Surface Water Adsorption: How Does It Balance Forces?

In summary: Forget the gas molecules; they don't need to form any bonds with the liquid surface for this simple model - they just produce some 'air pressure' due to continual bombardment.
  • #1
Karan Punjabi
Guys I want to ask that on surface of water there are unbalanced forces in downward direction so adsorption takes place so how they balance the forces in downward direction? I drawn a free body diagram but I still got a force to water molecule in downward direction so how that molecule is stable?
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't think adsorption is the right process to describe water-water interactions at the surface.
  • #3
Karan Punjabi said:
Guys I want to ask that on surface of water there are unbalanced forces in downward direction so adsorption takes place so how they balance the forces in downward direction? I drawn a free body diagram but I still got a force to water molecule in downward direction so how that molecule is stable?
Could the answer to satisfy your question just be that there are repulsive forces involved when molecules come close enough (there is equilibrium between the molecules)? Does your FBD include this repulsive force? The force that accounts for what we call surface tension could, perhaps imply that the space between the very topmost layers of molecules could be less due the gravitational force and the force from the air pressure on the surface. But, as water is very hard to compress, the difference in spacing would be negligible.
  • #4
If I consider two molecules as one molecule of water and one molecule of gas on surface and then draw their FBD then the force of attraction in upward direction to water molecule cancels the unbalanced force exerted on it by bulk molecule but on gas particle there is a force of attraction in downward direction . okay? That's my description of my FBD now if I'm right then according to you there is also repulsive force?
  • #5
Karan Punjabi said:
If I consider two molecules as one molecule of water and one molecule of gas on surface and then draw their FBD then the force of attraction in upward direction to water molecule cancels the unbalanced force exerted on it by bulk molecule but on gas particle there is a force of attraction in downward direction . okay? That's my description of my FBD now if I'm right then according to you there is also repulsive force?
But your FBD must include effects in all directions - one water molecule and a number of other water molecules below and to the side. The forces due to the occasional impacting air molecule can be ignored - that just contributes to a Pressure vector into the surface.
If there were not, the water would shrink to zero volume.
  • #6
sophiecentaur said:
But your FBD must include effects in all directions - one water molecule and a number of other water molecules below and to the side. The forces due to the occasional impacting air molecule can be ignored - that just contributes to a Pressure vector into the surface.
If there were not, the water would shrink to zero volume.
I didn't got ur last point that water would shrink to zero volume. And my FBD includes includes forces to surface molecule of water by each molecule of bulk i.e side to side ,etc
  • #7
Karan Punjabi said:
I didn't got ur last point that water would shrink to zero volume. And my FBD includes includes forces to surface molecule of water by each molecule of bulk i.e side to side ,etc
I was pointing out that it isn't just the attractive forces between molecules and atoms that are relevant. The positive cores of molecules will repel each other and the spacing between the atoms and molecules is where the repulsive and attractive forces balance. It is a Potential Energy 'Well'. I don't think that a FBD can particularly help - except in a fairly arm waving way.
  • #8
sophiecentaur said:
I was pointing out that it isn't just the attractive forces between molecules and atoms that are relevant. The positive cores of molecules will repel each other and the spacing between the atoms and molecules is where the repulsive and attractive forces balance. It is a Potential Energy 'Well'. I don't think that a FBD can particularly help - except in a fairly arm waving way.
Ohk now the conclusion is when gas particles are sticked to water molecule and when the water molecule is close enough to another molecule then repulsive forces come into action and will balance the space between them and that's the reason they get stable. Correct?
  • #9
Karan Punjabi said:
Ohk now the conclusion is when gas particles are sticked to water molecule and when the water molecule is close enough to another molecule then repulsive forces come into action and will balance the space between them and that's the reason they get stable. Correct?
Forget the gas molecules; they don't need to form any bonds with the liquid surface for this simple model - they just produce some 'air pressure' due to continual bombardment.
A solid or liquid occupies a certain equilibrium volume when the attractive forces balance the repulsive forces. Deform it and it will tend to 'spring back'. The repulsive forces restrict the minimum volume of a liquid and the attractive forces will minimise the surface area (hence spherical drops).
Have you read around this topic? Q and A will only take you so far in this process of understanding. Try this link.
  • #10
Yes i almost got the surface tension thank you but when we keep water in a container then why the upper molecules are not seen to be attracted downwards ?
  • #11
Where did you get the idea that they aren't? Did you look at that link or Google surface tension and see any of the dozens of diagrams that you can find?
  • #12
sophiecentaur said:
Where did you get the idea that they aren't? Did you look at that link or Google surface tension and see any of the dozens of diagrams that you can find?
I saw many photos on that topic but in practical life we interpret that water in a glass when kept undisturbed and saw the surface its like no force acting on it
  • #13
Karan Punjabi said:
I saw many photos on that topic but in practical life we interpret that water in a glass when kept undisturbed and saw the surface its like no force acting on it
Photos only show the same thing that we can see when we look at a glass of water. I am suggesting that you should look at the diagrams (at a simple particle level) which give a very good qualitative explanation of how surface tension works. Did you look at the Hyperphysics link I posted? At PF (and in Science in General), we try to look deeper than practical life but attempt to come up with models, at a lower level, to explain what we see in practical life. What do you find lacking in that link, btw? Do you need it to be more mathematical and at a deeper level? Afaik, the topic has been researched much deeper, if you want to go there, once you have accepted the simpler model.
If it is stationary, there is no net force acting (including g).
  • #14
sophiecentaur said:
Photos only show the same thing that we can see when we look at a glass of water. I am suggesting that you should look at the diagrams (at a simple particle level) which give a very good qualitative explanation of how surface tension works. Did you look at the Hyperphysics link I posted? At PF (and in Science in General), we try to look deeper than practical life but attempt to come up with models, at a lower level, to explain what we see in practical life. What do you find lacking in that link, btw? Do you need it to be more mathematical and at a deeper level? Afaik, the topic has been researched much deeper, if you want to go there, once you have accepted the simpler model.
If it is stationary, there is no net force acting (including g).
Yeah I want to see how surface tension works at particle level... I searched for it and i also saw the hyperphysics link but it just explained that there is a downward unbalanced force .
  • #15
Karan Punjabi said:
Yeah I want to see how surface tension works at particle level... I searched for it and i also saw the hyperphysics link but it just explained that there is a downward unbalanced force .
I think you should be prepared to do some of the thinking for yourself here. I have already pointed out that molecules are in an equilibrium situation with attractive and repulsive forces balancing each other out. You don't need an external force to keep the end of a spring in place, if it's out in space. The net molecular forces are zero until you start to displace the ends. Same with a liquid surface.
Draw a diagram like the one in Hyperphysics and add all the forces you can think of on a surface molecule or that have been mentioned on this thread and think a bit about the situation. I really don't think I can contribute any more if you don't.
  • #16
sophiecentaur said:
I think you should be prepared to do some of the thinking for yourself here. I have already pointed out that molecules are in an equilibrium situation with attractive and repulsive forces balancing each other out. You don't need an external force to keep the end of a spring in place, if it's out in space. The net molecular forces are zero until you start to displace the ends. Same with a liquid surface.
Draw a diagram like the one in Hyperphysics and add all the forces you can think of on a surface molecule or that have been mentioned on this thread and think a bit about the situation. I really don't think I can contribute any more if you don't.

FAQ: Surface Water Adsorption: How Does It Balance Forces?

1. What is surface water adsorption?

Surface water adsorption is the process by which water molecules adhere to a solid surface through intermolecular forces. This can occur on various types of surfaces, including minerals, soils, and biological materials.

2. What forces are involved in surface water adsorption?

Surface water adsorption is balanced by a combination of cohesive forces between water molecules and adhesive forces between water molecules and the solid surface. Other forces, such as van der Waals forces and electrostatic forces, may also play a role in the adsorption process.

3. How does surface water adsorption affect the properties of the solid surface?

The presence of surface water adsorption can alter the physical and chemical properties of the solid surface. It can increase the surface tension, create a hydrophilic or hydrophobic surface, and influence the surface reactivity and catalytic activity.

4. What factors influence the balance of forces in surface water adsorption?

The balance of forces in surface water adsorption is influenced by various factors, such as the type and structure of the solid surface, the temperature and pressure of the surrounding environment, and the concentration and properties of the water molecules.

5. How is surface water adsorption studied and measured?

Surface water adsorption can be studied and measured through various methods, including surface tension measurements, contact angle measurements, and surface spectroscopy techniques. These methods can provide information about the strength and type of forces involved in the adsorption process.
