Swing Arm Velocity on Moving body

In summary: The angular velocity and linear velocity of the arm can be calculated using the equations of Newton's Second Law of Rotation and Moment of Inertia. The maximum angular velocity at the end of the swing is 34.1634 rad/s and the average angular velocity is 19.1017 rad/s. These values can be converted into linear velocity by multiplying by the length of the arm.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

What is the Average Velocity of the outer end of a 0.5m swing arm weighing 2.75 lbs (1.247 kg). with the weight evenly distributed the length of the arm. The arm extends horizontally at right angles to the moving body it is attached to, pivoting on a bearing at the inner end, with a small roller ball bearing holding up the outer end above a smooth flat surface. The inner end of the arm pivots on the edge of a 9 pound (4.082 kg) body, on linear bearings, that is accelerating at a rate of 533.33 ft/s (162.56 m/s) in a straight line for a total length of 1/2" (0.0127 m). When the body reaches the end of it's travel, and is brought to an abrupt stop, it is moving at a velocity of 2.02 m/s. The arm is held at an angle of 115.0 degrees (2.007 Rad) to the center line of the direction of travel of the body by a flange to prevent it from moving any further backwards. When the body stops, the arm is free to move
forward for a total of 50 degrees (0.873 Rad) towards the front of the body before it reaches it's own bump stop. There is a total external counter force to the forward motion of the arm of 51.80 Newtons.

What is the final equivalent linear velocity of the outer end of the arm and what is the average equivalent linear velocity?

2. Homework Equations

Mass in slugs: M=W/32
Newtons Second Law: F=M*A
Newtons Second Law of Rotation: Torque=Iα
Moment of Inertia: I=1/3ML2
Torque: τ=rFSin∅
Angular Velocity: ω2=ω02+2α∅

3. The Attempt at a Solution

Total body force F = 4.082 kg * 162.56 m/s = 667.2 Newtons

Total force on arm F = 1.254 kg * 162.56 m/s = 203.867 Newtons

Moment of Inertia of Arm around the end of the arm I = 1/3 * 1.254 kg * 0.5 m = 0.1045 kg m2

Torque of arm t = 0.5 m * (203.867 N - 51.800 N) * Sin 0.873 Rad = 68.909 N m

Torque = Iα SO
α = torque / I = 68.909 N m / 0.1045 kg m2 = 659.369 rad/s2

Max. Angular Velocity at end of swing = ω2
= (2.02 m/s / 0.5 m)2 + (2 * 659.369 rad/s2 * 0.873 rad) = 34.1634 rad/s

Equivalent Max. Linear Velocity = 34.1634 rad/s * 0.5 m = 17.0817 m/s

Ave. Angular Velocity = ((2.02 m/s / 0.5 m) + 34.1634 rad/s) / 2 = 19.1017 rad/s

Equivalent Ave. Linear Velocity = 19.1017 rad/s * 0.5m = 9.55 m/s
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The final equivalent linear velocity of the outer end of the arm is 17.0817 m/s and the average equivalent linear velocity is 9.55 m/s. This calculation assumes that the external counter force of 51.80 Newtons is constant throughout the motion of the arm.

Related to Swing Arm Velocity on Moving body

1. What is swing arm velocity on a moving body?

Swing arm velocity on a moving body refers to the speed at which the arm of a swinging object moves while the entire object is in motion. It is a measure of the arm's angular velocity.

2. How is swing arm velocity calculated?

Swing arm velocity can be calculated by dividing the angular displacement of the arm by the time it takes for the arm to complete one full swing. This can be represented by the formula: ω = θ/t, where ω is the angular velocity, θ is the angular displacement, and t is the time.

3. What factors affect swing arm velocity on a moving body?

The main factors that affect swing arm velocity on a moving body are the length of the arm, the speed of the object's motion, and the force or energy applied to the arm. A longer arm and higher speed of motion will generally result in a higher swing arm velocity, while a greater force or energy applied to the arm may also increase its velocity.

4. How does swing arm velocity impact the overall motion of a moving body?

The swing arm velocity of a moving body can impact its overall motion by affecting the object's stability and trajectory. A higher swing arm velocity may result in a wider swinging motion, while a lower velocity may result in a more controlled, back-and-forth motion. Additionally, changes in swing arm velocity can also impact the object's center of mass, potentially causing it to shift and alter the object's overall movement.

5. What real-world applications does understanding swing arm velocity have?

Understanding swing arm velocity has practical applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and sports. For example, it can be used to analyze the trajectory of a pendulum, calculate the speed of a moving object, or improve the design of a golf swing. Additionally, understanding swing arm velocity can also help in the development of more efficient and stable machines and structures.

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