Survey on Theories of Everything

In summary, the conversation discusses various Theories of Everything in physics and the goals of these theories, such as explaining space and time and unifying the four fundamental forces. The conversation also mentions the downfalls and merits of some theories and the existence of different research programs and approaches to finding a TOE. A book titled "Approaches to Fundamental Physics" is also mentioned as a helpful resource for understanding these different approaches.
  • #1
Mr. James
Hey all,

I'm a senior in high school doing a research report on all the various Theories of Everything in physics. I'm familiar with most of them and have a basic understanding of the concepts behind them. I'm starting this thread to get a better understanding on people's general opinions on these Theories of Everything. Which theory (string theory, loop quantum gravity, etc.) do you think is the most promising in accomplishing the goals of the final theory, such as explaining space and time or unifying the four fundamental forces? What are the downfalls of some theories? What are their merits?

If anyone has any other relevant information that would be helpful to my research feel free to post that also.


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  • #2
Loop quantum gravity is not a "TOE". Good luck.
  • #4
Mr. James said:
Hey all,

I'm a senior in high school doing a research report on all the various Theories of Everything in physics. I'm familiar with most of them and have a basic understanding of the concepts behind them. I'm starting this thread to get a better understanding on people's general opinions on these Theories of Everything. Which theory (string theory, loop quantum gravity, etc.) do you think is the most promising in accomplishing the goals of the final theory, such as explaining space and time or unifying the four fundamental forces? What are the downfalls of some theories? What are their merits?

If anyone has any other relevant information that would be helpful to my research feel free to post that also.



Since there are _no_ what I would call mature or well defined TOE-theories theories yet, I think it's more accurate to say that there are various research programs, whose ambition is to find one.

As I see it, there simply aren't any set of competing well defined theories to compare, there are more like a set of research programs who each have their own choice of perspective, and different way of thinking what the right questions are.

So what I would personally do, is to make a survey of, and try to classify the different logic and startings points in the different research programs and try to evalute from your perspective which strategy is more likely to bear fruit. The "string theory logic" contains some problems, such as the landspace problem. ie. their framework generates only a lot of options, but no method of selection. Probably each strategy implies unique "problems" to be solved.

String theory is a certain framework, with certain starting points and logic, with a somewhat grand ambition. But so far there is not yet one unique TOE. So the quesion isn't wether some particular theory is right or wrong, all you can evaluate is the soundness and rationality of the starting points and methodology and I think so far that's going to be very subjective.

Where would you start, when looing for a TOE? What are the immutable structures or principles that it "must" be based on? Here there are a set of opinions. Some lead to string theory, some don't. I doubt there is such a thing as an objective assessment of which choice is right.

  • #5
The book that Atyy offered is called "Approaches to Fundamental Physics" and it has chapters on various approaches to fundamental physics.

The book has a chapter on Loop Quantum Gravity written by Hermann Nicolai, a string theorist who has shown interest in LQG and knows a lot about it, at least the basics as of 4 years ago. The Nicolai chapter is available free here
Loop and spin foam quantum gravity: a brief guide for beginners
Hermann Nicolai, Kasper Peeters
20 pages, 11 figures; Contributed article to "Approaches to Fundamental Physics: an Assessment of Current Theoretical Ideas", ed. I. Stamatescu, Springer
(Submitted on 18 Jan 2006)
AUTHORS' SUMMARY: "We review aspects of loop quantum gravity and spin foam models at an introductory level, with special attention to questions frequently asked by non-specialists."

My comment: it is not bad as an overview for beginners, which is all it pretends to be. Nicolai gives a fair balanced outsider perspective. IMO.

The book that Atyy gave you a googlebooks link to is this:
It's edited by two guys, Seiler and Stamatescu, who gathered chapters together written by various experts. they have a section on String Theory, and a section on Loop, and one on an approach you probably haven't heard of called Asymptotic Safety which tries to overcome the difficulties of the two theories we already have (General Rel and Quantum Field Theory) and get them to work together without anything radically new. And so on. The editors beat the bushes and got chapters on a variety of approaches. The amazon link will let you look at the Table of Contents and do some browsing free.

I wouldn't buy the book because it is expensive ($80) and already out of date. But if I was at a college or university library that had it on the shelf I sure would grab it and have a look! Atyy often comes up with interesting sources.

It hasnt been settled what a "TOE" is supposed to look like. It might, in fact, treat gravity differently. There are different research programs approaching fundamental physics. Different paths, approaches. One (like LQG) involves developing a quantum theory of spacetime geometry (i.e. gravity as geometry) and then putting matter into that quantum spacetime setting. Another approach could well be to treat gravity as just another force, like the strong or weak nuclear force----and assume that everything is just forces operating in some fixed pre-established rigid geometry. Other strategies are theoretically possible as well, I imagine. Not every approach would conform to a naive "unification of the four forces" concept. We just don't know the future course of research.

So we have various approaches to discovering the fundamental physics underlying today's kind of patchwork approximate effective picture.
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  • #6
humanino said:
Loop quantum gravity is not a "TOE" ...
... as it is restricted to quantum gravity; one can add certain matter couplings but w/o any attempt of "unification".

An intersting approach could be to apply the LQG quantization to SUGRAs.
  • #7
tom.stoer said:
An intersting approach could be to apply the LQG quantization to SUGRAs.

Is this your own new idea? Can you elaborate?
  • #8
what about non-commutative geometry?
  • #9
Yes and no.

I was thinking about the combination of LQG and SUGRA for some time. Then I found some papers in arxiv presenting something in that direction, e.g.

The basic idea is the following:

SUGRA uses an approach via a local symmetry (local SUSY) which requires to incorporate a graviton (spin 2) and a gravitino (spin 3/2 super partner).
SUGRA is formulated as a standard quantum gauge theory and is typically quantized perturbatively; there's the hope that certain SUGRA models are renormalizable or even finite due to on-shell symmetries; a hidden symmetry is already present in pure Einstein gravity w/o matter: by power counting Einstein gravity is divergent at one loop level, but explicit calculation shows that it is finite.

LQG on the other does not ask where the gravitational field comes from; neither does it ask where matter degrees of freedom come from. You can add it to your theory but there is no attempt of unification.
LQG simply uses the classically equivalent Ashtekar formulation of Einstein gravity, but together with the loop approach it becomes inequivalent at the quantum level (it must be inequivalent because otherwise it could not solve the problems of perturbatively quantized Einstein gravity).

One observes that LQG should be enlarged by the so-called Nieh-Yan topological invariant which is comparable to the topological term introducing the theta-parameter into the QCD action. On can try to turn this parameter into a dynamical field which leads to certain structures similar to SUGRA.

On the other hand the one can think about a non-perturbative quantization of SUGRA. As SUGRA contains gravity it makes sense to try to use the loop approach. This approach is not restricted to gravity - you can use it with any gauge theory - but it makes more sense if the theory is diffeomorphism invariant. Because a non-perturbative approach is rather interesting for any quantum field theory one can bring SUGRA quite close to a LQG-like formulation.

So there is no contradistinction between SUGRA and LQG, just the opposite way round:

- it misses the explanation "why gravity?" and "why certain matter fields?"
+ it provides a non-perturbative formulation to (consistently) quantize gravity

+ it may provide an answer to "why gravity?" and "why certain matter fields?"
- it lacks a non-perturbative quantization approach - and it is still unclear if it is really finite (or renormalizable perturbatively)

So why not try to combine the strengths of both approaches?

(remark: here SUGRA is seen as a theory on its own, not as low-energy limit of a string theory)

FAQ: Survey on Theories of Everything

1. What is a Theory of Everything (TOE)?

A Theory of Everything is a hypothetical framework that seeks to explain all physical aspects of the universe. It is often referred to as the "Theory of Everything" because it attempts to unify the fundamental forces of nature, including gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force.

2. How do scientists approach the development of a Theory of Everything?

Scientists use a combination of mathematical models, experimental data, and existing theories to develop a Theory of Everything. This approach involves testing and refining the theory through experiments and observations to ensure its accuracy and consistency with known laws of nature.

3. Is there a single Theory of Everything that is widely accepted by the scientific community?

No, there is currently no widely accepted Theory of Everything. While there have been several attempts to develop a unified theory, such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, they have not been fully supported by experimental evidence and remain highly debated among scientists.

4. Why do scientists continue to search for a Theory of Everything?

Scientists continue to search for a Theory of Everything because it has the potential to provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and potentially unlock new technologies and advancements. It also presents a significant challenge and opportunity for scientific discovery.

5. What are the potential implications of a Theory of Everything?

A successful Theory of Everything could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe, including the origin and fate of the universe, the behavior of matter and energy, and the possibility of other dimensions or universes. It could also have practical applications in fields such as technology and medicine.

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