Surface integral of vector fields (sphere)

In summary, Julien calculated the oriented surface integral of the vector field given by ##v(x,y,z) = (yz,1,-xy)## and found that it took him over half an hour to solve.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi everybody! I'm currently training at surface integrals of vector fields, and I'd like to check if my results are correct AND if there is any shortcut possible in the method I use. I'm preparing for an exam, and I found that it takes me way too much time to solve it. I estimated that I should have around 15 mins to solve such a problem during my exam, and I'm definitely not there yet. So the problem goes:

Calculate the oriented surface integral ##\int_F v \cdot dF##. The vector field is given by ##v(x,y,z) = (yz,1,-xy)##, the surface ##F## is given by ##F = \{ (x,y,z) \in \mathbb{R}^3 : x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1, y \geq 0 \}## and the normal vector on ##F## should be oriented towards the point of origin.

Homework Equations

Surface integrals, parametrisation of surfaces, vector calculus, partal derivatives

The Attempt at a Solution

Well okay here we go:

-First I notice that the equation of the surface describes a sphere with radius ##r=1## and center ##(0,0,0)##. The ##y \geq 0## indicates this is a half-sphere. So I parametrise the surface using spherical coordinates and I get:
##\phi(\varphi, \psi) = (\cos \varphi \sin \psi, \sin \varphi, \sin \psi, \cos \psi)## with ##\phi \in [0,\pi]## (because ##y \geq 0##) and ##\psi \in [0,\pi]##.

-Then I take the partial derivatives with respect to ##\varphi## and ##\psi## and get:
##\partial_{\varphi} \phi (\varphi, \psi) = (- \sin \varphi \sin \psi, \cos \varphi \sin \psi, 0)##
##\partial_{\psi} \phi (\varphi, \psi) = (\cos \varphi \cos \psi, \sin \varphi \cos \psi, - \sin \psi)##

-The partial derivatives forming a tangential plane on the surface, I take the vector product of the two in order to obtain a normal vector:
##\vec{n} = \pm || \partial_{\varphi} \phi (\varphi, \psi) \times \partial_{\psi} \phi (\varphi, \psi) ||##
##= \pm (\cos \varphi \sin^2 \psi, \sin \varphi \sin^2 \psi, \cos \psi \sin \psi)##

-I could jump directly to the integral (after choosing an orientation of course), but when I see such a vector as ##\vec{n}## I prefer to normalise it otherwise I'll be trapped in the middle of many trigonometric functions when doing the integral:
##\hat{n} = \pm (\cos \varphi \sin \psi, \sin \varphi \sin \psi, \cos \psi)##

-I choose an orientation by testing the direction of say ##\hat{n}_+## for a chosen point and see if it points towards the center of the sphere or not. I chose ##(\varphi, \psi) = (0,0)## and get that for point ##\phi (\varphi, \psi) = (0,0,1)## the vector has coordinates ##\hat{n}_+ = (0,0,1)##, which means it points in the opposite direction of the zero-point. Therefore, I define my normal vector as:
##\hat{n} = -(\cos \varphi \sin \psi, \sin \varphi \sin \psi, \cos \psi)##

-I can now do the integral:
##\int_F v \cdot dF = \int_S \vec{v} \cdot \hat{n} \cdot || \vec{n} ||\ d\varphi\ d\psi##
##= - \int_0^{\pi} \sin \varphi \int_0^{\pi} \sin^2 \psi\ d\psi\ d\phi##
##= - \frac{\pi}{2} \int_0^{\pi} \sin \varphi\ d\varphi##
##= -\pi##.

Is that correct? My principal doubts when doing this kind of integrals are always: did I choose the orientation right? Did I make no calculation mistake? And as I already mentioned above, I was wondering if there was a quickest way to solve those problems. This one definitely took me over half a hour, and I didn't really get stuck or anything. I often face more complicated ones and it can take over a hour then. Maybe it's just a question of practice.Thank you very much in advance for your reviews, remarks and suggestions. :)Julien.
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  • #2
I see you do a lot of work in 3D, but oversee that for any vector ##\ \vec a = (x,y,z) \ ## the inner product ##\ \vec a \cdot \vec v = y ##. Couldn't that shorten the time to solve ? Like, down to the time needed for multiplying the area ##2\pi## with the number 1 ?

(a bit devious, but: I'm glad our results differ, so perhaps someone will put me right ! )

[edit] the 'number' isn't 1, it's 'y', so I'm the one who is wrong...
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  • #3
Your notation is a bit confusing for me with ##\phi## and ##\varphi##. Never mind.

From symmetry I expect the integral is zero.
Doing the work I have ## | dF | = \sin\psi \;d\phi \;d\psi ## and ##y = \sin\phi\cos\psi ## so a ##\sin 2\psi## appears and that gets ##\int d\psi = 0##.

(a double wrong doesn't make a right, so I'll wait for confirmation).
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  • #4
Hi @BvU and thanks for your answer. Yes I have seen that most people write the parameter function as ##\vec{r} (u,v)##. I also like it better, but my teacher must be in love with greek letters since the notation ##\phi (\varphi, \psi)## comes from him. I'm keeping it until the exam to not get confused, but I'll drop it directly afterwards since I generally prefer to use the latin alphabet to define functions.

Mm I have trouble with your second post seeing how you arrived there. Would you mind detailing a bit? Even if it ends up being wrong, I like to see how other people think and work.

Thanks a lot! :)Julien.
  • #5
JulienB said:
second post seeing how you arrived there
So you have $$\int\limits_F \vec v\cdot\ \vec {dF}$$and ##\vec v \cdot\vec x = y ##.

Working in spherical coordinates is sensible, so that comes down to finding the y coordinate of ##\vec dF## in spherical coordinates.

##\vec {dF} = -\hat r \; \sin\psi \;d\psi\;d\varphi## a vector pointing inwards along ##\hat r## with a magnitude ##\sin\psi \;d\psi\;d\varphi## (the area of a chunk ##\;d\psi\;d\varphi## of the unit sphere where r2 = 1).

Its y-component is $$ -\sin\varphi\cos\psi\ \sin\psi \;d\psi\;d\varphi = - {1\over 2} \sin \varphi \sin 2\psi \;d\psi\;d\varphi$$ and the integration reads $$\int\limits_F\vec v\cdot\vec {dF} = - {1\over 2} \int\limits_{\varphi = 0}^{\pi\over 2} \int\limits_{\psi = 0}^{\pi\over 2} \sin \varphi \sin 2\psi \;d\psi\;d\varphi$$

Was that the idea ?

Related to Surface integral of vector fields (sphere)

1. What is the surface integral of a vector field on a sphere?

The surface integral of a vector field on a sphere is a mathematical concept used to calculate the total flux or flow of a vector field over the entire surface of a sphere. It represents the amount of "stuff" passing through the surface of the sphere in a given direction.

2. How is the surface integral of a vector field on a sphere calculated?

The surface integral of a vector field on a sphere is calculated by taking the dot product of the vector field and the unit normal vector at each point on the surface, and then integrating this dot product over the entire surface.

3. What is the application of surface integrals of vector fields on spheres?

Surface integrals of vector fields on spheres have various applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. They can be used to calculate the flux of a fluid through a spherical surface, the work done by a force field on a spherical object, and the electric flux through a spherical surface due to a point charge, among others.

4. Can the surface integral of a vector field on a sphere be negative?

Yes, the surface integral of a vector field on a sphere can be negative. This usually occurs when the vector field is pointing in the opposite direction of the unit normal vector at certain points on the surface, resulting in a negative dot product. It is important to pay attention to the direction of the vector field and the orientation of the surface when calculating the surface integral.

5. How does the surface integral of a vector field on a sphere relate to other types of integrals?

The surface integral of a vector field on a sphere is a special case of a more general concept known as a surface integral. It is also related to the concept of line integrals, which are used to calculate the work done by a vector field along a curve. Surface integrals can be seen as an extension of line integrals to higher-dimensional surfaces, such as spheres.

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