}_{\varphi}}\times {{\vec{r}}_{\theta}}\right\|} = {\sqrt{3c^2}} sin \varphi[/tex]

Now I want to find the bounds of integration for the surface integral. I know theta goes from 0 to [tex]2\pi[/tex], but for [tex]\varphi[/tex], I get this mess while trying to equate the paraboloid to the sphere:

[tex]2c({\rho cos\theta}) = {{\rho}^2 sin^2 \varphi}[/tex]

When [tex]\theta = 0, \varphi = sin^{-1}({\sqrt{2c/{\rho}}})[/tex], and when [tex]\theta = 2\pi, \varphi = sin^{-1}({\sqrt{2c/{\rho}}})[/tex].


I really hate vector calculus.
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  • #6
Yes, but unforunately, my Cartesian answer not the same.

I see now why though:

[tex]c\sqrt{3} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}} ({{\sqrt{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}})^{-{\frac{1}{2}}}}dy dx}[/tex]
= [tex]-c\sqrt{3} \int_{-\sqrt{2c^2}}^{\sqrt{2c^2}} ({\sqrt{3c^2 - x^2 - y^2}})^{{\frac{1}{2}}}} ]^{\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}}_{-\sqrt{2c^2 - x^2}} dx}[/tex]

Obviously this isn't what one should get after integrating that term. And I can't exactly stick in a 1/y right in front of the bracket to cancel out the y term that comes out after doing the Chain Rule. Does anyone know how to integrate it? =/

Related to Surface integral in spherical coordinates question

1. What is a surface integral in spherical coordinates?

A surface integral in spherical coordinates is a mathematical tool used to calculate the surface area of a three-dimensional object, such as a sphere or a cone, in a three-dimensional space. It involves integrating a function over the surface of the object using spherical coordinates.

2. How is a surface integral in spherical coordinates different from other types of integrals?

A surface integral in spherical coordinates is different from other types of integrals because it is specifically used to calculate surface area, rather than volume or length. It also uses a different coordinate system, where the variables are radius, inclination angle, and azimuth angle.

3. What are the steps to solving a surface integral in spherical coordinates?

The steps to solving a surface integral in spherical coordinates include: 1) identifying the boundaries of the surface, 2) setting up the integral with the appropriate limits of integration, 3) converting the integrand to spherical coordinates, 4) solving the integral, and 5) evaluating the result. It is important to carefully choose the orientation of the surface and the direction of the normal vector when setting up the integral.

4. How is the surface element in spherical coordinates calculated?

The surface element in spherical coordinates is calculated by taking the product of the radius squared, the sine of the inclination angle, and the infinitesimal change in the azimuth angle. This represents the infinitesimal area of a small patch on the surface of the object.

5. What are some applications of surface integrals in spherical coordinates?

Surface integrals in spherical coordinates have many applications in physics and engineering, such as calculating the electric or magnetic flux through a closed surface, finding the electric potential of a charged sphere, or determining the mass or center of mass of a three-dimensional object. They are also useful in solving problems in fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

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