Suspended Charged Object in Uniform Electric Field

In summary: The second part I tried adding the two tension vectors, but did not get it correct. I did ((q x E x ihat) / sin theta) +((mg - q x E jhat) / costheta).Again, I haven't seen the figure. But from your description, I think you're overthinking it. Think about the forces acting on the ball in the vertical direction and how they balance each other out. That will give you the equation for the tension in the string.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A charged cork ball of mass m is suspended on a light string in the presence of a uniform electric field, as shown in the figure below. When E = (A + B) N/C, where A and B are positive numbers, the ball is in equilibrium at the angle θ.

(a) Find the charge on the ball. (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity.)

(b) Find the tension in the string. (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity.)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Found horizontal force equation (Fx =(q x E ihat) - Tsin(theta)) and vertical force equation (Fy = Tcos(theta) +(q x E jhat) - mg = 0) and manipulated and subsituted to get q = mg / (A ihat x cot(theta) + B jhat). I pretty positive this is right and I'm not sure why my program is saying it isn't.

The second part I tried adding the two tension vectors, but did not get it correct. I did ((q x E x ihat) / sin theta) +((mg - q x E jhat) / cos
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  • #2
PatrickGeddes said:

Homework Statement

A charged cork ball of mass m is suspended on a light string in the presence of a uniform electric field, as shown in the figure below. When E = (A + B) N/C, where A and B are positive numbers, the ball is in equilibrium at the angle θ.

(a) Find the charge on the ball. (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity.)

(b) Find the tension in the string. (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity.)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't seen the figure, but does the electric field point along the horizontal direction or does it point at some angle?
Found horizontal force equation (Fx =(q x E ihat) - Tsin(theta))
And I think you mean all of that is equal to zero, unless the cork is accelerating in the x direction.
and vertical force equation (Fy = Tcos(theta) +(q x E jhat) - mg = 0) and manipulated and subsituted to get q = mg / (A ihat x cot(theta) + B jhat). I pretty positive this is right and I'm not sure why my program is saying it isn't.
Again, I haven't seen the figure, so I don't know which direction the electric field points. But are you sure you want a component of the electric force to be in the vertical direction?
  • #3
Or do you mean that the electric field equals,

[tex] \vec E = A \hat \imath + B \hat \jmath [/tex]

If that's the case, something is still not quite right with your equations. Try breaking [itex] \vec E [/itex] up into its x and y components first, before using them in other equations. Then work with the individual equations separately until you can combine them later.

FAQ: Suspended Charged Object in Uniform Electric Field

1. What is a suspended charged object in a uniform electric field?

A suspended charged object in a uniform electric field is a physical system in which a charged object is placed in an area where the electric field is constant in magnitude and direction. The object is suspended in the field due to the interaction between the electric field and the charges on the object.

2. How does a suspended charged object behave in a uniform electric field?

A suspended charged object will experience a force due to the electric field, which can either attract or repel the object depending on the direction of the field and the charge of the object. The object will also experience a torque, causing it to rotate, if the field is not aligned with the center of mass of the object.

3. What factors affect the behavior of a suspended charged object in a uniform electric field?

The behavior of a suspended charged object in a uniform electric field is affected by the magnitude and direction of the electric field, the charge of the object, and the distance between the object and the source of the electric field. The size and shape of the object can also play a role in its behavior.

4. How can the behavior of a suspended charged object in a uniform electric field be calculated?

The behavior of a suspended charged object in a uniform electric field can be calculated using the equation F = qE, where F is the force experienced by the object, q is the charge of the object, and E is the magnitude of the electric field. The torque on the object can also be calculated using the equation τ = qErsinθ, where r is the distance between the object and the source of the field and θ is the angle between the field and the line connecting the object and the source.

5. What is the significance of studying suspended charged objects in uniform electric fields?

Studying suspended charged objects in uniform electric fields allows scientists to better understand the behavior of charged particles in electric fields. This knowledge is essential in many applications, such as designing electronic devices, analyzing the behavior of particles in space, and understanding the fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism.
