Surface Integrals: Calculating dxdy, dxdz, dydz

In summary, surface integrals involve calculating the area of a surface in three-dimensional space. This is done by integrating over the surface using different coordinate systems, such as dxdy, dxdz, and dydz, to find the total surface area. These integrals are useful in many fields, including physics and engineering, for determining quantities such as flux and work done on a surface. The specific coordinate system used depends on the orientation of the surface and the direction of the vector field being integrated. Overall, surface integrals provide a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding surfaces in three-dimensional space.
  • #1
When calculating surface integrals do you have to calculate double integrals for dxdy, dxdz and dydz and add up or what?
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  • #2
It depends on how you parametrize the surface, really. If you use any 2 of the three variables x,y,z then you have to set up the double integrals with respect to them. Otherwise you perform a double integral dudv if your parameters are u,v.
  • #3
Defennder said:
If you use any 2 of the three variables x,y,z then you have to set up the double integrals with respect to them.

But this is sufficient? If you integrate say with respect to dxdy and have correct and appropriate limits then this is the question answered so to speak. You don't have to go on and do dxdz and dydz?
  • #4
The thing here is that the surface integral is assumed to be done with respect to x,y and that the surface may be parametrized in x,y. If so, then yes.
  • #5
coverband said:
But this is sufficient? If you integrate say with respect to dxdy and have correct and appropriate limits then this is the question answered so to speak. You don't have to go on and do dxdz and dydz?

Hi coverband! :smile:

Just draw a squareish grid across the surface.

If dxdy describes the grid, where does dz come into it? :smile:
  • #6
I appreciate the attention but is the answer to do you just integrate with respect to dxdy in all cases yes !?
  • #7
If the grid is described by dxdy, then yes. :smile:
  • #8
coverband said:
I appreciate the attention but is the answer to do you just integrate with respect to dxdy in all cases yes !?

I don't think that's true. x, y and z are just the names you give to the axis, you can call them whatever you want. You integrate with respect to surface area i.e. dS I believe. Have you read this:
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  • #9
Thanks no more exams. So say if you have surface z=x+y+1 then you integrate with respect to dxdy and that's it finished problem solved

If you have x=z-y-1 then you integrate with respect to dzdy and that's it finished

You don't do all three and add them up or anything !?
  • #10
coverband said:
Thanks no more exams. So say if you have surface z=x+y+1 then you integrate with respect to dxdy and that's it finished problem solved

If you have x=z-y-1 then you integrate with respect to dzdy and that's it finished

You don't do all three and add them up or anything !?

Maybe I should have also pointed you here:,
note where it says: "A natural question is then whether the definition of the surface integral depends on the chosen parametrization. For integrals of scalar fields, the answer to this question is simple, the value of the surface integral will be the same no matter what parametrization one uses." So yes, whichever way you want to parametrize your surface, that's what will affect what your dS = . You definitely would not do it 3 different ways and add them up. Better yet, do it 3 different ways and see what answers you get.
  • #11
Thanks nomoreexams
  • #12
can someone help me with the solution to ∫ex² dx.i need to apply the solution for something am working on.
  • #13
for the question i posted, the x² is a power of e. thanx.
  • #14
nsama said:
for the question i posted, the x² is a power of e. thanx.

You should probably start a new thread instead of asking it in one that is not related. In any case [tex] \int e^{x^{2}} \, dx [/tex] has no closed form but it is related to I believe.

FAQ: Surface Integrals: Calculating dxdy, dxdz, dydz

What is a surface integral?

A surface integral is a type of integral that is used to calculate the area of a surface or the volume bounded by a surface in three-dimensional space.

What are the different types of surface integrals?

There are three types of surface integrals: double integrals, triple integrals, and line integrals. Double integrals are used to calculate the area of a surface, triple integrals are used to calculate the volume bounded by a surface, and line integrals are used to calculate the work done by a force field along a curve on a surface.

How do you calculate a surface integral using dxdy, dxdz, and dydz?

To calculate a surface integral using dxdy, dxdz, or dydz, you first need to parameterize the surface in terms of two variables. Then, you can use the appropriate integral to calculate the area or volume of the surface.

What is the difference between a closed surface and an open surface?

A closed surface is a surface that completely encloses a volume, while an open surface does not enclose a volume and has a boundary. Closed surfaces are typically used for calculating triple integrals, while open surfaces are used for calculating double integrals.

What are some real-world applications of surface integrals?

Surface integrals have many applications in physics and engineering. They can be used to calculate the flux of a vector field through a surface, the mass of a three-dimensional object, and the work done by a force field on a surface. They are also used in fields such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and thermodynamics.

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