Swedish moose drunkard caught by apple tree

In summary: Sweden. :rolleyes:In summary, the Swedish moose fell into a drunken stupor after eating fermented apples, and eventually died from its injuries.
  • #1
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In its excited, and ever more inebriated hunt after fermented apples, this Swedish moose finally came to rest within the branches of a particularly inviting tree.

Helped out, it fell into a stupor for some time, but then got up and staggered back home into the woods..
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  • #2
Those were some good apples!
  • #3
"Hi thar oppisters. Ice canna efplane everinthin. Iwaz looken fer my antwers wen thes heer tree snuk up undurr me."

I hope it has a clean record.

I didn't know you guys have moose.
  • #4
Newai said:
I didn't know you guys have moose.

"You guys??"

I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness.

And, WE have moose of our own, and they are not as stupid as the Swedish variety.
  • #5
arildno said:
"You guys??"

I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness.

And, WE have moose of our own, and they are not as stupid as the Swedish variety.
We have those big-nose elks in Maine, and they have gotten a LOT smarter since limited hunting has been permitted.
  • #6
arildno said:
"You guys??"

I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness.

And, WE have moose of our own, and they are not as stupid as the Swedish variety.

  • #7
arildno said:
"You guys??"

I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness.

And, WE have moose of our own, and they are not as stupid as the Swedish variety.

I meant the region; Scandinavia.
  • #8
Newai said:
I meant the region; Scandinavia.

They don't have moose on Iceland.
  • #9
arildno said:
"You guys??"

I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness
These should make you feel better.

Swedish party game: One Swede hides in a box. The other Swedes guess which one is hiding.

While marching through the countryside, the Swedish army came upon a lone Norwegian at the top of a hill. The Norwegian shouted "Swedish army, I'll take you all on!" The commander told Sven to go get rid of that dumb Norwegian. The Norwegian went behind the hill and Sven followed. After a bit of dust flew, the Norwegian reappeared at the top of the hill: "Swedish army, I'll take you all on!". This time the commander sent two soldiers to dispatch that dumb Norwegian. Dust flew, dirt flew, rocks flew, but still the Norwegian reappeared at the top of the hill: "Swedish army, I'll take you all on!". The commander, getting POed, sent an entire squad to dispatch that dumb Norwegian. Dirt flew, rocks flew, but still the Norwegian reappeared at the top of the hill: "Swedish army, I'll take you all on!". The commander, really POed now, told everyone to go take care of that dumb Norwegian. Dirt flew, rocks flew, even trees flew. Finally, one Swede straggled back and told the commander, "He cheated! There's two of them!"
  • #10
arildno said:
I'm NOT a Swede, I never want to be a Swede, I loathe the very idea of Swedishness.

A group of diplomats were flying to a conference, in a small plane over the North Sea. The pilot announced: "I'm sorry, gentlemen, we're running low on fuel. One of you will have to jump out so the rest of us can make it to shore."

The British diplomat stood up, intoned "God save the Queen!" and jumped out the emergency hatch.

A bit later, the pilot announced, "Uh-oh, it looks like we need to shed some more weight..."

The Russian diplomat stood up, intoned "Long live Comrade Gorbachev!" and jumped out the hatch.

Still later, the pilot made another similar request.

The American diplomat stood up, intoned "Long live President Reagan!" and jumped out the hatch.

Finally, the pilot made one last request.

By now only the Nordic diplomats were left. The Dane, Norwegian, Finn and Icelander stood up, intoned "Long live Nordic cooperation!", picked up the Swede and threw him out the hatch.
  • #11
Newai said:
I didn't know you guys have moose.

Swedish moose. It's a distant cousin of Welsh rabbit.
  • #12
For more on that (original) story here is a video clip:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoSJlmhfLlw If embedding does not work, here is the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoSJlmhfLlw"..
(that fellow's apple tree will look odd for awhile).
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  • #13
Poor moose. Poor tree.

There were no winners in this sad story. :frown:
  • #15
My friend has a cottage up in northern Quebec and it's a regular occurrence that he witnesses deers passed out from eating semi-fermented apples in his back yard!
  • #16
  • #17
Not meaning to hijack the meese, but a cute video on drunk animals.

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  • #18

Related to Swedish moose drunkard caught by apple tree

What is a "Swedish moose drunkard"?

A "Swedish moose drunkard" refers to a moose that has consumed a significant amount of fermented apples, leading to its intoxication.

How did the moose get drunk by an apple tree?

Moose are known to have a fondness for apples and will often eat them off trees. If the apples have started to ferment, the moose may become intoxicated from consuming them.

Is it common for moose to get drunk?

No, it is not common for moose to get drunk. This behavior is typically seen in areas where apples grow and ferment naturally, such as in Sweden.

Can getting drunk on apples harm the moose?

Yes, consuming a large amount of fermented apples can be harmful to a moose. It can cause disorientation, loss of coordination, and other negative effects on their health.

What should be done if a moose is found drunk by an apple tree?

If a moose is found intoxicated by an apple tree, it is best to leave it alone and allow it to naturally process the alcohol out of its system. Trying to approach or handle the moose can be dangerous for both the animal and humans.
