Surface Integrals Explained for Beginners

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of integrating a vector function over a surface, and trying to understand the underlying essence of this process. The resulting quantity, called flux, represents the number of field lines crossing through an orientable closed or open surface. This topic falls under Calculus III and Vector Analysis, which is a more advanced level of calculus.
  • #1
At the risk of sounding imbecilic, I'm going to pose this question anyway.

If I integral a vector function over a surface {a defined region R on a surface S} then what in fact am I doing? I know it sounds bizarre but I can see the logic of the process to find surface areas..but what does this actually represent.. I know its the integral of the vector function and the unit normal vector dotted together, but what is this actually doing? Is this saying how much area this function will trace out in this defined region or what?

I am reading Div, Grad, Curl by H M Schey and I get the idea in the main, but what stumps me is when the author says:

"We evaluate the function F(x,y,z) and this point and form its dot product with [itex]\mathbf{\hat{n}}[/itex]. The resulting quantity is then multiplied by the area [itex]\Delta S[/itex]"

In this case he's talking about dividing up the surface into N faces, then taking the limit of the sum to form the integral etc..etc..

But I don't understand the essence...I can do the algebra and the calculus; that's not an issue..but the underlying essence of it I cannot grasp. If I integrate : [itex]\iint_s \mathbf{F}(x,y,z)\cdot\mathbf{\hat{n}} dS[/itex] then just what the heck is going on, what does the resulting quantity represent?

Sorry if I sound like a fool, but there's probably something obvious I've yet to have spotted.

Thanks guys! :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2
The quantity
[tex] \Phi =:\int\int_{S} \vec{F}(\vec{r})\cdot \vec{n} dS [/tex]
For a closed surface:call it Sigma
[tex] \Phi=:\oint_{\Sigma} \vec{F}(\vec{r})\cdot \vec{n} dS [/tex]

So that's what u're doing.Computing a flux of a vector field.


PS.Think about the magnetic flux:u can visualize magnetic field lines and tangent vectors B.Then the magnetic flux can be thought of being the number of magnetic field lines crossing through an orientable closed/open surface.
  • #3
Yeah I read on a bit and it was talking about the "flux", but surely they should've let you know that at an earlier stage, or do they just expect you to keep plodding along and taking it at face value.

Well now I know how to evalute the integral (projection methods) I suppose I can begin to tackle the divergence stuff.

Anymore comments to add please feel free to do so..

Cheers guys
HAPPY NEW YEAR :) :biggrin:
  • #4
brendan_foo said:
Yeah I read on a bit and it was talking about the "flux", but surely they should've let you know that at an earlier stage, or do they just expect you to keep plodding along and taking it at face value.

Well now I know how to evalute the integral (projection methods) I suppose I can begin to tackle the divergence stuff.

Anymore comments to add please feel free to do so..

Cheers guys
HAPPY NEW YEAR :) :biggrin:

Well I apologize as this comment is not very helpful to you as I am not that far yet in my journey with calculus :)

Happy new years to you as well! I was wondering about what 'level' is this caluclus? Calculus III? Calculus IV? V?

Colleage Calculus?

Or the advanced high school stuff? <--- (Lord help me if this is true, as I am going to take calculus in school, and hope to god they don't put me in vectors quite yet ;) )
  • #5
It's Calculus III and Vector Analysis. In my high school the most advanced it ever got was integration by parts.
  • #6
In my pre-university study, the hardest it got with integral calculus was integration by parts and substitution and that was about it. For differential calculus we touched second-order differential equations as part of the mechanics module, with springs + a damping force. The outcomes were pretty much just learned and certainly not derived.

Interesting though; I'm doing electronic engineering now and although for my first year its not really a major part of the course, I feel the urge to learn vast amounts, so I started studying vector analysis and higher level calculus, and its been very rewarding so far at least.

Hope everyone had a good new year by the way

All the best!

FAQ: Surface Integrals Explained for Beginners

What are surface integrals?

Surface integrals are mathematical tools used to calculate the total amount of a particular quantity over a given surface area. They are used in various fields of science, including physics, engineering, and mathematics.

What is the difference between a surface integral and a regular integral?

The main difference between a surface integral and a regular integral is that a surface integral is calculated over a two-dimensional surface, while a regular integral is calculated over a one-dimensional interval. Additionally, surface integrals require an extra parameter, the surface element, to account for the additional dimension.

What are the types of surface integrals?

There are two types of surface integrals: surface integrals of the first kind and surface integrals of the second kind. Surface integrals of the first kind, also known as surface integrals of scalar functions, calculate the total amount of a scalar quantity over a surface. Surface integrals of the second kind, also known as surface integrals of vector fields, calculate the total amount of a vector quantity over a surface.

What is the process for calculating a surface integral?

To calculate a surface integral, you must first define the surface over which the integral will be calculated. Then, you must determine the direction of the surface normal vector and the orientation of the surface. Next, you must parameterize the surface and determine the surface element. Finally, you can set up and solve the integral using the appropriate formula.

What are some real-world applications of surface integrals?

Surface integrals have many real-world applications, including calculating the flux of a vector field through a surface, determining the surface area of a curved surface, and calculating the mass or charge of an object with a varying density over its surface. They are also used in fields such as fluid mechanics and electromagnetism to analyze physical phenomena.

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