Surjective group homomorphism

In summary: In which case X would have to be invertible and nonzero. In summary, the homework statement is that a matrix is unitary if and only if its determinant is 1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show the map (call it phi) from U_n to C*
defined by phi(X) = det(X) for all matrices X in U_n,
is a surjective homomorphism, where

U_n is the subgroup of GL(n,C) consisting of unitary matrices
C* = C\{0} = invertible/nonzero complex numbers
det(.) is the determinant of .

Homework Equations

A matrix X in GL(n,C) is unitary if ((X_bar)^T).X = I
where X_bar is the conjugate of X (taking the conjugate of each entry in X)

The Attempt at a Solution

Homomorphism is easy to verify:
phi(XY) = det(XY) = det(X) det(Y) = phi(X) phi(Y)

I'm having trouble showing it's surjective.

For it to be surjective we need
for all (a+bi) in C* there exists X in U_n such that phi(X) = det(X) = a+bi
where a and b not both zero

The problem is X needs to be unitary, that is, X-conjugate-transpose times X needs to be the identity matrix.
It follows the the required matrix X can't be a diagonal matrix, otherwise it is not unitary if its determinant is (a+bi), in particular every entry on that diagonal where there's a complex number x+yi, that entry will become (x^2 + y^2) after taking ((X_bar)^T).X instead of the required "1" on the diagonal of an identity matrix.

Similarly I couldn't get anywhere with triangular matrices, and any non-diagonal and non-triangular matrix seems to get too complicated, not to mention that triangular matrices are messy enough...
Physics news on
  • #2
It's definitely not going to be surjective -- the determinant of a unitary matrix lies on the unit circle.
  • #3
Hmm... that's true. Maybe there was a typo on the question.
Unless there is some other interpretation for what C* is...
  • #4
Maybe it was indeed meant that
C* = { z \in C : ||z|| = 1 }

FAQ: Surjective group homomorphism

1. What is a surjective group homomorphism?

A surjective group homomorphism is a function between two groups that preserves the group structure and maps every element of the first group onto an element of the second group. In other words, every element in the second group has at least one pre-image in the first group.

2. How is a surjective group homomorphism different from a regular group homomorphism?

A regular group homomorphism is a function that maps between two groups and preserves the group structure, but it does not necessarily map every element of the first group onto an element of the second group. A surjective group homomorphism, on the other hand, must map every element of the first group onto an element of the second group.

3. What is the importance of surjective group homomorphisms in mathematics?

Surjective group homomorphisms are important because they allow us to understand the relationships and structures between different groups. By mapping one group onto another, we can gain insights into the similarities and differences between the two groups, and use this knowledge to solve problems and prove theorems.

4. Can a surjective group homomorphism also be injective?

No, a surjective group homomorphism is not necessarily injective. Injective functions map distinct elements to distinct images, while surjective functions only require that every element in the target group has at least one pre-image in the source group. Therefore, a surjective group homomorphism may map multiple elements in the source group to the same element in the target group.

5. How can we prove that a function is a surjective group homomorphism?

We can prove that a function is a surjective group homomorphism by showing that it satisfies two conditions: it is a group homomorphism, and it is surjective. To show that it is a group homomorphism, we must demonstrate that it preserves the group operation. To show that it is surjective, we must show that every element in the target group has at least one pre-image in the source group.

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