Sverdrup Dynamics Homework: Compute Transport Across 350 N

In summary, the task is to calculate the Sverdrup transport across 350 N in an ocean that is 6,500 km wide, given a curl of wind stress of -10-7 Pa/m. The equations used are My = (1/β) * curlHt*w, where β is the Beta Effect which reflects the change in Coriolis with latitude. The Coriolis parameter (f) is calculated as 2Ωsinθ, and the width of the basin is used as the change in y (dy) in the calculation. The poster is unsure about this approach and is looking for further information or a different interpretation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Compute the Sverdrup transport (in units of Sverdrups) across 350 N in an ocean that is 6,500 km wide at that latitude, if the curl of the wind stress is -10-7 Pa/m. Wht is the direction of this transport?

Homework Equations

My = (1/β) * curlHt*w. Where, t is Tau (wind stress)

β = df/dy ...(Beta Effect is the change in Coriolis with latitude)

f = 2Ωsinθ ...(Coriolis Parameter in s-1

The Attempt at a Solution

I've attached a pdf of my work. Where I am weary is in my calculation of the βeta Effect. The Beta Effect reflects change in Coriolis (f) North-South in the v-direction, and is given by rate of change of f over the rate of change in y (v-direction). What I have done though, really, is just found the Coriolis parameter at 350 N latitude for the top term, and used the width of the basin (6,500km) as my change in y (dy), as if the ocean is 6,500km across in the N-S direction. I'm not confident in this, but it's my best go at it, so far.


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  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?

FAQ: Sverdrup Dynamics Homework: Compute Transport Across 350 N

1. What is the significance of 350 N in Sverdrup Dynamics Homework?

In Sverdrup Dynamics, 350 N refers to a specific latitude line in the ocean. It is used as a standard reference point for calculating ocean transport, as it is the location where the Coriolis Effect and Ekman Transport are equal and opposite, resulting in zero net transport.

2. How is transport across 350 N computed in Sverdrup Dynamics?

To compute transport across 350 N in Sverdrup Dynamics, the geostrophic and Ekman components of transport are calculated separately and then added together. The geostrophic component is determined by the wind-driven circulation of the ocean, while the Ekman component is influenced by the Coriolis Effect and frictional forces.

3. What factors influence the transport across 350 N in Sverdrup Dynamics?

The transport across 350 N in Sverdrup Dynamics is influenced by a variety of factors, including wind patterns, ocean currents, and changes in the Earth's rotation. These factors can vary on different time scales, leading to fluctuations in transport across 350 N.

4. How is Sverdrup Dynamics used in oceanography and climate research?

Sverdrup Dynamics is an important tool for understanding and predicting ocean circulation patterns, which play a crucial role in global climate. By studying the transport across 350 N, scientists can gain insights into the movement of heat, nutrients, and pollutants within the ocean and their impact on the Earth's climate system.

5. Are there any limitations to using Sverdrup Dynamics to compute transport across 350 N?

While Sverdrup Dynamics is a useful model for studying ocean transport, it does have some limitations. It assumes steady state conditions and neglects other factors such as eddies and boundary currents, which can also play a role in transport across 350 N. Additionally, the model may not accurately represent the complex dynamics of certain regions, such as the polar oceans.

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